Author Topic: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress  (Read 4920 times)


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2008, 09:42:53 am »
Not sure how much of this list we've gone over, but here's what's noted as different in the database.

Missing from BETA
0F, 1E, 1F, 26, 28, 29, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 7A, 8F, B3, B4, B9, BA, BC, BD, C3, C4, C7, D7, EE, FE

Missing from Release
3A . Select button conditional (3A jj)
3D . Cancel button conditional (3D jj)
3E . Map button conditional (3E jj)
45 . Select button conditional (45 jj)
46 . Set value at 7E0167 (46 vv)
6E . Leftshift (6E ss oo)
70 . Rightshift (70 ss oo)
74 . Decrement (74 oo)
78 . Reset byte (78 oo)
93 . Vector move (93 oo aa)
9B . Move to coord (9B aa bb mm)
A2 . Move to obj (A2 oo mm)
A3 . Move to PC (A3 cc mm)
A4 . Move to coord (A4 xx yy mm)
A5 . Move to coord (A5 aa bb mm)
E9 . Play sound (E9 oo)

17 . If conditional (17 aa vvvv oo jj)
1B . Result conditional (1B rrrr jj)
1D . Set result to story (1D)
25 . Unknown conditional (25 ?? cc jj)
2F . Set value at 7E0166 (2F vv)
32 . Cancel button conditional (32 jj)
33 . Map button conditional (33 jj)
57 . Assignment (57 vvvv aaaa)
5C . Add (5C vvvv oo)
62 . Subtract (62 oo aa)
68 . Reset bits (68 oo aa)
6A . Set bits (6A oo aa)
6C . Toggle bits (6C oo aa)
6D . Leftshift (6D ss oo)


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2008, 03:12:05 am »
Yea, I figured that one from reading the "SPC Limit Broken!" but decided not to try it since the problems you and Shinrin have been having don't seem to have been fixed.
While I'm not absolutely sure yet, I think the drum-set data was the last thing causing problems with it.


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #32 on: November 04, 2008, 10:18:52 am »
I see...Hopefully we can get that resolved so we can throw in the themes that are needed. 

Well I've been thinking somewhat.  Should I start on the translation of dialogue that's listed so far on that site?  I don't have a VWF routine set still because of troubles with the font disappearing.  But, it's set to 07 which should leave enough room even if we expand it.

If not, should I throw an IPS patch of what we have so far?


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #33 on: November 06, 2008, 08:13:43 pm »
- Okay, the VWF is really annoying.  I had it working but the font poofed, and then I had the font show up but it was half showing then started scrolling through itself..but the VWF was in play.  I haven't been able to reproduce it either.


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #34 on: November 06, 2008, 08:18:00 pm »
What kind of problem? Is it something like not having the 4x12 part of the letters?


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #35 on: November 06, 2008, 08:57:12 pm »
Really hard to explain it like...What it did was show the first half of the letters in the sentence, then the bottom half scrolled through and continued doing that until it was at the end of the font itself.  While doing that, it skipped half a line and did it onto the next part, etc etc..  I haven't been able to reproduce this, which is rather annoying considering how close it was.


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2008, 12:07:54 pm »
I don't know if that's the only different things up there, but I could go thruogh and label every command so we could be more efficient I guess with moving things from Final to Pre-Release.


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2008, 06:20:43 pm »
Found the enemy name routines I believe.

Final USA: 0CED20
Pre-Release: 0CEA51

This would explain why the names are limited.


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2009, 02:24:28 pm »
Went back to the Pre-Release a little today after the big news update and wanted to get the VWF going.  I'm a beginner when it comes to doing this kind of thing, but I'm getting it little by little.  Found that 80 03 = 5E 34 which = the area for loading up the hard-coded value for the VWF routine.  I'm trying to see if I can move it to empty space somewhere in the rom but I'm having troubles changing that damn 5E value.  The 03 changes it if you go to like...A3 which makes it 5D or something but that's nowhere near what I'm wanting.

Anywho, here's a list of everything I've labeled for the pre-release so far.  I'm very tempted to start a complete Offsets Guide for this.


