Author Topic: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project (Community Project)  (Read 69915 times)

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #270 on: December 20, 2008, 10:43:48 am »
Go for it.


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #271 on: December 20, 2008, 10:46:00 am »
They can use what they want.  Hell, Slash has Fire Sword and I believe someone has Ice Sword in there as well.  Also, we should cut down on all the buffs and healing a bit.  With what she has right now, that's severely overpowered and will completely ruin the balance.


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #272 on: December 20, 2008, 10:51:15 am »
Hm, true... It makes sense that she'd have healing and stuff, though, since I imagine that's the magic she'd want to focus on so she could help people...

Heal and Cure on someone who is going to have a Magic stat on par with Janus's is overpowered, though... And she's got Arise and Guardian too... :/

(Poor Marle's going to become completely useless with Schala on the team... o.O)

What do you suggest we should do to balance things, Justin? Pathetically crappy stamina and strength?

(Also, she should actually have Magic slightly lower than Janus's, since in Zeal, someone says that Janus possesses magic power even greater than Schala's...)

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #273 on: December 20, 2008, 10:53:45 am »
I agree with your suggestion at the balance, Chocobo, seeing as she's not as cut out for fighting as, say, Glenn.


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #274 on: December 20, 2008, 10:57:16 am »
Here's the script block:

At the Ocean Palace, after Schala says she'll teleport you out:

Branch dialog:

->Do nothing
->Give energy from pendant

If you pick choice 2:

[Leader of party]: No, wait! Take some energy from our pendant!

*They show the pendant to Schala*

Schala: This pendant, it looks exactly like mine...

*The screen shakes, rocks fall in places*

Schala: ...but now is not the time to inquire about such things. {line break}
Hold the pendant towards me. I'll cast the spell.

*She chants, and sparkles fly to her from the pendant. However, the screen shakes again and is tinted red*

Schala: ...Ugh! I can't control it! If I teleport you now, you might-!

Magus: Just cast the spell! We'll all die anyway if we stay here!

Schala: ...

*She chants again. Everyone's teleported out, including Schala, though the screen flashes before she is teleported out.*

Later, after Crono is revived, Gaspar adds another sidequest speech:

Gaspar: ...a woman of pure heart, tortured by an incurable illness...

If you talk to Magus after, instead of saying his normal reaction to Ozzie, he says:

Magus: A woman of pure heart... No, it couldn't be...!

*The camera shows the elder's hut in Surviving Village*

(He says his normal Ozzie speech after you do the sidequest)

If you go there, Schala will be lying down on a bed in one corner of the hut. Two Earthbound and an Enlightened One are standing near her. No music plays, instead of the normal "Corridor of Time" music.*

Marle: Schala!
Lucca: Is that...Schala?
Robo: It appears that Schala is suffering from some sort of illness.
Ayla: That Schala?
Frog: Lady Schala is here...?
Magus: I-impossible...!

*Schala opens her eyes and looks at them*

Schala: Are you...the ones from the Ocean Palace? {line break}
Or is this just another hallucination?

*The party walks toward Schala*

Schala: *cough* ...Yes, it seems you truly are there... {line break}
Thank you. Without your pendant's energy, I would have- *cough*

*Depths of the Night begins playing*

Marle: Schala...!
Lucca: She seems pretty sick...
Robo: What is this? No records of this virus in my memory banks.
Frog: What foul evil has done this!?
Ayla: What wrong?
Magus: ...Schala...

Elder: Lady Schala washed up on the shore a little while after you left. However, as soon as she came here, a terrible disease broke out... {line break}
Lady Schala's magic is the only thing that can cure the foul illness. But now, it has claimed her as well...

Schala: *cough* *cough*

*Everyone turns to Schala*

Schala: I fear for the village's safety... Without me, the disease will... *cough* ...wipe out everyone. {line break}
Please, find a way to cure the disease, I beg you...

Marle: Don't worry, we'll find a way!
Lucca: We just have to find the right antibiotic...
Robo: We will try out best.
Frog: We will save you!
Ayla: No worry!
Magus: I will do anything to save you!

If you try to leave with Magus in your party, the following dialog plays out:

Schala: Wait...

*everyone turns to face Schala. She looks at Magus.*

Schala:'re that prophet... *cough* {line break}
"I'll do anything to save you"... Is that what you said? Or was I just hearing things?

Magus: ... {line break}
You heard true.

Schala: Thank you, then... You seem...familiar. {line break}
Are you...? *cough* *cough*

*She looks away and closes her eyes*

Schala: No...that's impossible...

*She falls asleep*

Magus: ......

*He walks towards the party*

Magus: Let us make haste. She's depending on us.

NPC dialog in the hut:

Elder: Everyone is deeply troubled. For Lady Schala's safety, and their own. {line break}
Even with her magic, she could just barely keep the disease at bay. Without her, we're doomed...

Schala: *cough* Please...find a cure...

Earthbound: Some have fled the village in hopes of escaping the plague. I hope they'll be all right in the wilderness... {line break}
It's probably better than here, though, with this dreadful plague...

