Have you ever been sitting in class, and heard your teacher or professor spout out something laughably inane? Here's a few gems I've had;
"Well, it's not like you see any negative letters." - AP Algebra II teacher, explaining why negative numbers "Don't Exist".
"Don't believe anything your friend's tell you, more than 3 beers WILL kill you." Fifth Grade D.A.R.E. Instructor.
"No, not good enough, go draw something else or you fail." Seventh Grade Art teacher, responding to my question as I pointed to a picture in the textbook.
"No, you can't use beige. Da Vinci only used primary colors, you should do fine." Another Seventh grade Art Teacher quote.
"Bisexuality is a myth. It's been proven impossible." Sex ED speaker last year, after I told her of my orientation.
"No, it's impossible for a comet to hit Earth. The atmosphere would erode it away" My current Physics teacher.