Thanks again all. I'll have more stuff posted soon.
In resposne to this however:
I still wonder what she'd look like in alternative clothing, maybe some kind of official Guardian military uniform. Somehow I don't see Magil letting her run around in that nonexistent skirt forever.
& this,
Wow i really like your picture but as faust says i would love to see her covered up a bit ....
And now this is more in relation to the impending fan project rather than random fan art.
Other than the art style the changes I made to the CT characters you'll notice were minor overall.
For the most part if you saw only the character's silhouettes you would still know who they were
I make sure to keep that in mind anytime I redesign an existing character.
Case in point like when the project I was working on at the time called for a drastic re-design on Robo and Frog
some of you on this very thread mentioned how they looked a little TOO different.
In Kid's case part of her reckless abandon is illustrated by the way she dresses. She's a tomboy that hasn't quite figured out how attractive she's becoming and is a bit of a tease(in Radical Dreamers especially). It's as much a signature to her character as Chrono's punk hairdo and Luccas Huge glasses. It very much defines her. We all know that she isn't very lady-like so we wouldn't expect her to dress as such in game. She's literally the exact opposite of Schala when it comes to wardrobe and I'm quite sure that was no accident. Bear in mind also that her character/wardrobe design survived through RD into CC since it fit her so well, that being the case I'm not so sure it's something we should ever really fool around with unless it's for some specifically themed fan art scenario. In short, sure we can change the way Kid dresses but I guarantee that we'll have to tell people "Yeah, that's Kid." rather than them already knowing it right off the bat.
My 2 cents.