'Kay, done. What we really need are triple techs, though. Dual techs are almost finished. Also, here's an idea for what the text before the 8th Character Patch:
After fighting/not fighting Magus at North Cape, if you go to a hut, the villagers will say stuff about how Schala washed up on shore. If you go there, you can find her standing near the Elder.
Schala: Are you the ones from the Ocean Palace...? {line break}
You are... I see. {line break}
Thank you. Without the pendant's energy, I would have been trapped there... {line break}
I see you have also gotten rid of Dalton. Thank you for that as well. Now these people can live in peace. {line break}
What do you wish to do now?
Marle: [Crono's name]...
Lucca: I don't know anymore. [Crono's name]...the loss of him hit us pretty hard.
Robo: Everyone seems dispirited now that [Crono's name] is gone.
Frog: I don't know what to do. Now that [Crono's name] is gone...
Ayla: [Ayla's name] not know. [Crono's name] gone.
Schala: ... {line break}
I see... I am sorry for your loss as well. {line break}
Schala: If I recall, Gaspar, the Guru of Time, was researching something... {line break}
His studies were very complicated, so I didn't understand much, but I believe he was trying to look into discarded timelines... {line break}
He succeeded, to an extent. He was working on something, a "Time Egg", I believe he called it. It had very strange temporal qualities. {line break}
However...it wasn't finished before he was banished by Lavos. {line break}
But, if anyone knows something about reviving [Crono's name], it would be Gaspar. You should look for him. {line break}
That strange vehicle, it matches Belthasar's designs for the Wings of Time... I'm sure you can find him, wherever that may be.
Marle: Thank you! We'll try our best!
Lucca: Reviving the dead? I don't know... But then again, I never believed in magic either before I started on this strange quest... {line break}
It's the only hope we have, we'll do out best to follow it through.
Robo: Everyone seems happier now that they have hope again!
Frog: Reviving him...? Very well. We'll give it a try.
Ayla: Let's go! Find Gaspar! Revive [Crono's name]!
As you go to leave:
Schala: Wait.
*She walks up to the party. "Schala's Theme" begins to play.*
Schala: What brought you to Zeal in the first place? What are you trying to do?
(They say the same things as in my earlier text block, Schala as well, minus the part about her joining)
Schala: Why don't I come with you? I hate Lavos as well. I would be glad to fight him with you. {line break}
I'm from the Zealian royal family, so I can use powerful magic. I won't be a burden on you.
Marle: It may be a bit dangerous... But yes, you can come! We need all the help we can get!
Lucca: Are you sure? It'll be dangerous... But I'm sure your magic is powerful. You should be all right.
Robo: Our chances of successfully defeating Lavos will be higher if you join us.
Frog: It will be a dangerous journey... But if you wish, I will not disagree with you.
Ayla: Lavos strong! Need as much help we can!
*Schala nods*
Schala: Thank you.
*The renaming/party switch menu comes up*
Oh, and since some of you didn't like the Mecha-Dalton idea, what do you think I should do instead? The Golem Overlord, maybe? The first boss battle shouldn't be too hard, though, since Pestilence is supposed to be the big, hard boss. I think a watered-down Golem Overlord would be interesting, though, and it would make sense that the Daltonites would make it their leader in place of Dalton.
Edit: Added a new tech to the tech list.
Edit 2: Added Schala's single techs to the tech list.