Author Topic: So, what happens to the queen...  (Read 9088 times)

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2008, 12:29:44 am »
Or... It could be a lightsaber.

Jedi Magus FTW!

EDIT: Someone needs to draw that.


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #31 on: December 08, 2008, 12:53:26 am »
Please take notice of the line "she regained her humanity at last."

Seems to me he's implying she's not dead. As far as Gaspar can know crap about Queen Zeal that is, 'cause I don't know how he could possibly know about stuff he hasn't seen or heard.

After you get past Death Peak and revive Crono, Gaspar gives you a huge speech about all the different side quests. At the end of his speech he says "I am sorry that I must simply witness the coming spectacle from my vantage point here" in the english version, "I shall have you allow me to observe at leisure from here." I'm assuming this means he has some way of watching at least some things from the End of Time.

And as for the Jedi Red Stick of Doom, any thoughts on why we never see it again after that one scene?


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #32 on: December 08, 2008, 03:42:02 am »
It was clearly his scythe being swing there.  The red animation there (at least to me) was a representation of the attack simply not working.  If i remember right, when magus misses an attack, the animation is similar to what he did with Lavos there, maybe minus the red.  Why have the red there then?  I'm not sure, but visually it did the job (in my eyes at least) of showing an ineffective attack.


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2008, 11:56:01 am »
To those saying she's dead... what if she attained that immortality she so desperately sought, right there at the end?

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2008, 06:48:13 pm »
Quote from: Gaspar (SNES Version)
That poor woman can finally rest, now that the Black Omen is gone. She's turned back into a human.

Another false claim washed down the drain.


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #35 on: December 29, 2008, 04:23:56 am »
To those saying she's dead... what if she attained that immortality she so desperately sought, right there at the end?

Then its another ignored end that has pertinent effect on the development of the future of this world that is ignored in the schlock of Cross.


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2009, 05:09:42 am »
Gaspar's tone and wording clearly states that she is dead. He feels sorry for her, but also happy that she was no longer Lavos' puppet. She's one of my favorite characters, but I gotta admit that the Zeal family is about sadness, and failure. They are not meant to have a happy ending. She was in deep emotional pain, and she could finally rest from it within eternal slumber.

The game also hinted strongly that Lavos corrupts (Wasn't it the same for the Frozen Flame?), but who knows how good he is at it. I think he can only corrupt fragile minds. Schala was in deep sorrow about her situation, and Zeal was probably in sorrow due to King Zeal's death, and already partially insane. Lavos and Zeal clearly formed a bond, and it seems she became ageless, due to how you can see here in any time period. Lavos himself was ageless, but clearly not immortal. In the small chance that she did survive, she'd make a great character!

Magus could have been using a Scythe composed of the same material as the Masamune...


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #37 on: January 11, 2009, 06:06:54 am »
I wonder what in fact happened to ol' Queenie Zeal?


She's dead Jim.


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #38 on: January 11, 2009, 12:50:26 pm »
I wonder what in fact happened to ol' Queenie Zeal?


She's dead Jim.

Haha nice! That's THE closing statement for this topic. :D


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #39 on: October 02, 2009, 04:59:50 pm »
I wonder what in fact happened to ol' Queenie Zeal? She just disappeared, but it didn't seem like she died or whatever.

Would you guys wanna see her in a sequel as potential good or bad guy?

Personally I'd like her to return in a new sequel as a good character where she joins up with Schala and Janus and she apologises for everything and they live happily ever after  :)



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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #40 on: October 16, 2009, 04:08:54 am »
I believe that Queen Zeal is dead, which is a shame cause I think that more could be done with her character.

One of the many things that I find interesting about Queen Zeal is that we get to see someone who has become so corrupted that they are a completely different person.
Janus even says that she's not his mother anymore.

I always thought that it would be interesting to see what she was like before she became corrupted by Lavos.


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #41 on: August 21, 2010, 09:33:16 pm »
She gave her soul to Lavos to Defeat Your Team, Thats what i think at least  :roll:

Manly Man

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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #42 on: December 11, 2010, 06:31:02 am »
Honestly, I do believe that she's dead. Her 'humanity' being regained, at least as how I interpret it, is that her soul, spirit, whatever, was released from Lavos' grasp upon her demise, and so she was able to pass as it was meant to be.

This does NOT, I repeat does NOT completely and definitely say she is dead. Had she survived and escaped, I like to think that the possibility of it could be explained with the 'corruption' itself. I, for one, am an avid fan of the Soul series, the Soul Calibur for Dreamcast being my favorite. After Siegfried is finally released from Soul Edge and his Nightmare persona, it still doesn't make him free of the taint of the demonic sword. This is actually mentioned in his storyline in SCIII, where he goes to Kilik to try and learn his techniques for purification. It says that he could never be able to use them due to the fact that Soul Edge had left a lasting impression on him, and therefore he is, obviously, not quite normal/human again, retaining some of the traits from his time as Nightmare. That was corruption by an evil sword; considering how much more power Lavos, who is basically a sentient, parasitic asteroid, has than that measly blade, I would say that the effects contact with it had on Zeal would most definitely linger, and one of those could be the timelessness, and near-immortality she'd attained from her connection would most likely be very diminished but far from completely gone. Perhaps she'd survived because of the residual power she still retained, and was able to drift away to some other place. I find it something fun to toy with that she'd drifted into the End of Time, much like Gaspar, and that eventually she'll make it to the guru's humble abode. After all, time is basically an irrelevant concept to study and watch from that little outpost, as it's just the ether that hangs about the space-time continuum. Were she to live through something like that and make it there, I'm very certain that she would be able to spend what's basically the rest of eternity there with Gaspar and Spekkio.

Of course, in all likelihood this theory is shaky at best, and so I presume that Zeal had officially and irrevocably died after the Omen disintegrated. The biggest reason I find that the most plausible outcome is because that's probably just how Kato had intended it to be, and so until the official word is given, she should be thought of as a dead woman and resting soul. Just my two-cents here.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2010, 06:33:23 am by Manly Man »

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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #43 on: January 16, 2011, 11:52:24 pm »
There is a mention of what happens to her in the re-translation of Chrono Trigger per the DS release... I can't remember what it was. The original version per the SNES translation gives one room to believe she may have turned into a sane human, and either went on with life not remembering with happened or went to her eternal rest in peace since she was released of Lavos's control.


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Re: So, what happens to the queen...
« Reply #44 on: March 11, 2011, 06:20:12 pm »
I wonder what in fact happened to ol' Queenie Zeal? She just disappeared, but it didn't seem like she died or whatever.

Would you guys wanna see her in a sequel as potential good or bad guy?

Personally I'd like her to return in a new sequel as a good character where she joins up with Schala and Janus and she apologises for everything and they live happily ever after  :)

Queen Zeal Sacrificed herself to make Lavos stronger. of course it did not work because the another lavos you thought in ocean palace was way powerful she just did nothing basically. but I know that she sacrificed herself because After you are done the black omen. talk to Gaspar and he will say something like "She is finally back to normal now" but its been like years since I played Chrono Trigger  I do not remember that much.