So for the past few years I get the itch to download temporal flux, fool around with it and then I fail miserably to do anything but crash my rom get mad and delete it off my PC but this time i'm determined to do something dammit.
So I tried to re- read the tutorials and discovered once I downloaded chickenlump's temporal flux guide all the links led to: page cannot be displayed. Since it stated to check it out first before asking questions in Kajar labs I assume my question is going to be patheticaly simple. . . lol if someone could point me to a guide that would work wonders!
Anyway, onto my question in Chrono's room I built a door
I made an exit and theres nothing blocking it as far as I can see
but Crono cant exit it, he just walks into it as if it was a wall
Did I do something wrong with the exit info?
Also on something completely different, when Gina opens Chrono's window I have no idea how to get the floor around the door to change with the rest of the floor:
It might have to do with the events....
that reminds me I cant figure out how to change what the characters say, I know its in the strings but I cant find it. . .
Ages, Battle enemy Msgs, Battle Party Msgs, chapters, closing credits, enemies, Items, Item desc, Locations, Menu text, settings, techs(FL), Tech desc, Treasure text, and Years are all in the strings but nothing else.
I'm such a nooob
Anyway if anyone has some insight or a Link for Temporal Flux for dummies, it'd be much appreciated,