Well the emulator thing didn't go so well. I can't make a video right now.
I will now record everything I've seen in the Temporal Vortex.
First off, it appears after you defeat the game, in 12,000 BC, 1000 AD, and 2300 AD. After that, no matter what savegame you load up, New Game+ or not, it will always be there.
When you enter, you will first proceed through a hall way. It contains a whirlwind sort of thing that takes you back to the era in which you entered, if you want. Then there's an exit to the next room.
Now you will proceed through a number of levels from the game itself, mixed together. A few I can note are: The Guardia prison, the part where Fritz was. You can't enter the cell in which he was, though.
Another one is the Black Omen, I don't exactly how I should call it but it's that level that looks like the Ocean Palace a bit.
Then there's the Ocean Palace itself, the part with the stairs.
Then you come across new maps. First a mountain type area, with a long bridge. Before long you'll be in a lava cave thing. You basically walk around here climbing ladders and fighting whole new monsters, after pressing two switches you will progress to a map that looks exactly like "inside Lavos". Well, the layout is different, but it's the same style of cave. There's a save point here and a "whirlwind" which will once again warp you to the era you came from if you want to.
Past that is.... None other then Dalton. Yes, it's him. He's kinda angry for all the crap you pulled on him. Then you'll fight him again, his monster name is "Once-King Dalton". He has some new attacks but he's still kind of weak. He packs a punch and has a lot of HP. After a while he uses something called Second Wind, and after that no magic attacks can hurt him, only physical. However, every time you attack him physically he counters with an MP drain that drains all the MP of one character. He knows lightning and shadow attacks and maybe more.
After I defeated him, OH MY FUCKING GOD... Major spoiler and canon change here!!! I'll quote it cause I can't explain it in human words.
Dalton: That's enough for today... But just you wait, Crono! This isn't over yet! I'll raise the greatest army the world has ever seen in Porre, and use it to wipe your pitiful little kingdom off the map. Heh heh heh... Ah hah hah hah hah!
Marle: You won't touch Guardia. Not if I have anything to say about it!
Dalton: Farewell!
Yes, my friends! I was RIGHT!!!! The guy in the Fall of Guardia FMV is DALTON!!! AND DALTON IS BEHIND THE FALL OF GUARDIA!
I was so fucking shocked when I saw this scene. Dalton caused the Fall of Guardia and stole the Masamune. Holy fucking crap. I knew it! He was just to awesome to disappear like that!
After that scene, you progress through the map and Chrono will hear someone calling him. You're now teleported to a pseudo version of Leene Square where you will fight a Chrono clone called Steel Shade.
He used the Rainbow sword against me, but that may be because my Chrono had it equipped. Perhaps he just uses the weapon your Chrono has equipped at that point. Also, he cannot be hurt by Light magic, and he uses Light magic himself. He has a lot of HP but isn't too hard. After the battle the Clone will "fuse" with the real Chrono, and Chrono's speed, strength, and accuracy will improve. After that, it's the end of the Vortex. Yep.
I tried entering immediately again, and this time different maps were used. Apparently it takes random maps from the game and after that the new maps come.
I uploaded my savefile for anyone with a flashcard that wants to go take a look, and if you can, make a video or something.
On a side note, I haven't seen the TD-Lavos. I wonder where he could be now. But the Vortex asks for more investigating. I'm going to enter it from 2300 AD now.
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