Enlightened One: This disease is terrible. It can weaken, spread, and kill with unnatural swiftness. {line break}
Not only that, but it's resistant to herbal cures and healing magic alike. Only the Lady's power is strong enough to cure the sickness. {line break}
But now, she is too weak to even stand...

(Don't know what the text for the other Earthbound should be)

(Note: The BGM for the hut is now "Depths of the Night")

In the Village Commons, there's a strange-looking boulder. An Earthbound is standing near it.

Earthbound: This boulder suddenly appeared one day. There's something strange about it...

If you examine the boulder:

[Party Leader]: Hey, I think I see something...

It shakes and moves back to reveal a hole and a ladder leading down. Everyone uses their "surprised" sprite when they see this.

Marle: This must have something to do with the source of the disease! Let's go!
Lucca: This is too suspicious to pass up an investigation. Let's go!
Robo: There's something blocking my sensors down there. We should find out what it is.
Frog: Is this where the source of the plague comes from?
Ayla: Hole strange! We go down!
Magus: I sense dark energy down there... This must be the source of the plague!

They climb down and go through a short dungeon of some sort, eventually coming to a room full of Daltonites.

*"Strange Occurrences" begins to play*

Head Daltonite: Excellent! This is good news! Soon, we will rule those fools!

Daltonite: Just make sure to sterilize Pestilence afterwards, so we'll still have some people to rule over.

Head Daltonite: Yes, of course! Don't worry!

Marle: What's going on?
Lucca: What are they talking about?
Robo: I can sense the virus here. We should be careful!
Frog: Rule...? What are they trying to do?
Ayla: What they speak of?
Magus: ...!

Daltonite: Hahaha! Yes! Schala might be impervious to head on-assaults, but with something like Pestilence, victory is assured!

*The party runs up to them. Music stops.*

Marle: How dare you...! Do you have any idea how many lives you're taking!?
Lucca: Pestilence? Is that what you call this horrid plague? Trying to control foolish! We'll teach you never to try something like this again!
Robo: This virus will wipe out the entire population! Do you have any idea what you're doing?
Frog: You are the source of all this evil!?
Ayla: You make people sick!? You pay!
Magus: How dare you... You think you can take Schala's life and get away with it!? I'll destroy you!

Daltonite: I-it's them! The ones who took down Dalton!

Head Daltonite: Oh really?

*"Boss Battle 1" begins to play*

Head Daltonite: So, you're the fools who would oppose Dalton's rule? Ha! You may have defeated him then, but we're a lot stronger now! You stand no chance! {line break}
Hahaha! Crush them!

A fight with the Head Daltonite and two Expert Daltonites ensures. It uses the Boss Battle 1 theme. After the fight:

*Stop music*

Head Daltonite: Gah! No! Impossible...

*The Daltonites run to the corners of the room. The Head Daltonite falls to his knees.*

Marle: Tell us how to cure Pestilence! Now!
Lucca: Give us the antidote! Now!
Robo: We need the antidote to the virus you created. Please hand it over peacefully.
Frog: Give us the cure to that horrid plague!
Ayla: Give cure! Now!
Magus: Give us the antidote to Pestilence, and I may be persuaded to spare your worthless lives.

Head Daltonite: All right! Here's the antidote! Just don't hurt us!

*He puts a vial of liquid on a table at the back of the room.*

*"Critical Moment" begins to play*

Head Daltonite: Not that it will make any difference, ha! Pestilence has probably already taken Schala's life!

[People in party]: !

*The Daltonites flee*

Marle: We have to get back to Schala!
Lucca: I hope they were lying...
Robo: We must go back, before Schala perishes!
Frog: We have no time to pursue them... We must go back!
Ayla: Raah! Evil men! But no time for that! Save Schala!
Magus: We need to save Schala immediately! Be warned that I will not hesitate to take your lives should you get in the way!

They return to the hut. Once there...

*Critical Moment" begins to play*

Marle: We have the antidote!
Lucca: The antidote is here!
Robo: We have something that should cure Schala's illness.
Frog: This antidote should cure the plague!
Ayla: We have cure! Give to Schala!
Magus: We have the antidote... I just hope it will work.

Elder: Quickly, then! Lady Schala's life is almost completely gone!

*The party runs to Schala and gives her the antidote. She opens her eyes.*

*Stop music*

Schala: Thank you... {line break}

*She sits bolt upright and green mist comes out of her mouth. She falls back down, unconscious.*

Marle: What happened to Schala!?
Lucca: What is that mist?
Robo: That mist gives me the same readings as the virus! This must be Pestilence! Be careful!
Frog: What is happening!?
Ayla: What this?
Magus: Schala!

*The mist begins to condense into a large, green, Macabre-like creature. Everyone assumes a fighting stance*

*"Boss Battle 2" begins to play*

Marle: Everyone, leave quickly! We'll deal with this!
Lucca: This is the source of the disease! Run!
Robo: There can be no doubt about it! This is Pestilence! I advise you to flee from it!
Frog: We will deal with this fiend! Run!
Ayla: This Pestilence!?
Magus: So, this is the Daltonites' foul creation... A dangerous combination of science and magic. {line break}
But no matter! I will destroy it!

