Author Topic: Chrono Trigger novel  (Read 2631 times)


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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Chrono Trigger novel
« on: February 15, 2005, 04:07:27 am »
hey if enough people want me to ill write a CT fanfic novel style staing completly true to the CT storyline diolouge and all without any added or changed bits and tell me what ending i should have the one where you fly epoch into lavos or where u fight him normally it will change the lavos fight bit dramatically depending

if u want me to do it estimated time for completion is about 2-4 weeks depending on how much homework i get >< and ill include as many sub events as i can ill have all the major ones though

well ill check this thread in awhile so tell me what u think


  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2005, 10:39:29 am »
Someone is already at that daunting task, and its taking a little longer than two to four weeks :)


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2005, 12:54:02 am »
they're probally doing a different style to me im staying 100% true to the story and i can write things in about 3-4 weeks that are that long im porting text from the game not makeing new lines of speech

for proof of production time im useing new game+ so easy to finish the game it only takes about a week 4 me to finish the game iwth super chars
in a day with normal new game and normal chars i can get up to masamune cave in a day when i hadent played it for ages

i'll have to make up some seech 4 crono though thats unavoidable


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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2005, 08:06:19 am »
Dude, no offense, but if your current writing style is anything to be judgemental of...

It might be best to leave it up to those other guys. They're doing exactly what you're doing (yeah, 100% true to the story, nothing that doesn't happen out-of-game), and in the end, the novel that comes from their committee will probably be better than what you can do in 3-4 weeks.

Again, I don't mean to sound rude, but carpenters just aren't supposed to fix plumbing when Mario's already around, you know?


  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2005, 12:09:28 pm »
They are by no means experts in the field of writing, but they do have some experience. And yes they are following the same format 100% game text coversion, adding in verbal descriptions of things that are visual in the game. Also Crono does talk too.


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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2005, 08:48:45 pm »
What? They make Crono talk, too? How absurd...He doesn't need to talk, that's the point of his character, his one good trait. Man, I just found another reason to not like that novelization...

Really? If we wanted to read Chrono Trigger, we'd play Chrono Trigger, it's as simple as that...Make a regular fanfic about new stuff. Make it interesting. If you can't do that, don't even bother...

Now...Go read my fanfic! :lol:


  • Mystical Knight (+700)
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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2005, 02:11:02 am »
yeah i suppose your wright hmmn mabye ill do a crono cross novel then, though since he way that game is set up it would take alot of suggestions or just do everything in the defualt way


  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2005, 02:41:25 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka
What? They make Crono talk, too? How absurd...He doesn't need to talk, that's the point of his character, his one good trait. Man, I just found another reason to not like that novelization...

Really? If we wanted to read Chrono Trigger, we'd play Chrono Trigger, it's as simple as that...Make a regular fanfic about new stuff. Make it interesting. If you can't do that, don't even bother...

Now...Go read my fanfic! :lol:

What is wrong with having Crono talk? He is not a mute so why should he not talk at all in the novel? And I definetly don't see his quiet tendencies in the game to be the point of his character.

In your fanfic he doesn't talk at all?

Ugh, the whole purpose of the novel is so that people that don't play video games can enjoy the story. Of course it would make no sense to write the novel if it was aimed towards people who played the game. Wayne wants anyone to be able to pick up the book and want to read it.


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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2005, 06:29:02 am »
I agree with CTcronoboy. Let's think about it the other way round; in a novel, you don't see the characters, but if you make a video game from the book, you'll obviously be able to see them. I think not seeing the character is a particularity of novels (yeah there can be illustrations, but still, a novel is not a comic book), while not seeing/reading/hearing the main character's quotes is a particularity of some video games.

A novel is about reading sentences and imagining the scenes, while Chrono Trigger, a video game, is more about seeing the scenes and imagining the main character's sentences.


  • Magical Dreamer (+1250)
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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2005, 11:24:09 am »
Quote from: Chrono'99
I agree with CTcronoboy. Let's think about it the other way round; in a novel, you don't see the characters, but if you make a video game from the book, you'll obviously be able to see them. I think not seeing the character is a particularity of novels (yeah there can be illustrations, but still, a novel is not a comic book), while not seeing/reading/hearing the main character's quotes is a particularity of some video games.

