Hi, I'm new to this site, although I have spent a good deal of time over the past year or so reading through the posts and different sections on the site.
Before I start I think I should declare my history with the Chrono series. I have played CT since a month after it came out on SNES, I was 11, I still play through it every year or so, the replayability, depth blah blah blah are unsurpassed in my humble opinion. CC on the other hand, I never completed, never saw it completed aside from youtube videos, the story was pretty great but the extreme amount of superfluous characters really turned me off and made me feel like there was never really a definitive direction for the game (and I hated the combat, sorry, don't judge too harshly). I have also read through Radical Dreamers a time or two or three.
So after reading and reading I have come to question one thing about this series.
Is there really any true "Canon"?
Hear me out before you label me a heretic. Or just let me know if I am retreading ground that has already been well covered. I don't think Kato ever intended for there to be any one single "true" thread.
In CT we are dealing with time travel and the effects thereof. But we are only seeing it through our own eyes or through a single journey "thread". There are multiple endings. Insane amounts of possibilities. CT shows us one singular thread in time-space, we alter it, play with it and make our choices but we remain the same personality. Do we save Crono? Luccas mom? Do we destroy Lavos properly? But we always remain on the same thread of time-space.
In CC we are introduced to multiple threads. The what-if question is brought up. Every possible action or inaction in CT is brought to bare. Every choice/action/inaction creates a separate thread or "dimension". Now seeing as I never fully completed CC, I am going to assume that we are playing as one thread that is able to weave in and out of other threads. CC actually acknowledges other choices that could have been made, which are quite infinite. Which is why this whole series seems so convoluted.
My opinion is that we are able to determine the story on our own, which is why I believe, with only two (and a half RD) games under its belt, that this series has remained so beloved. I have always dreamed of a game where I get to choose what happens and have full control of the outcome of the story and characters. It's always been right under my nose.
I don't think that this series has gone at all in the direction that Kato originally intended it. Or maybe it has, who knows. Maybe he did at one point have an over-arching singular thread that was meant to be the be-all end-all story for this game and perhaps it will be revealed through another game. I hope not.
Now as to the discussion about Magus in the new ending. Has anyone killed Magus at North Cape then played through the DV? Thats my next mission, if you have, please share.