*The villagers leave the hut, and a fight with Pestilence ensures. The battle uses the "Boss Battle 2" theme.*

After the battle:

*Stop music*

Marle: ...Is it gone?
Lucca: That sure was strange.
Robo: That strange creature appears to have dissipated.
Frog: Have we defeated that foul thing?
Ayla: Pestilence gone? Schala safe?
Magus: ...

Schala: Ugh...

*"Schala's Theme" begins to play*

Marle: Schala?
Lucca: Are you all right?
Robo: It appears that Pestilence's hold on Schala is gone.
Frog: Are you cured?
Ayla: Schala feel good now?
Magus: Schala...

*Schala opens her eyes and looks at them*

Schala: Yes, I feel much better now... I cannot thank you enough.

If Magus is in the party, the following dialog occurs:

*Schala looks at Magus*

Schala: And you... I realize it, now that my senses are unclouded.


Schala: It's you, isn't it, Janus?

Magus: ... {line break}
You are mistaken. I do not know of the one you speak.

Schala: No, Janus, I know it's you...

Magus: Janus is dead! I am [Magus's name] now!

Schala: ...No, Janus is not dead. How can he be, when he is right next to me at this very moment?

Magus: ...

*Magus looks away*

Magus: ...You don't understand.

*Pause. Schala closes her eyes again.*

Schala: ...I will think about this some more. I am still a bit weak, anyway. I will rest for now.

If Magus is not in the party:

Schala: However...I am still a bit weak. I will rest for today, to get my strength back.

Resume normal dialog:

Schala: You are likely tired as well. You should rest. We will speak again in the morning.

The screen goes dark, and the usual "Good Night" jingle plays. In the morning, The party heads to the hut again. Schala is waiting for them.

(The normal "Corridor of Time" music plays)

Schala: Oh, there you are. Good morning. {line break}
Could you tell me what happened while I was ill?

Marle: Followers of Dalton created Pestilence to try and kill you. They wanted to rule the village.
Lucca: Some Daltonites -- a cult of sorts centered around Dalton -- wanted to kill you so they could rule the village.
Robo: A group consisting of followers of Dalton wished to take over the village by ending your life with Pestilence.
Frog: Some followers of that fiend Dalton wished to gain control of the village by killing you.
Ayla: Daltonites try kill you! They want rule village!
Magus: Some fools -- followers of Dalton -- were trying to end your life with that foul thing so they could rule the village. {line break}
Moronic cretins, all of them.

Schala: Really!? That is troubling... {line break}
I'm worried that they'll try to strike again. I doubt they'll give up just because one of their plans was foiled.

Marle: That's probably true...
Lucca: Yes, that's a valid point... What should we do?
Robo: My programs calculate that the Daltonites have a high chance of striking again. We should try to stop them before they have the chance to try again.
Frog: You are probably right. I am worried of what might happen if they try again, as well...
Ayla: That true. Must do something!
Magus: That is likely true. We must deal with these fools at once! I will not dare risk your life again.

Schala: We should capture them the make sure they don't try anything again. {line break}
Let's head back to their lair. Maybe they're still there. {line break}
I'll come with you. Since I'm a member of the Zealian royal family, I can use powerful magic, so I'll be able to help you apprehend the Daltonites.

*Everyone nods. The naming screen comes up, and then the party switch menu; Schala must be in the party for the next section of the sidequest.*

If you go to the Epoch with Schala in your party:

Schala: I'm afraid I can't come with you. I need to stay here to oversee the village. {line break}
Please come back soon!

*The party switch menu comes up, with Schala out of the party*

You can go down the entrance to the Daltonite Lair again, fight some Daltonites, and go to the room you fought the Head Daltonite in again, where the following scene plays:

*"Strange Occurences" begins to play*

Head Daltonite: Yes, excellent. I'll follow your advice right away. This plan is sure to succeed!

Voice: Yes, good. I must go back to Headquarters now. {line break}
Carry out the plan immediately!

Marle: What was that? It didn't sound like a Daltonite...
Lucca: That voice doesn't sound like a Daltonite...strange...
Robo: My vision sensors cannot see the strange entity, though its voice does not sound like that of a regular Daltonite.
Frog: What foul fiend do we face now? I can't see it, but it doesn't sound like a Daltonite...
Ayla: What that? Not sound like Daltonite.
Magus: Strange... What could these fools be planning now?
Schala: I was right, then... {line break}
What about that strange voice? I don't think it's a Daltonite...

*The Head Daltonite turns around. Stop music.*

Head Daltonite: W-what!? You again!?

*Everyone assumes a fighting stance*

Marle: We're taking you in to assure you don't try anything else!
Lucca: You're being apprehended! We're not taking any chances with you again!
Robo: We are capturing you to make sure you do not try to harm [Schala's name] or the village again. Please come along peacefully.
Frog: Your tricks are at their end! We're capturing you to make sure no more harm is done!
Ayla: No more plans! We capture you!
Magus: My sister wishes to merely apprehend you to ensure you don't try anything again. Consider yourself lucky.
Schala: We're apprehending you so you won't harm the village again! Please come along quietly!

Head Daltonite: Oh really? Bring it on!

Daltonite: You won't succeed!

Daltonite: Hahaha! You think you can beat us?

