I always saw it more as "Crono's Sacrifice", but, whatever...That's what I vote for...
Learning that Lavos destroyed the world (CT) is definately a Top 3. Up until that point, the major villain wasn't really clear. And boy did they give Lavos an entrance into the series. A wasteland future brought to you via the havoc of one intersteller organism of mass destruction. And it shore is funny to turn down Marle when she says that they should save the future!
Frog harnessing the Masamune (CT), while cool, and, heck, even a little dramatic, wasn't that big of a deal. You see it coming (both times really...), but whenever Masa & Mune talk, it's normally a cool lil' speech to wrap your mind around. Like
mind over matter.
Lavos killing Crono (aka Crono's Sacrifice) (CT) was one of the major factors in the entire series that really made it what it is. It's yet another Chrono claim to fame. It's one of a very select few RPGs where not just
a character bites the dust (which is actually
very common), but the
main character takes the dirt nap. He also does it against none-other than the main baddy (who else could the main goodie die against?) and manages to save the party (unless you think someone else did that I guess...). It was his ditch effort to stop Lavos at all costs.
Crono's resurrection (CT) another pretty dramatic moment that was pretty obviously coming...In fact, some people believe it might have been better had Crono stayed dead (could you imagine?).
The confrontation with Lynx on the roof of Viper's Manor (CC) was kind of dramatic, but since at that time you really still have next to no clue as to what Lyxn is or what he wants or what all of it means in relation to Serge, it takes some of it out of the equation. It's more dramatic looking back on. Plus, I guess, it tried too hard to try to be dramatic with the whole black backgrounds and no music...It's actually pretty cool once you're on New Game+ and you can Slow Motion it...Heh.
Dark Serge stabbing Kid (CC) was dramatic in the sense that Serge (as Lynx) could do nothing to stop it. You knew from pretty much the start of the game that Serge was probably going to stab Kid (although you might have tried and tried to stay away from her to prevent it), you just didn't know how or why it was going to happen. Cool scene none-the-less. That expression on Kid's face kills me every time.
The accusations of Crono, Marle, and Lucca's ghosts (CC) was really killed when Miguel explains them and says not to pay attention to them...Before that, it was like, "WHAAAAT!??!"...Like a lot of Chrono Cross...
The burning orphanage scene (CC) was one of the most dramatic scenes in CC. Although Kid tells (or at least, she can) Serge a little about it on Water Dragon Isle, you never really
know what you're getting into...Unless you saw some of the first screens of CC like everybody else...Man...What was with that? They release screen shots of one of the most important scenes in the entire game?!? I never even thought about that...Well...Whatever...Little Kid at the end is as bad as stabbied Kid in Fort Dragonia...
But hey, there's a LOT of dramatic moments in the series...Why nothing from Radical Dreamers??? That's what over half of that game is...Drama drama drama...I think Kid & the Sunflower at the very least deserves an honorable mention...Then probably the Lynx Confrontation at the end game.[/i]