However, there is one possibility. When a Time Traveler named X escapes his reality to go to the past he is unable to reverse time, but he does visit an entirely different reality who's timeline seems to be repeating the same things as X's original timeline. And it is this timeline where X's presence effects the flow of time. Bring another chess piece on board and the outcome is different than supposed to be. That is how Chronoverse works.
I agree with you mostly here. But the wording "different reality" scares me a bit.
However, it IS possible to visit that very timeline's future without traveling to yet another reality. But once done, you can't go back. If you do travel back to the past then you enter yet another reality.
This appears to work, but there is a problem. Remember that the Entity started this whole process at the end of its life - sometime beyond 2300AD. The terms "past" and "future" are related to a "present". In your example, you assume that the game takes place in the present, but it technically doesn't. Lets say that Joe was in a pocket dimension and he decided to focus on the absolute present - say 2600AD.
Now I will try your example: X in Reality Y , 1000AD goes to 600AD creating the new Reality Y' and X messes with stuff to severely change history.
Joe in 2600AD observes these changes. no problem
Then X in Reality Y' travels to 1995AD (his perceived future).
In your example, X would still be in Reality Y' , but in 1995AD instead. But to Joe, who is in the true present,
It is now Reality Y'' because all X did was change the past twice.Since Crono and Co. only time travel "in the past" relative to the Entity's dying, every "future" they go to is also an alternate reality - according to your basic idea anyway.
If there is an absolute present, can you travel to the future. not sure - but probably not since there is no predestiny in Chrono Trigger.
before coming across the Compendium. I assumed that there were an infinite number of realities, and when a time traveler travels into the past, he is actually visiting a parallel reality which future he is changing, while if he travels into the future he is just visiting the future in his own reality.
This directly states that time travellers are not traversing realities when they time travel, but visiting the past of their own timeline and rewriting history.
Your comments about time travel in the past appear to contradict eachother.
This would neatly account for many paradoxes of time travel, such as the grandfather paradox, since you couldn't go back in time to kill YOUR grandfather, you would be killing the grandfather of another you. a sense. But its not a you in another, preexisting reality. Absolute Present is important. Assuming all of the realities you reference exist in the same point in time (such as 2008AD), then shifting back in time and into another reality in ( say from 1991AD to 1947AD ) to kill "your" grandfather would cause a paradox in that reality.
However, you cannot have a story about time travelling without similar concepts having to be true, otherwise the story would be riddled with paradoxes.
Very true. That's why I don't think this is a waste of time pretty much. Plus its good exercise for the brain.
In this case what the Compendium is forgetting is that another Timeline exists that we don't know of. The Time Traveler's Actuality Clock. It travels with the body, mind and soul. When a X does time travel, he experiences an entirely different world, but his own body remains the same. If he's wearing a watch and time traveling, then the watch moves forward as if nothing has been tampered with time, just as the traveler's mind and body. Meaning, in a way, there is another force and flow that he cannot reverse and he continues aging. This is, what I call, a Perpendicular TimeFlow that flows and refracts throughout dimensions and time. Even if he does reverse and fast-forward time, the flow that he cannot escape is TTAC. And this TTAC contradicts TTI, because this TTAC is actually a proof of a Time Traveler's existence. And for a Time Traveler, there are ways sideways, but not back or forth. The only way is one way: Up.
I have issues with both TTI and TTAC. And its all because of Time Error. The thing is, Time Error is useful, as it makes the most sense out of everything I've seen at the Compendium. The problem with TTI and TTAC is that they take a "personal point of view". Crono travels back and forth - and none of these changes cannot affect him because his timeline has long since been dismissed to the DBT. However, only a fragment has been dismissed. So....
Crono travels back to let's say 200AD and changes things at Time Error X.
Marle travels back to 100AD at Time Error X+1, "after" Crono time travelled. Then changes history so Crono's family line dies out early.
Marle will recall Crono and his family line as she always has. When she returns to 1000AD at Time Error X+2 she will see that here, Crono never existed.
The answer was in the game all along. Remember the Marle Grandfather paradox issue?
Let's backtrack first. Marle travels in the past and convinces Frog to write a famous book. A new timeline is created in which the Marle of 1000AD would know about the book. When the timeline reaches the point where the old Marle would have time travelled, the new Marle will be sent to the DBT. Now back the the grandfather paradox here. Queen Leene dies - a new timeline is created in which Marle never exists.
"omg but she didn't disappear instantly why o why - no loop where crono could not have met her because she never existed omg"
yea. I have an answer. When Marle goes back in time she reaches 600AD, Time Error X+1.
Quoting Thought:
In fact, if Crono just existing in the past changes the past, then for each additional second he is there, another timeline should get discarded in favor of a timeline with him in the past for that one additional second.
Swap the word "second" for moment. That means when Marle travels back in time, she first creates a future in which she still goes to the fair with Crono and Crono sees her vanish into a gate. Then he follows her into the past. Later on, when she gets found and waits in the castle she starts a countdown of sorts.
My guess is that when she reaches the point where Queen Leene would have been saved (but now wasn't) Marle will vanish into the DBT. I think of it as a "point of certainty". Up to that point, Queen Leene was not dead and therefore the Guardia line was preserved. If Time allows her to exist beyond the "point of certainty", Leene could die and that would create a paradox. So Time preserves itself by eliminating the unnecessary part of the problem - Marle.
So how would Crono remember her? Simple. The Crono and Marle that we see by the end of the 600AD aren't the same ones we started with.
Marle A in Timeline X, Time Error Y+1 enters gate leading to Timeline (X-n)', Time Error Y+2
Crono A and Lucca A are sent to the DBT along with Timeline X.
Crono B in the below timeline/time error, witnesses Marle B enter the gate. She gets TBed.
Crono B in Timeline X' Time Error Y+3 enters gate leading to Timeline (X-n)'' Time Error Y+4 to follow her.
Crono B can never see Marle A or B - when the countdown finished "A" entered the DBT and "B" was TBed.
Crono B actually sees Marle C of the new timeline he created by travelling there.
Marle C is created when Crono B travels to the past, to a new timeline where the countdown to the point of certainty has yet to finish.
All later Cronos that follow him into the past are TBed.
Marle C is then sent to the DBT at the same time Marle A was. This prompts Crono to save Leene. He does - and at the castle, after the rescue he creates a new "point of certainty", thus Marle C returns. Well, maybe its Marle C -- I can't really be sure of that.
So I guess a part of my theory is that your time travel at Time Error N protects you until someone screws you over at
Time Error N+1. TTI needs some work. Time Bastard is awesome.
Whoever read this long post - sorry and hope you enjoyed it
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