Author Topic: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)  (Read 39870 times)

Zipp Dementia

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #45 on: December 02, 2008, 04:05:06 pm »
Zipp, I'm highly interested in this and intend to set some time aside to read it. Keep up the voluminous work! Nothing can be more inspiring than shaping one's vision of Chrono Break.

Good to hear!  The whole thing is up on the first page... well, what I have done, at least.


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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #46 on: December 02, 2008, 06:45:14 pm »
Uh, Zipp... This may be a bit of a spoiler if you haven't played through the Dimensional Vortex yet, but there's something in there that might ruin your story...

Dalton is responsible for the Fall of Guardia.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 07:26:03 pm by Chocobo_Fan »

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2008, 07:15:12 pm »
(Sorry, but I don't want to say it until I can hide it because it's uber-mega-spoilerific)

You can say it. Hardly anyone cares.

(Spoiler haters begone!)


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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #48 on: December 02, 2008, 07:27:20 pm »
Very well, if you say so...

(I added it to my last post. Don't read it if you don't want to be spoilered!)

Zipp Dementia

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #49 on: December 02, 2008, 07:53:34 pm »
Uh, Zipp... This may be a bit of a spoiler if you haven't played through the Dimensional Vortex yet, but there's something in there that might ruin your story...

Dalton is responsible for the Fall of Guardia.

Gah!  Massive spoilers!  I can't pretend I wasn't looking to finding it out on my own, but no harm done.  Spoilers are a dime a dozen these days.  Anyways, I haven't played through the new version yet, hoping to do so soon (and to have an official review up shortly after!)

Doesn't change anything in my story, though.  While I'll be eager to see how they do it in the new version, I'll admit that Dalton isn't going to make an appearance in my story.  I'll also keep on writing my version of events, as long as people are still interested.


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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #50 on: December 02, 2008, 08:08:35 pm »
As Eclipse Magus says, "there are as many realities as there are potentialities." If there ever was a series that fanwriters could put their own spin on, it is the Chrono series.

Zipp Dementia

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #51 on: December 02, 2008, 08:12:38 pm »
As Eclipse Magus says, "there are as many realities as there are potentialities." If there ever was a series that fanwriters could put their own spin on, it is the Chrono series.

That said, I hope there's other surprises awaiting me in the new game aside from Dalton.  I hope there's more story elements that haven't been spoiled...

EDIT: Darkman, why would you think no one cared about that major spoiler?  I certainly cared.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 09:00:35 pm by Zipp Dementia »

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #52 on: December 02, 2008, 09:07:17 pm »
I said hardly anyone cared. I don't, for one. Nor does my mother, TBH.

Zipp Dementia

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #53 on: December 02, 2008, 09:12:03 pm »
I said hardly anyone cared. I don't, for one. Nor does my mother, TBH.

Well, you and your mother can suck my big fat Dalton.

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #54 on: December 02, 2008, 09:22:36 pm »
*annoyed eyebrow raised* Yeah, I'm hurt. [/sarcasm]

*shakes head annoyedly and leaves*

Zipp Dementia

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #55 on: December 03, 2008, 12:30:25 am »
ANYWAYS... to get back on topic, I think I can safely say that part VIII will be up tomorrow, so keep an interested eye out for it.

In other, back-to-off-topic news, my next review for the site I work for ( has turned out to be Chrono Trigger DS, which means I get a free copy of the game, not to mention being able to turn a critical eye to a game that has inspired my creative juices for years.

My excitement level is over 9000.

I'll make sure to post a copy of my review when it comes out.


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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #56 on: December 03, 2008, 10:11:39 am »
I'm very interested in the illusions and dreams Chrono is having hmmm!

Yey your writing more tomorrow! I cant wait! :mrgreen:

The whole idea of fanfiction is you don't have to go strictly to the story, you can create your own world of it, so I don't care if Daltons in it or not. :)

Zipp Dementia

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #57 on: December 04, 2008, 05:33:08 am »
UPDATE: Okay, I've finished part VIII.

Due to restrictions in character limits, I've decided to host the chapters on Honest Gamers, the site I review for.  There is a link up on the first post in this thread which leads to the chapters.  Chapter VIII should appear sometime in the next 24 hours.