Quote from: Pre-Release Offsets Beta
|Pre-Release                          |
025D66 - Change to 06 and it'll show the 6th letter in dialogue (Pre-Release).
02EC21 - Change to 06 and you can write the 6th letter...but it won't save (Pre-Release).
02E221 - Change to 06 and it will scroll to 6th letter when naming (Pre-Release).
02E2AA - Change to 06 and it will show the 6th letter in dialogue and you can name it (Pre-Release).
02EC1D - Change to 0C and it'll show 6th letter in Save, Char switch, exchange menus.  But not in Tech (Pre-Release).
023208 - Change to 06 and you can name it the 6th letter AND it will save
*0CE455 - Change to 06 and it'll load 6th letter but won't show (?).  I'm not sure on this..but I think that's what it does. (Pre-Release)
C10406 - Change to 06 to display 6th letter! (In Battle - Pre-Release)
C10428 - Change to 01 02 or 03 so the first letter of the next name doesn't appear above it. (In Battle - Pre-Release)

02B1F9 - Length of Item Names in Item Menu
02EEA7 - Length of Item Names in Main Menu
02BCD2 - Length of Tech Names in Tech Menu
02B9FB - X Coordinates of PCs
02BA0A - Y Coordinates of PCs

0C0A84 - Consumable and Key item data (3 bytes each)   2009.01.30
0C066C - Item secondary stats (6 bytes each)   2009.01.30

025DDA    - "Unknown Routines - For Font/Menu"

PRE $025E34-025E40 (025E38)
025E2F - 80 03, = 5E 34 = The Font VWF routine call...Figure out how to move it to empty space and you got a VWF routine.

and it should be pretty clear on what to do.  The JPN version and Pre uses a hardcoded $0C width value.  The USA version loads the width values from a table at 0260E6-026145.

Since the VWF routines take up more room, you'll need to JSL to some free space somewhere, and also pick a spot of free space for your width table (and update the 3 byte pointer address to match it)

BTW, 7E0235 is the current value of the character to display, and 7E0234 is a width counter for everything displayed on the line up to that point.

|Battle                                       |
025B30 - Pointers to Enemy Names when you Choose to attack one in battle
025B3D - Length of Enemy Names when you Choose to attack one in battle
0105C7 - ??? (Possible EXTENSION of names?)
0105EB - ??? (Possible EXTENSION of names?)
0CEA51 - Monster Name Routine

To Move Battle Gauge Over 1
C2 - 1054B (Pre-Release)
CC - 10550 (Pre-Release)
C3 - 10555 (Pre-Release)
CD - 10558 (Pre-Release)
C2 - 107B5 (Pre-Release)
C4 - 107B8 (Pre-Release)
C6 - 107BB (Pre-Release)
C8 - 107BE (Pre-Release)
C3 - 107CE (Pre-Release)
C5 - 107D1 (Pre-Release)
C7 - 107D4 (Pre-Release)
C9 - 107D7 (Pre-Release)
C2 - 107E0 (Pre-Release)
C2 - 107F0 (Pre-Release)

0105B0 - X Coordinate of Enemy Name
0105D0 - X Coordinate of Enemy Name
0105B1 - Y Coordinate of Enemy Name
|MENU THINGS                          |
3FCA1A - "LV" text
3FCA72 - "LEVEL"
3FCB0C - "HP"
3FCB21 - "MP"
3FCB1A - / for HP
3FCB29 - / for MP
3FD479 - "SPD ???"
3FCA31 - "EQP" in Menu
3FCA35 - X coordinates of Stats of heroes
3FCA37 - "PWR"
3FCA3C - "SPD"
3FCA2F - "G"

3FC3FF? - Menu X/Y Coordinate stuff
3FC357 - Time/Gold X/Y Coordinates
3FC35D - EQP X/Y Coordinates

3FCBAB - Menu Text
3FC360 - Main Menu Screen Width
|Event Commands                          |
3720B4 - Chief's Hut Location Data
398073 - Character Name (Load Screen)
3AC7A5 - Imps in Guardia Forest (Present)
390470 - Object 0C Song 24 Manoria Cathedral Church
39049E - Manoria Cathedral Church Teleport Location 0F, 08, 08
39048C - Manoria Cathedral Church Darken Screen
360738 - Manoria Cathedral Royal Guard Hall Music Selection (3C for Silent Night, 1F for A Shot of Crisis)
378A8A - Lab 32 West Entrance Beginning Location Data
378AA3 - Lab 32 West Entrance Music Modification
378E96 - Lab 32 West Entrance Robot Blockers
3795E6 - Proto Dome Robo's Theme Change (Originally Frog's Theme O_o)

