Hi, I have been a long time reader of The Compendium and with the new release of CT I thought it would be a good time to join in on the discussion.
The Dream Devourer's Dialog jumped out at me when I first went against it, the idea that Lavos was the mastermind behind the Time Devourer's Plot to destroy everything is a little odd considering that Lavos doesn't seem to have a real personality and didn't actually destroy anything besides Zeal, Recall that Mother Brain did say that the planet would eventually recover from Lavos' attack, so no permanent harm was done, which makes sense for a Being that is Harvesting DNA, it didn't Wipe out Civilization out of malice, it did it to clear the genetic slate of the planet so in a few million years, one of its descendants could have a new set of DNA to work off of.
So with that theory down, I would like to extend that Schala was the brains behind the Devourers, we know she hated Zeal for forcing her to be the operator of the Mammon Machine.
What if when Crono and Crew intervened in the Ocean Palace Incident they inadvertently killed Schala, When Magus tells the original story of how he got transported to 600 AD he had been sent before Schala supposedly gotten caught in her own, so logically instead of Porting Crono and Crew out, she used the last of the pendants power to Teleport herself and Zeal out, but instead the events of the game happen and she gets Tossed into the Darkness Beyond Time in which she sits and stews, possibly straining her sanity further until Lavos shows up, who being what it is sees DNA and attempts to assimilate it, starting to fusion Process, and as Lavos absorbs Schala's Magical Powers, it absorbs her mind or whats left of it, giving the now Omnicidal Woman a new weapon to destroy everything.