Okay: If Triforce could program he would try to do something about this but he doesn't so he has to hope someone else will step up to address these issues as Triforce has Autisum and it makes it much difficult to communicate when something is extremely emotional. Triforce hopes he doesn't look like an a--
I have gone to VGmusic since the year 2000 or so and I enjoy much midis from there and like how users can contribue their own works. I also got many CT midis there too last winter and I still pop in there once a week or so.
If Triforce could program he would try to do something about this but he doesn't so he has to hope someone else will step up.
Triforce realizes the site has a very poor interface compared to what modern sites can do such as: No way to comment on the midis for instance or a rating system of ANY SORTS.
Now with 26,110 midis and remixes imagine half of that high-quality mp3 remixes of the same song allowing more room for imagination due to no sound-font limits allowing for you to use your own sound source, The site will suddenly boom into a better version of OCremix.
The site master seems to have an ego up his a-- cause he doesn't allow mp3 remixes and he HATES anything to do with mp3.
It's like the site designer seems to be stuck in 1999AD while the rest of the internet grows up: They don't have a wiki even,At least Lavo's isn't destorying the site.
The forum I feel also needs a serious overall: There is hardly any interaction there, I don't know much about forum systems but it seems inefficient too me somehow compared to major fan forums, They dont' even have ONE blog. Something is not being done right. Not enough advertising perhaps.......? Very little graphics.
What changes would you like to see and why? Perhaps someone noticed something I didn't.