3C6CB6 - Location of Gaspar's text for Lucca's new gate!
3A8C9B - DrawSprite(Hide) in Lucca's event for extra gate at EOT

|Text                             |
397BEA - Change to 00 for Character Lock Off when selecting "New Game"

3C0472 - "MOM: Come on, sleepy head!  Get Up!" text
3C6CE3 - Lucca's Text for EOT Extra Gate

3CFF00 - Substring Pointers/Text Substrings 20 to 3F
3D85B6 - Save Data?
0258E8 - ???
06EFF4 - Location Names
06F400 - Location Name Pointers
02595F to 025980 - Routines load text character, and checks type

0CE4C3 - Hex address for character name letters 1-5 (Pre-Release)
025968 - How far it reads for substrings

|3FC984 - Pointers to Menu Text/Routines (Organize, Use/Move, etc...)|
|~~~~~~~~~~3F207C - New Menu Routine Implements~~~~~~~~~~        |
3FC984 (04 CA) - Character Stats (Small Box - Left)
3FC986 (1A CA) - LV ## (Small Box - Left)
3FC988 (22 CA) - TIME 00:00/ ######G
3FC98A (31 CA) - HIT/EVADE/MAGIC/NEXT/EXP Text etc...
3FC98C (6B CA) - ## HIT/EVADE/MAGIC/NEXT/EXP Text etc...
3FC98E (BF CA) - ?????
3FC990 (03 CB) - Crono LV 99 HP/MP (Not Sure Which)
3FC992 (30 CB) - ??? (Might Be Weapon)
3FC994 (33 CB) - Blank Stuff when you click the person in Tech Menu
3FC996 (3C CB) - ???
3FC998 (A0 CB) - "Exchange"
3FC99A (B1 CB) - "Who'll you replace?"
3FC99C (C4 CB) - "Use/Move         Organize"
3FC99E (D7 CB) - Item Icon (In Item Menu)
3FC9A0 (E1 CB) - All The Icons In The Settings Menu
3FC9A2 (3E CA) - Red 1-9?
3FC9A4 (49 CC) - Confirm Warp Exit Dash text
3FC9A6 (6D CC) - ???
3FC9A8 to 3FC9AE (91 CC) - ??? (New?)
3FC9B0 (9A CC) - Save Icon/Gold/Time
3FC9B2 (C5 CC) - Character Stats Save Menu
3FC9B4 (0D CA) - Chraracter Stats (Unsure where)
3FC9B6 to 3FC9C3 (E8 CC) - Tech Icon "1" "2" "3"
3FC9C4 (02 CD) - Hp/Mp Tech MP Used
3FC9C6 (3E CD) - ???
3FC9C8 (4F CD) - Item Menu Equip (Who Can use)
3FC9CA (88 CD) - All Text in Item Buying - Item Buying

|Game Shark Codes                       |
C0932764 Walk through walls (WTW)

C266D0A9 Overworld map WTW - turn off before boarding Epoch/Dactyl

C0022F80 Game continues if party falls in battle

C01B9600 Party exchange menu always available

C28B6C00 Save Game checksum bypass - MUST BE ON FOR SAVE GAME CODES


FD87FF10 Save 1 Epoch enabled - XX= 80 Unused Hovercraft, A0 Upgraded

FD880918 Save 1 Dactyl enabled

FD858203 Save 1 Full party

FD87DC00 Save 1 Party unlocked

FD85FDXX Save 1 Storyline counter


FD91FFB0 Save 2 Epoch enabled - XX= 80 Unused Hovercraft, A0 Upgraded

FD920918 Save 2 Dactyl enabled

FD8F8303 Save 2 Full party

FD91DC00 Save 2 Party unlocked

FD8FFDXX Save 2 Storyline counter


FD9C0002 Save 3 Epoch enabled - XX= 80 Unused Hovercraft, A0 Upgraded

FD9C0918 Save 3 Dactyl enabled

FD998403 Save 3 Full party

FD9BDC00 Save 3 Party unlocked

FD99FDXX Save 3 Storyline counter
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 02:26:08 pm by justin3009 »


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Re: Pre-Release VWF Help?/Translation Progress
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2009, 06:48:11 pm »
I really need to stop double posting, but there's too much up there.  Anywho, more progress on the menu!

Edit: Added tech menu
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 07:27:50 pm by justin3009 »