Author Topic: Lucca Order?  (Read 2517 times)


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Lucca Order?
« on: November 06, 2008, 06:45:10 pm »
I am not sure if this has been brought up and I am sorry if it already has been... :/

As I was playing Chrono Cross, I came across this lil' jem (note) in Lucca's makeshift lab

"Receipt for Goods Recieved"

   -Porre Navy"

does this have any significance?


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 07:31:58 pm »
I think there are more notes than just that one...but that one seems to show her relationship with Poore...Her & Luccia worked together...Perhaps some of their more advanced technology came from her...but then again, does that imply goods she's received or goods she gave to them?


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 10:45:41 pm »
oh ok

so could this perhaps expand the notion that Lucca helped develop the thing/weapon that procurred the rise of porre?


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2008, 11:02:31 pm »
I suppose it could be seen that way, but I'd expect Lucca to help Guardia first--why give a neighboring nation weapons without showing them to your nation first? But V_Translanka made a good point: you could read the note as Lucca receiving the receipt and the goods.

Do you know what some of the other notes said? Maybe piecing them together would give us better insight into what her role was in all of this.


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2008, 11:20:52 pm »
Whoa! Fascinating find! This tidbit is news to me at least, and inspires all variety of wonderfully inane thoughts.

What could the KJ830 be? One of those fancy motor rafts? An anti-aircraft cannon? Do we have any idea how the note read in the Japanese script?
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 11:16:52 am by FaustWolf »


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2008, 11:27:16 pm »
I think this was mentioned on the site somewhere, though I don't know where at the moment.
商品受領書KJ830納品済み パレポリ海軍


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2008, 01:53:24 am »
haha, yeah i suppose it would make little sense for Lucca to provide for Porre over Guardia...

and it could easily be a product from the Porre navy, infact, after examination, I find that to be more likely

however, could this still be indicative of Lucca's mechanic and creative ingenious in conjunction with Porre?

perhaps a request given to Lucca under false pretenses?


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2008, 06:31:24 pm »
I think that it's highly indicative of Lucca's technical prowess: after all the events of CT, it wouldn't be too surprising for many people to begin to recognize the genius in Lucca's inventions. People expected Gato to blow up, if I'm not mistaken, but he proved to be a fairly powerful fighting machine. And I've always been fascinated by the fact that she wields a gun and Porre suddenly became a gun-toting nation by Chrono Cross.

Maybe Guardia didn't recognize the quality or necessity of her inventions and Porre did? If so, that would explain why it seems like she helped Porre over Guardia.


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2008, 11:46:45 pm »
It's interesting to note though that both Porre & Truce markets had one gun available...

With Crono as prince consort, you'd think that the Guardia R&D (which created the moderately advanced DRAGON TANK) would be slightly influenced to Lucca's ideals...
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 03:38:52 pm by V_Translanka »


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2008, 02:14:53 pm »
I was thinking that myself, the Dragon Tank was one helluva creation, whoever created it seemed to have technical knowledge rivaling Lucca's. It's also worth noting that the item "Beret", was supposed to be "Porrean Beret", and as this link mentions, a beret tends to be linked with the military...or maybe Porre was just a little more fashionable than everyone else. This beret, in addition to their sales of guns, makes me think Porre took weaponry and machinery much more seriously, as preparation for some kind of military.

But, the Dragon Tank does indicate that Guardia did have some faith in machinery as well, I can't understand why they'd simply forget about that technical wonder. Perhaps Crono's defeat of the tank signified the frailty of the machine? But, when Crono and Marle ascend the throne, you'd think that they would put Lucca in charge of research and development...or at least have her help out a bit.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 03:42:45 pm by V_Translanka »

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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2008, 01:34:12 pm »
You're overestimating Chrono and Marle here. After they defeat Lavos they think it's a happily ever after and live happily without taking any new danger into consideration. Why order someone to build weapons and machinery if you don't expect any danger?

Probably the biggest mistake they made, they never expected Porre to attack and thus weren't prepared.