I think this is a much easier and organized way to view the fiction.  Hopefully you'll agree.

In any case, keep an eye out for Chapter VIII!  As always, feedback is much appreciated!

EDIT: the link is on the first page, but I'll put it here, too, for ease of browsing
« Last Edit: December 04, 2008, 05:46:10 am by Zipp Dementia »


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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #58 on: December 04, 2008, 06:19:46 pm »
Woah, not know what to say. This chapter was Amazing job, I'm now as hyped as ever for more. :D Few things though: in CTDS, Mystics are called Fiends. (Magus is also called the Fiendlord, a much more accurate translation, as his original title meant "Dark King" or "Witch King") A much better translation, seeing as the Retranslation reveals their names to originally be "Demons". Also, the Shiva Edge (or Onimaru, I think it's called in CTDS) is actually Crono's second best sword, not the Swallow...but I think the Swallow's cooler, so it doesn't really matter much. :p

Nice job with adding that little tidbit about strong willpower needed to maintain the Rainbow. Makes sense. Also, why would Crono say that "we have no future" when he himself saved the world from Lavos? I guess because the ruined future is such a horrible and vivid memory to him. Even so, though... Bah, I'm sure you'll have a good reason. :p Eagerly waiting to see who the mysterious challenger is, also.

Zipp Dementia

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Re: Chrono Break (fan fiction work in progress)
« Reply #59 on: December 05, 2008, 01:39:49 am »
Woah, not know what to say. This chapter was Amazing job, I'm now as hyped as ever for more. :D Few things though: in CTDS, Mystics are called Fiends. (Magus is also called the Fiendlord, a much more accurate translation, as his original title meant "Dark King" or "Witch King") A much better translation, seeing as the Retranslation reveals their names to originally be "Demons". Also, the Shiva Edge (or Onimaru, I think it's called in CTDS) is actually Crono's second best sword, not the Swallow...but I think the Swallow's cooler, so it doesn't really matter much. :p

Nice job with adding that little tidbit about strong willpower needed to maintain the Rainbow. Makes sense. Also, why would Crono say that "we have no future" when he himself saved the world from Lavos? I guess because the ruined future is such a horrible and vivid memory to him. Even so, though... Bah, I'm sure you'll have a good reason. :p Eagerly waiting to see who the mysterious challenger is, also.

All good points, Chocobo Fan, you're extremely astute, and you keep me on my toes (a good thing!), though in this case I do have my reasons.  I'll give them to you now:

1) Mystics vs Fiends
I thought for a long time about this before writing this chapter.  In the end, I decided I simply like the name Mystic better.  Fiend to me is too strong a word of fear, while Mystic brings up thoughts of the unknown.  I like the idea that people fear what they don't understand, and ignorance is one of the themes of this piece, so Mystics works better for me, cool as "fiend lord" is.  The new translation definitely favours Fiends, of course.  It also makes sense, as it seems a fitting word for the people of Guardia to apply to the little conquering mutants.  So I've opted for style over sense, here.

2) Shiva's Edge
Another one I thought long and hard about.  In the end, I decided, as you did, that the Swallow was cooler.  I also like the connection to Chrono Cross, and because this story links the two timelines (though not directly), I went with that.  I also like that the Swallow is a shorter blade in the illustrations, and I wanted Crono to have both a long and short sword.  I suppose Shiva's Edge is actually short, as well, though.  But Shiva's edge?  Too much connection to Hindu mythology that I didn't want to have to explain.  Glad you like the willpower bit.  Thought that up on a whim, and liked where it was going, so I stuck it in.  Keep an eye on that...

3) Crono and future
This is a good question, and I'm glad you brought it up.  First of all, Crono is, of course, quoting Azala, who's dying moment was one of my favourites in the game and still hits me in the heart (and since I was "playing" Crono in the game, I assume it hit him as well ^_^).  What's happening here is that he's sympathizing with the sentiment.  What's funny about Crono is that he's saved the future of his planet only to find himself living a life he doesn't want.  So in his mind, he's sacrificed his own future to serve his people.

As for who the stranger is, of course you'll just have to wait ^_^