A novel is about reading sentences and imagining the scenes, while Chrono Trigger, a video game, is more about seeing the scenes and imagining the main character's sentences.

Thank you, I wanted to say something like that but my brain wasn't making the sentences work correctly.


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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2005, 08:51:12 pm »
I don't think Crono's mute...But there are only very rare instances where he actually says anything at all. He's the silent type. He tells his mom Lucca's name, Marle his own name, and he agrees to saving the world, yadda, yadda, yadda...I can see putting that stuff into the novel by actually showing what he says there, but just adding whatever into the regular conversation? His character obviously wasn't about talking, that's who he was, the silent hero...He talked when it was absolutely necessary. He chose actions over words.

And no, I don't think I have Crono talk in my fanfic...But, then again, my fanfic is, obviously, about Magus, not Crono. I have a parallel Crono come in at one point, and I think I might have given him a small sentence...I'd have to look it over...It's been a while since I wrote anything for Magness...and I'm sad about it...sad and frustrated...and I'm seriously thinking about re-writing whatever chapter I had just finished before my comp went stupid...I remember not being all that pleased with parts of it anyhow...



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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2005, 01:11:38 pm »
You shouldn't worry about what other people think. If you want to write a novel thats 100% just do it.

Daniel Krispin

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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2005, 12:58:10 am »
On the contrary, that is not always prudent counsel to give one. To do something even though one's skill may be lacking, simply because of misguided will, often leads to mis-spent time. If he has judged that three weeks will be enough to write such a story, he is either planning to make it a very brief and surface telling, or simply does not know enough regarding the ways of writing to make an accurate appraisal of such a project.
Think about this. Firstly, a tale of Chrono Trigger's length, to be told in its entirety, would need to be about 400 pages long; that is how long the Novel Project is, I belief. I suppose it could be greatly shorted with less description and the like, but that betrays the very concept of writing it into a novel form. For argument, let us say 200 pages - and that is decidedly brief. 90,000 words is a whisper in the wind compared to what it would need to be, I think. But anyway. Now figure in the estimated time of 2 - 4 weeks. A median figure of three weeks yields a neccessary ten pages per day: a distinct impossibility for anyone but an absolute master writer... strike that, a writer gifted with an extremely swift mind and fingers. At my absolute swiftest I have written five pages in three hours, and that is putting little effort into the exact wording - and I'm no slow typist, either. Taking that as a figure would mean around six hours of work a day for a first draft. A complete editing job requires as much time again. Essentially, to finish a CT novellization in three weeks would require one to spend nearly every waking moment, including school-time, writing... writing without any interruption. It is, in a word, impossible. I would say something of this length... two years is reasonable.
Beyond this is the fact is the very idea of porting exact lines of speech. Very ill-advised. The game is not written in a manner that would work well for a story. A direct copy simply cannot be done - to my mind. Technically, it can be done, but I would not consider such a thing literature or writing to any degree. Every fanfiction that has attempted such a thing has fallen short - and there have been those. Writing is far more difficult than simply typing out lines and adding in description here. To be good it requires many, many, hours of reading and rereading, subtlety, a keen understanding of form and style... it can be done, to be sure, but needs far more patience than a mere three weeks can provide! That does not even give you a chance to have enough of a break from it to give it a fair edit. If you still wish to do such a thing, prepare for a long task of several years. Trust me on that, at least - I once began a CT fanfiction meant to be a short few weeks in writing, sixteen pages long. It was two years and four hundred pages before I finished. These things have a way of... expanding.


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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2005, 01:34:58 am »
I'm tempted to try and literaturize (made up word, yes) a part of the plot just to see how it would turn out. I might do it tomorrow.

Daniel Krispin

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Chrono Trigger novel
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2005, 01:43:22 am »
Quote from: ZeaLitY
I'm tempted to try and literaturize (made up word, yes) a part of the plot just to see how it would turn out. I might do it tomorrow.

It's lots of fun, believe me. I tried it with the battle against Magus in his fortress, and it turned out alright - but convinced me that doing the whole story would be foolish. Good luck on the literaturizing, though, but seeing as you're doing it... you probably won't need luck, eh?