If you wait for two minutes after the bonus ending, there's an extension to the ending. Here's what happens, in order:
1. Crono's running through a fiery Truce with a young child in tow. He's stopped by Porre soldiers who ask him if he's the King of Guardia, to which he replies, "Uh, no. My name is Miguel."
2. Crono and the child, whose name is revealed to be Leena, run into Future Magus, who now has a different hair color. It's faded and more purplish than blue. Future Magus opines that his hair dye has worn out.
3. A picture of Masato Kato appears onscreen to the sound of monster laughter. There's a subtitle: "Ha ha Compendium!" for a serious question. At what point did you realize this post was a joke?