*A battle with "Daltonite Lord" and three Expert Daltonites ensures. The battle uses the "Boss Battle 1" theme.*

After the battle:

Head Daltonite: Ugh... {line break}
Even after those enhancements I got, I still can't win...

Marle: Let's round them up before they can escape again!
Lucca: We're not taking chances this time! Quickly, get them!
Robo: We should capture them before they escape again.
Frog: Quickly! Round them up before they escape us again!
Ayla: Capture Daltonites! Quickly!
Magus: If it were up to me, I would take your pitiful lives, but [Schala's name] has other plans...
Schala: We should capture them before they can escape!

*The screen darkens, and when it brightens, we see our heroes in one of the huts, with some Daltonites and the Head Daltonite tied up with rope in a corner.*

Schala: There...that should keep them from doing anything else.

Daltonite: Ha! You really think-

Head Daltonite: Shut up, you idiot!

Daltonite: ...

Marle: What was that about?
Lucca: That sounded suspicious...
Robo: What did you mean by that?
Frog: What? This is suspicious...
Ayla: [Ayla's name] confused. What Daltonites mean?
Magus: ...I do not like the sound of this...
Schala: What are you talking about...?

Daltonite: ...... {line break}
You really think that these ropes can hold us? Hahaha! We'll bust out of these in a day!

If Magus is in the party, the following dialog occurs:

*Magus runs up to a Daltonite and whips out his scythe. Everyone uses a "surprised" sprite.*

Magus: Really? I suppose we'd better kill you to make sure you don't try anything again.

Schala: Janus! You don't have to resort to violence like that!

Magus: ...

*Pause. He puts his scythe away.*

Magus: Hmph. I suppose this is your lucky day.

Resume normal dialog:

Marle: I don't think so! Those ropes are enchanted with magic!
Lucca: ...Which is exactly why those are enchanted ropes.
Robo: Those ropes are enchanted with spells of binding. It is highly unlikely you could get out of them.
Glenn: Hah! Those ropes are magical! Nothing can get out of them!
Ayla: Ropes magic! No escape!
Magus: The ropes are enchanted with spells of binding. You cannot get out.
Schala: Those ropes are enchanted. You can't squeeze out of them, I'm afraid.

Daltonite: ...

*Schala turns to the party*

Schala: You're probably very tired from all of that. Please rest. We'll talk more in the morning.

*The screen darkens, and the normal "Good Night" jingle plays. After, if you go to the Elder's hut, you can find Schala waiting there.*

Schala: Oh, there you are. Good morning. {line break}
May I ask what you intend to do after this?

Marle: We're going to defeat Lavos!
Lucca: We're planning to defeat Lavos, to save the future.
Robo: We are planning on defeating Lavos. In the distant future, he has anihilated the planet.
Frog: To defeat the fiend Lavos!
Ayla: Defeat Lavos!
Magus: I seek revenge on Lavos.

If Magus is in the party:

*Schala turns to Magus*

Schala: Revenge on Lavos...? {line break}
Oh... I understand...

Resume normal dialog:

Schala: Defeat...Lavos? Is that even possible?

Marle: We think so.
Lucca: Nothing can stand in the way of science!
Robo: Perhaps not, but we must try anyway.
Frog: I will not die at the hands of such a fiend!
Ayla: Ayla strong! No lose!
Magus: It does not matter. I will find a way, no matter what.

Schala: Really...? That certainly seems a noble goal... I wish you luck.

Marle: Why don't you come with us?
Lucca: You should come with us!
Robo: Your magical prowess would be a great help in our quest.
Frog: Surely you are proficient with magic? You could be a great help to us!
Ayla: You come?
(Magus says nothing)

*Pause. Schala looks down.*

Schala: ...I'm afraid I can't.

*She looks up*

Schala: Even though gone, the people will still need my help. I feel that I need to help with the construction of the new world. {line break}

Marle: It's alright. I understand.
Lucca: Don't worry. What you're doing here is important!
Robo: Do not worry. You will be fine here.
Frog: That's alright. Your job here is important as well.
Ayla: It okay!
Magus: I cannot afford to put you in any further danger, anyway.

*The party turns to leave, but Schala stops them.*

Schala: Wait. I have something to give you... It's the least I can do to thank you.

(She gives them a "Zeal Crest", which quarters MP costs and gives a damage boost, like the Sunglasses, as well as 1 of each Capsule)

If Magus is in the party, she also says this:

Schala: Oh, and I see you still have my amulet, Janus... I discovered a way to increase the power of its protective charms.

*She chants and the screen glows blue*

("Schala's Amulet" is upgraded into "Holy Amulet", which gives Auto-Protect and Auto-Barrier as well as Status Immunity)

Schala: Good luck.

(If you talk to her again, she just repeats her speech about helping the villagers)

However, if you had Magus in your party during the quest, she talks to you as you board the Epoch.

Voice: Wait!

*Schala runs up to the party*

*"Schala's Theme" begins to play*

Schala: I've decided... I'm coming with you.

Marle: W-what? But I thought you said...
Lucca: Huh? But I thought you needed to help the villagers?
Robo: Why do you wish to join us now?
Frog: Don't the villagers need your help?
Ayla: ...?
Magus: Schala...!

