Note the five hundred essay. Page? Word? I dunno. ... syllable?
Just write 500 letters. "Go to hell", over and over again should suffice.
More than likely it's pages. That, or words. Pages is longer I think, but IDK.
Well, it doesn't matter. She's a bitch and I refuse to write that paper.
I actually received another gem from my former fellow Frenchies. ... yay, alliteration!
Essentially, she said a couple of days ago that they would have a test on the first four chapters of their French book, but they didn't need to worry about it because it was in a while. Next day, she said, 'You have to study, study, study! The test is this Friday!'
... that doesn't seem like a while...
"Look, teacher! I made negative numbers!" That was me in, like, second grade. We were doing subtracting and I switched the numbers.
"We'll be doing that later. Stop it." That was teacher. We didn't do that later and I forgot it.
"Dude, are you going to do work or go to Myspace?"
"Myspace." Conversation here in the computer lab. Mind you, we have proxies that are stupid. I'm going to go check my Yahoo email, but I can't look up colleges. Go figure, eh?