I think that we also have to keep in mind is this:
Chrono Trigger is released. At the end we all had questions of: What happened to Schala? Did Magus ever finds her? What became of Crono and Crew after all is said and done? And more.
Debate, speculation, wishing for the next Chrono Trigger!
Chrono Cross is released. It answers some questions to the end of Chrono Trigger, but at the end of it all, even
more questions arise. Too many to really list.
Debate, speculation, wishing for another Chrono Trigger!
Chrono Trigger is re-released. It answers some questions from CC, but at the end of it all, more questions arise.
Debate, speculation, wishing for another Chrono Trigger!
In the end, it boils down to, lather, rinse, repeat. We can speculate all that we want, and I must admit I love reading about it, but in the end it will be answered with the next game it seems.
Let's consider what we've seen thus far:
- Never would I have known or considered Dalton to be the one responsible for the rise of the Porre Army to attack Guardia. (There was speculation in the Compendium) That just came out of nowhere, but we didn't get this answered/confirmed until CT re-released. Which goes back that our questions will be answered one way or another it seems.
- Magus, is a wonderful character. His story is sad and tragic and we finally learn what happens to him in CT re-released. (It was so sad!) Now it makes us question the whole speculation of Magus = Guile and also, what exacley did happen? (I'll leave my thoughts on this for another time
) - Schala, I believe with each release, it seems that the story is about her. Her astral amulet causing the turn of the events that is Chrono Trigger. Queen Zeal, ordering and using her because of the sheer amount of power she had. The amount of sadness she kept inside vs. the amount of good she held in her heart splitting into two beings Harle/Kid speculation. Also what happened to her after Cross?
- New Speculation on the role of Marle, Chrono and Lucca. Were they the focal characters chosen by the planet to stop Lavos? Why were they the only ones that had clones? Why were they the ghosts that appeared to Serge?
It can go on and on! And we just love this game so much we can just talk about it all day . . . until bed time!