*Schala turns to Magus*

Schala: Janus...what you said about being someone else...about Janus being's not true.

*Stop music*

Magus: No! I told you, you're wrong! You don't understand what I've done! I've lead demons to war against innocent people! I've slaughtered thousands! And even my appearance has been warped by my dark magic... All to get at Lavos! Look at me! Would you still call a bloodthirsty, vengeful demon your brother?

Schala: ...

*"The Last Day of the World"/"Depths of the Night" begins to play (depends on which one Justin thinks suits the dialog better)*

Schala: Yes. {line break}'re the one who doesn't understand. I don't care about any of that. You're still Janus at heart. You're still my brother. {line break}
When I heard that you had been swallowed by that black portal, it was like a knife to my heart. My one hope, that you had survived...shattered. {line break}
But now... You've come back! Please, Janus... {line break}
Even if you deny it, I'll show you that the young Janus that I remember still exists! That's why I want to come with you!  Lavos destroyed everything in my life as well!

Magus: ...Very well.

*"Schala's Theme" begins to play*

Schala: Thank you! You don't know how much that means to me!

*The party-switch menu comes up*

After, some of the NPCs in Surving Village say some things:

Enlightened One: I'm worried about those Daltonites... I fear they might still be up to something. {line break}
Perhaps you should go down to their lair again and check?

Earthbound: Thank you for rounding up the Daltonites. However... {line break}
There were so few of them. Surely that's not their entire force? It seems suspicious...

Earthbound by the entrance to the Daltonite Lair: I still feel a bad vibe coming from this hole... Are they truly gone? {line break}
I don't know... Perhaps you should go down and check?

If you head back into the Daltonite Lair again, there are no enemies, but if you go to the room where you fought the Head Daltonite, you'll see a Daltonite near the top-right corner of the room.

Daltonite: !!

*He dashes through a secret passage in the wall*

Marle: What? A Daltonite? I thought we got them all!
Lucca: How strange... Are there some Daltonites that escaped?
Robo: That was odd. We should follow him to see if any escaped.
Frog: One of those fiends? I thought they were all gone? {line break}
We should follow him!
Ayla: Daltonite? [Ayla's name] thought they all captured! We follow!
Magus: What!? I thought we got all of them... {line break}
We should follow him.
Schala: A Daltonite? That's odd... Were there some we missed?

In the secret room, there's a deactivated Skyway.

Marle: A Skyway! Does it still work?
Lucca: One of the Skyways survived? I doubt it still works, though...
Robo: Strange... The Skyway appears to be functional, but turned off somehow.
Frog: A Skyway!? Did that Daltonite escape through here?
Ayla: Skyway? Daltonite escape through here?
Magus: So, a Skyway survived... That Daltonite must have escaped through here.
Schala: A Skyway, but it's deactivated... Perhaps the Daltonite escaped through here?

*The party goes onto the Skyway, but the usual "The way is shut" message appears.*

If Schala is not in the party:

Marle: So, it doesn't work... How did the Daltonite escape, then?
Lucca: Is it broken? No, it couldn't be... This must be how the Daltonite escaped.
Robo: It is as my sensors say. Are the Daltonites able to activate and deactivate Skyways?
Frog: So, it's deactivated... This is perplexing.
Ayla: Skyway broken?
Magus: So, we can't follow them...

If Schala was recruited and Magus is in the party, but Schala is not:

*The party begins to leave*

Magus: Wait.

*The party turns to him*

Magus: I was never taught how to manage Skyways, but [Schala's name] was... We should show this to her. Maybe she can activate it.

If Schala is in the party:

Schala: Somehow the Daltonites must have figured out how to activate and deactivate Skyways...

*She walks around and looks at the Skyway*

Schala: I think I can make it work again. Just a minute...

*She chants, and the screen glows blue*

Schala: It should work now. Let's go!

The party uses the Skyway, and they are transported under the ocean, into the Zeal Ruins. The BGM is "Zeal Palace"

Marle: Is this...Zeal? It's still intact?
Lucca: Zeal!? I wonder what part of it this is...
Robo: It appears that the Zeal Palace has remained partially intact.
Frog: Is this...the kingdom of Zeal? I thought it was completely destroyed...
Ayla: This...Zeal? It still here?
Magus: ...Zeal!? It looks like this is the Palace... How did it survive?

Schala: Zeal!? This is the Palace, I think... {line break}
I wonder how it survived its fall?

*She turns to the party*

Schala: I have to stay... Please take me with you!

*The party switch menu comes up. Schala must be in the party for this section*

Not sure about what the specifics of the interior should be, but midway though, there's a side passage that leads to a door surrounded by magic circles.

If Magus is in the party:

Magus: So, the treasury survived...

Resume normal dialog:

*Schala walks towards a magic circle*

Schala: This is the royal treasury... A lot of powerful magical artifacts were stored here.

*She turns to the party*

Schala: They won't be doing anyone much good here, so we should go in and see how much is still there...

*She turns back to the door*

Schala: I should go first, though. There's a warding spell that only lets members of the royal family through.

