Are you so much more of a human, nay, less susceptible to hatred and error than they are?
I'm going to argue
yes here, and not just for Lord J, but for many people who strive to better themselves and humanity at large. I still can't claim to rank people, but that counts for something. The case is especially simple here, since right-wing politics have become a hate machine that has expelled conservative intellectuals and people with too much "otherness" and has vilified entire swaths of people unjustly to achieve political gain. They threw this gauntlet down first, and now they're going to get receive their apt justice. If they'd like to stop infringing upon civil rights and demonizing people, then I'll be the first to befriend them. But as it stands, Obama is an evil Muslim who pals around with terrorists; Democrats are USA-hating sissies who want to see the troops fail; liberals are godless, morally bankrupt heathens who want to steal your hard-earned dollars; secularism stands in the way of American Christian Imperialism. Fear, fear, fear. The entire McCain campaign platform seemed to be "fear Obama and the ev0l libruls", with the entire "Who is Barack Obama?" spiel crossing the line into coded racism. As someone who grew up in Oklahoma, the anti-intellectual atmosphere is palpable, as is the one of Christian assimilation.
We have every reason as human beings to be happy that what I've described has just been strongly repudiated. And given the sins above, I'm not the least bit concerned about shedding tears for these hate-mongering people. We're going to fix things, and if they want a part in compassionate humanity, they're free to pitch in.
As a side note, as a graduate student of business, I can now say that the entire school of thought reeks of corruption. I overheard the argument Wednesday that business students should naturally vote for McCain, who'll be more friendly to business. The act of voting has become a function of greed to these people, and it's not surprising. Tax class is all about how to avoid the most taxes for your client. Law is about how to create your business so that you'll have the least debt or responsibility if it fails or hurts others. I can easily see how it'd be a stone truth to these people to vote for McCain, regardless of Palin, his other positions, or the affirmation of the current conservative cancer. It's just disgusting, and I could never quite get it until now.