Author Topic: Some Chrono Art.  (Read 11822 times)


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Re: Some Chrono Art.
« Reply #120 on: September 15, 2009, 05:42:03 pm »
No, I'm pretty sure Toyfare appreciates people sending in their custom creations, or at least that's what they've said in the past...  :?

I checked to make sure. I know they used to take submissions years ago then basicaly stopped for a long time. They just recently brought back that Home made Hero feature. They don't take any submissions via their website that's for sure.  Most of the stuff they show now is just stuff they pulled from the net. Usually from e-bay. 

True, but for Ozzie now I'm thinking that Play Arts Yangus from Dragon Quest VIII has the perfect body and has great articulation.
slap on some sculpy and viola'! The Oz-man cometh.