*She walks towards the door, but as she touches the magic circle in front of the door, it flashes.*

Schala: Aaah...!

*She jumps back*

Schala: What? I should have been able to pass...

*An large, angelic figure with glowing red eyes, a blood-stained robe, and black wings phases into existence in front of the door. Schala pulls out her dagger.*

Schala: Be careful! It's very powerful!

A battle with the Fallen Angel occurs. It uses the "Zeal Palace" theme. After its defeat...

Schala: That should be it...we should be able to pass now.

The party can now go through the door. Inside are a bunch of chests, two of which contain the Jeweled Knife and the Rainbow Gemstone.

Once the party gets to the throne room, they find either Mecha-Dalton or the Golem Overlord there, along with some Daltonites.

Golem Overlord/Mecha-Dalton: I see our guests have arrived!

Marle: So, you're the true leader of the Daltonites!
Lucca: I see...the Head Daltonite wasn't the real leader, was he?
Robo: You must be the true leader of the Daltonites!
Frog: You're the Daltonites' real leader?
Ayla: You real Daltonite leader?
Magus: So, you're the true mastermind behind these schemes... {line break}
I'll destroy you! You won't lay a finger on my sister ever again!

Schala: So, the Head Daltonite wasn't the true leader... {line break}
We've come to crush your cult once and for all! I won't let you harm the village!

Daltonite: Hahaha! You think you can stop [Golem Overlord/Mecha-Dalton]? He's far more powerful than anything you've encountered before!

Golem Overlord/Mecha-Dalton: Hehehe! I'll enjoy crushing you, you pathetic worms!

A fight with the Golem Overlord/Mecha-Dalton and two Expert Daltonites occurs. The fight uses the "Boss Battle 1" theme. After the fight...

Golem Overlord/Mecha-Dalton: What!? No!

Marle: Give up! Your cult is destroyed!
Lucca: Stop fighting! It's pointless! It's time for your cult to end!
Robo: You are defeated. Your cult is no more. Please submit peacefully.
Frog: Hah! You won't harm anyone now! Your cult is destroyed!
Ayla: You lose! We win! Stop fighting!
Magus: How pathetic... Your cult has now reached its end. You won't ever harm [Schala's name] again!

*Schala walks forward*

Schala: Stop this! It's over! Disband your cult and live peacefully!

Golem Overlord/Mecha-Dalton: Ugh...! No! We won't submit to you!

*"Boss Battle 2" begins to play*

Golem Overlord/Mecha-Dalton: Tera Gaia! Crush them!!

*The floor under them cracks, and a pallette swap of Giga Gaia emerges from the water. It roars, and a fight with it occurs. It uses the "Boss Battle 2" theme.*

After the battle...

Schala: ... {line break}
So, it's finally over...

*A sparkle twinkles by the throne*

Schala: ...? {line break}
What's that...?

*She walks over to it and picks it up. Stop music.*

Schala: ...! {line break}
Th-the Dreamer's Star!

Marle: Dreamer's Star? What's that?
Lucca: The Dreamer's Star... Another Zealian artifact?
Robo: No record of such an artifact in my memory banks. What could this be?
Frog: Dreamer's Star? Is that some magical artifact?
Ayla: Dreamer's Star? What that?
Magus: Impossible...! The Dreamer's Star!?

*Schala turns to the party*

Schala: The Dreamer's Star is an ancient artifact. It was around even before Zeal was founded. {line break}
Like the Sun Stone, it used the power of the planet. {line break}
It can grant wishes. In fact, it was this star that helped raise Zeal into the heavens. {line break}
However, its power was completely used up by that wish...

*She puts the Dreamer's Star away*

Schala: I wonder why the Daltonites had it... Perhaps they were trying to charge it up again.

Marle: The power to grant wishes? That's pretty powerful! {line break}
What would you use it for, [Schala's name]?
Lucca: That's incredibly powerful... What a shame it was used up. {line break}
If it was still charged...what would you use it for?
Robo: The Dreamer's Star must have been packed with tremendous energy! {line break}
If you could use it, what would you use it for, [Schala's name]?
Frog: The power to grant wishes...
*he closes his eyes, then opens them*
Frog: It's a pity its energy is gone. {line break}
What would you have used it for?
Ayla: Wish-granting? That powerful magic! {line break}
What would [Schala's name] wish for?
Magus: Ah, yes, I remember hearing about it... So long ago... {line break}
It's completely useless now, but I must ask...what would you wish for, [Schala's name]?

*Schala turns away and looks down*

Schala: If I had a wish...

*Pause. She turns back to the party.*

Schala: ...I...don't know. I'll have to think about it some more. {line break}
Anyway, that was quite exausting... You are probably tired. Let's head back to the village and rest.

*The screen fades to black, and then shows an Earthbound hut during the night. The other party members are asleep, but Schala is awake.*

Schala: If I had a wish...

*She takes out the Dreamer's Star*

Schala: ... {line break}

*The screen brightens, then when it dims again, Schala is in a place with a background like the night sky, like the background when Flea fights you. Schala looks around.*

Schala: !! {line break}
But, I thought that...

*She looks north.*

Schala: ...!