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2008, 04:32:22 pm »
Well, it's understandable that they wouldn't expect Porre to attack, it didn't show too many signs of being an antagonistic nation. They probably had no reason to think that Porre would ever become an enemy. But I would expect Crono and Marle to have take defense very seriously; they may not know who their enemy might be, but they've trekked through time and have probably learned how feeble Guardia could be to an outside threat.

And even if Crono and Marle did think life was happy and they had nothing to worry about, they were going to become rulers of a sovereign nation any nation that wishes to survive should have some (even a small bit) of focus on defense. Now, whether Guardia was focused on defense through machinery and/or technology is a whole different story.

By the way, does anyone remember what part of Chrono Cross had the note mentioned at the beginning of this topic? I wonder if any other information lays scattered around there...

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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2008, 04:41:50 pm »
Yeah but Guardia wasn't weak. Just old fashioned. They didn't see any "technological" stuff from Porre either. They wouldn't order Lucca to build machinery for no reason.

And the notes were at the very end when you go to save Kid in the burning orphanage


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2008, 07:28:16 pm »
I think we need to find out what some of the other notes [if there are other notes] said, they might reveal a little more information.

Guardia had some interest in technology, judging from the Dragon Tank. They didn't necessarily use it for war either, so why'd they build that machine? It may have been for defense, or it may have been an idea that Yakra put forth, who knows, but Guardia had some interest in technology at one point, while Porre definitely seems to have pursued it to a higher degree.

Also I think I've gotten too into the idea that this is weaponry, it's also possible that this could have been something simpler: gunpowder, steel, a raft (like FaustWolf said), food...the possibilities are endless. Lucca was resourceful, maybe she decided to turn her resourcefulness into a pretty penny to fund her orphanage, or something.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 04:06:26 pm by mav »


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Re: Lucca Order?
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2008, 07:37:41 pm »
Nobody likes to use the Compendium's Encyclopedia, huh? Lots of useful stuff the SCRIPTS...

Quote from: The Awesome Thing You're Not Using Enough
     Receipt for
   Goods Received
   1 - KJ830
     - Porre Navy

Another memo found just tells you how to imput Lara with the PSX controller...

   There is a memo lying on
   the floor here.
   It reads...
   I have created a new
   code for a new generation.
   It now replaces the old
   one my father once used...
   Circle stands for '"O"'
   Square stands for '"D"'
   Triangle stands for '"A"'
   Cross stands for '"X"'
   Using this, for example,
   the children will never
   guess '"ROAD"' is spelt...
   My father, Taban, would
   be proud. Not to mention
   my mother, of course...
   ~~~~~~~~~~ LUCCA

And there's another one...or is it two? It's not separated by two signifiers saying that it's two, so maybe you find one right after the other.

   There is a memo lying
   on the floor here.
   It reads...
   One month... One day...
   I failed! I was so close
   to stabilizing the time
   axis too...
   There is a memo lying
   on the floor here.
   It reads...
   Don't you children
   ever touch my
   '"Space Capsule!"'

   A beautiful view of the

But, anyways...I think that at the very least Lucca has some idea that their troubles may not be over, as she tells Kid in her letter...

Quote from: Lucca's Letter
That is why I worry that someone
   might seek revenge on us for
   what we did.
   I have had a constant dread in my
   heart that someone in our new
   future will travel back in time,
   just like we did, and try and kill
   or capture my friends and me.
   So, even if something dreadful
   does befall me, Kid, know
   that what was meant to happen
   will happen, and that I was
   always prepared for the worst.

   Oh, but don't you dare think the
   Great Lucca is going to go down
   without a fight!
   (I've got a reputation to uphold!)

   Whatever lies waiting for us
   around the next corner better
   watch out, 'cause it's gonna
   find a pretty mean counter-
   attack coming its way!

Also, I think it's interesting to note that the Guardia R&D seems to know something about Magic since the Dragon Tank has a Sky/Fire shield...
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 07:43:53 pm by V_Translanka »