Before and after!
Wow.....I dont remember if I planned on this being the final product but that's just gross. I think when I was making it I was going to have a HUGE battle going on so i needed tons of empty space...then i realized you can really only have so many sprites on the screen before things fall apart.....of course chrono'99 proved me wrong with his 1 AD battlefield ( a few years later
What can i say....i hate....hate......hate......hate the cave tileset....whoever cleaned this up must have ridiculous patience
Someone must have cleaned this up already by the time i took this screen shot cause my first beast forest did not look this all
Again...this isn't the first, first chronopolis...the first chronopolis i made was not nearly this good looking. However check out all the missing stuff. No mother brain, no melchior room, no also can't see from this pic but no savepoint, and no entrance room either. Oh i should have taken a pic of before/after elevators...99 (i assume it was him) did some smart stuff with the conveyerbelts
What can I say....probably 99's best maps. Amazing....the chrono cross reference, somehow making a habitable looking place out of that tileset (look at the "table" and "chairs" in his) ....just amazing.
I like how from this picture you can see that we really listened to the fans by making the path to singing mountain more obvious.....i'm sure people still won't be able to find it but hey we tried. lava is definitely better. Oh yea...the reptite lair just sorta dissapeared huh?
Yup...1005 reptite used to have an OW, and this is it....i think we made the right decision with the locaiton based overworld
Again....amazing work with the tilesets by chrono 99 here. Why in the world did I think it'd be a good idea to use those would cause me a ton of grief when I eventually got sane and switched to prehistory trees
Oh hey guys i have a genious idea, let's put chronopolis OW AND the future reptite OW on one map. *sigh* That's why it's the future reptite OW is so squished on the left
While chrono99 didn't change MUCh with this, the details really make a difference (as you can see). just changing the palette makes it a million times better right there.
note to self, gotta grab before/after DBT and 1005 reptite cave locations.