*The camera pans north, and we see Queen Zeal standing there. "Depths of the Night" begins to play. Schala walks towards Zeal.*

Zeal: Schala...

Schala: Mother... {line break}
But, isn't the Dreamer's Star...

Zeal: It no longer has the power to grant your wish fully. {line break} can bring me here for a short time.

Schala: can't stay?

Zeal: I'm sorry, but... I'm afraid not. {line break}
While I'm here, please listen to me.


Zeal: You must defeat Lavos. That's the only way that I will be truly freed.

Schala: ... {line break}

Zeal: I'm...sorry I can't stay with you longer, Schala, but... {line break}
The Dreamer's Star is losing its energy. It can't hold me here any longer...

Schala: Mother...!

Zeal: Good luck, my daughter...

*The screen flashes again, and Schala is in the Earthbound hut again.*

Schala: ... {line break}


Schala: I'll do it. I'll defeat Lavos. I have to.

(You then recieve the Dreamer's Star for use as an accessory. I'm not entirely sure what it should do. If it's possible for it to have different effects depending on who it's equipped by, I think it should do that... If not, maybe 25% MP costs, Status Immunity/Critical Rate up?)

Also, at the End of Time, if you have Schala in your party while talking to Magus, instead of his usual "I won't hesitate to take your life" speech, he should say something else. Also, Spekkio should say something when he sees her, maybe...

Spekkio: !!! {line break}
Lady [Schala's name]! Are my eyes deceiving me!? I thought you died in the Ocean Palace Disaster! {line break}
Well, anyway, she's "Light", and I don't really have anything to teach her; her magical prowess far exceeds mine!

Her dialog when the party sees Lavos's first form erupt:

Schala: What a powerful being...should we fight it?

If you answer "Flee for now":

Schala: I suppose you're right...we are not yet strong enough.

If you answer "Fight!":

*Schala assumes her fighting stance*

Schala: You're right! Even if we lose... I will fight for Mother, for Janus, for Zeal, for the entire world...!

Once Lavos's head is defeated:

Schala: That was not the true Lavos. We'll have to travel deeper...

Once they're in the shell:

Schala: Ugh... {line break}
This place is so strange...

If you crashed the Epoch:

Schala: Ugh...that was a loud crash. {line break}
It seems everyone's safe. {line break}
But the [Epoch's name]... It's...!

When you fight Lavos's second form:

Schala: Is this...Lavos's true form?

Her speech when she sees Lavos's third form:

Schala: ... {line break}
So, to you...we are nothing but wheat for the reaping...! {line break}
You monster... {line break}
You took everything from me! My family, my kingdom, my entire world...! {line break}
Yet all of that is meaningless to you! Even now, you do the same to everyone else! {line break}
I won't allow this to continue...!

*She assumes a fighting stance*

Schala: Give Mother back!!

At the End of Time, if you talk to her:

Schala: Is my assistance needed?

If you pick "no":

Schala: Oh...I see... Good luck, anyway.

If you pick "yes":

Schala: I will do my best to help you!

When she sees Zeal in the Black Omen Dream:

Schala: Mother...!

Right before the fight with Zeal 2 on top of the Black Dream:

*"Schala's Theme" begins to play*

Schala: Mother, please...stop this madness! Lavos will only lead you to further ruin!

Zeal: Schala! You still refuse to obey me!?

Schala: Mother...please...

Zeal: I won't bow down to you, insolent fool! Stop telling me what to do! {line break}
If you stand in my way, I'll destroy you!

Schala: ...

*The battle then plays to Schala's Theme. Whoever is the closest to the top of the party order, Janus or Schala, says their speech first. The battle plays to the theme of whoever goes last.*

When seeing the Dream Devourer:

Schala: W-what!? Lavos? What is this...!?

Another thing I think Justin should add, is a scene at the end of "Dream's Epilogue" if you recruited Schala:

After we see Magus walking around in the woods, we switch back to Schala and the DD.

Schala: Forgive me, Janus. I hope you will understand... {line break}
Perhaps you will even find a way to save me...

*she looks up*

Schala: ...?

The camera shows the End of Time. The party you used to fight the DD is returning via the bucket.

Schala: What? Myself...? {line break}
...! This is...!

The camera turns back to Schala and the DD. Schala is on her knees.

Schala: No! I won't...let you...take her... {line break}
Ugh...! Lavos!!

*Schala goes back into the position she is in during the DD fight*

Schala: ... {line break}
Yes, of course. I was a fool for resisting, Lavos. {line break}
Now, banish her to the Darkness Beyond Time! Your existence must be assured!

*Lavos roars*

The camera now shows the End of Time again. A black Gate opens up under Schala.

Schala: ...!

*Schala falls to her knees*

Schala: S-someone... Help...!

(Not sure what the party's reactions will be)

*Schala is swallowed by the Gate*

We now see a pitch-black area. Schala can dimly be seen in the middle, on her knees.

Schala: ...What is this place...?

*She stands up*

Schala: It's so dark... I can't see anything... {line break}
I can't seem to feel anything, either, even my own body...

*She falls down to her knees again*

Schala: But I know it's cold... So very, very cold...

*Lavos appears behind her, and growls.*

Schala: W-what? Who's there?

*She turns around, pauses, and begins backing away.*

Schala:! {line break}

*She falls to her knees and slowly begins to gravitate towards Lavos, like at the Ocean Palace. The screen goes completely black and the "scream" noise plays.*

However, she still needs dialog for the "Beyond Time" ending...

Her weapons:

Royal Dagger (initial equip, description: "A dagger used by royalty for self-defense.")
Dreamstone Dagger (sold in Surviving Village, description: "A dagger with a red blade carved from dreamstone.")
Celestial Dagger (found in a chest somewhere, Light damage, description: "A dagger imbued with the power of the heavens.")
Jeweled Knife: (ultimate weapon, (should have a special effect of some sort), description: "A knife with a hilt set with dazzling gems, once used by the gods themselves.")
Dreamweaver (DV ultimate weapon, causes sleep, 60% critical rate, description: "A dagger said to have the power to create dreams.")

New Armor:

Heavenly Robe (chest in Zeal Ruins, 25% MP costs, description: "A robe woven with the power of the heavens." Female only)

New Accessories:

Zeal Crest (25% MP costs, 25% damage boost, description: "A breech engraved with the crest of Zeal." Equippable by everyone)
Dreamer's Star (Not sure what it should do yet, description: "A beatiful star-shaped trinket that could once grant wishes." Equippable by everyone)
Rainbow Gemstone (Enables triple tech "Gaia's Dream", description: "A gemstone that sparkles with every color of the rainbow." Equippable by Crono, Janus, and Schala)

Yeah, actually, if her stamina is so crappy that she can die from, say, Grandstone in a single hit, that might be workable... Even with the Regal Gown, she'd still be taking ~700 damage or so... (Although that could get annoying after a while) Her Magic stats would be really good, though, of course.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2008, 09:04:18 pm by Chocobo_Fan »


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #275 on: December 20, 2008, 11:14:08 am »
Lower her magic a tad bit.  Remove the one that heals the entire party, keep the one that heals entirely.  Dim down on the protection techs, protect and barrier at once is just wayy to over-powered.  I'd say give her Barrier because of the magic for right now, she IS replacing Magus.  So it'd make it still balanced.  I would expect her stamina to be on par or just a slightly lower then Magus's because of the beating she's been taking her entire life...that would definitely build it up.  Her strength should be low.  Probably 5-6 stats above Marle or on par with Lucca.

Edit: Love the dialogue.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2008, 11:21:48 am by justin3009 »

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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #276 on: December 20, 2008, 11:40:42 am »
So did I.


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #277 on: December 20, 2008, 12:10:21 pm »
Chocobo fan you were born to write for schala :)
loved every moment of it


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #278 on: December 20, 2008, 12:24:40 pm »
I think Guardian makes sense, she should protect people...

Also, I imagine she'd want to focus on healing multiple people than one person for more...

I could get rid of Cure though.

Gah, I hate this. >.< Balancing issues are...annoying. It's your project, though, Justin, do whatever you want with it.


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #279 on: December 20, 2008, 12:50:18 pm »
Well...I guess we could remove Cure and use the one that heals everyone...I'm trying to stray from her for being the massive buff person because then that will make Marle COMPLETELY useless...


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #280 on: December 20, 2008, 12:56:01 pm »
Actually, no. Marle still has Haste, which Schala doesn't have.

(And also, Lucca becomes completely useless until you're on a NG+ when you get Janus, yet...)

Bah, whatever. I think that Schala should still be a good barrier mage... What should we put in to replace Cure?

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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #281 on: December 20, 2008, 12:57:46 pm »
Give her Lucca's Protect, or Janus' Magic Wall/Barrier.


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #282 on: December 20, 2008, 12:59:37 pm »
Maybe another offensive attack.  She only has what...2?  And they're both incredibly powerful.  Maybe a weaker one to start off with.


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #283 on: December 20, 2008, 01:25:43 pm »
What's wrong with Heavenly Peal and Prismatic Beam? Thunder is extremely loud, and it's thunder coming from the heavens, thus Heavenly Peal. The DD uses it, why not the team? Also, Prismatic Beam sounds better than Prism Beam or Rainbow Beam to me...
They don't sound's just that the word choice sounds a little strange. If the word peal has already thrown someone off, then you can expect a ton of people to think of a different meaning for the word. At first glance I though it said Peel, and I wouldn't be too surprised if other people expect it to be some kind of Life Shaver or something. Prismatic Beam isn't too bad, it makes sense. And they description of the tech does properly correspond to the way a prism works so, I guess it's fine. But look, we should be open to some more tech names, if you ask me, the more it sounds like something from the Chrono series, the better.

Maybe another offensive attack.  She only has what...2?  And they're both incredibly powerful.  Maybe a weaker one to start off with.
I agree--she needs another offensive attack. And if my lame attempts at coming up with techniques told me anything, it's that her offensive magic is just ridiculously amazing. She needs a weak white element-type spell, something like Chrono Cross's Photon Ray.


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Re: Chrono Trigger - Schala Project
« Reply #284 on: December 20, 2008, 02:10:20 pm »
She does, though -- Starfall. It's a level 1 Light spell, much like Crono's Lightning.