I'm playing the CT DS and I re-did the rainbow shell sidequest for the millionth time and it reminded me of something I never understood for years. The king in 600 AD agrees to keep the rainbow shell and then Crono's party goes to 1000 AD Guardia castle and right away the current king is on trial. The chancellor claims he sold the shell, but the king denies it saying no shell even exists, so it's impossible he sold it. Even outside the courtroom Marle claims it's a scam because there's no shell.
Okay I can understand Marle getting confused about time travel changes, since she's the traveller, her memories may be different, but that doesn't explain the king's ignorance. As soon as the shell got to the castle in 600 AD from that moment forward time would change to allow the shell being kept there. What I mean is when King Guardia XXXIII (I think, the 1000 AD one) was born in whatever year, say 940 AD, he'd have grown up with the shell already being a family heirloom that has been there for over 300 years. So in other words he should be fully aware the shell is in the castle because he knows no other history.
The best I can compare it to is when you changed the Porre mayor. Once you give the wife the jerky in 600 AD time changes so the new mayor in 1000 AD knows no other reality other than him being too generous. So in that sense King Guardia knows no other reality other than having the shell be the family's heirloom.
Also, wouldn't the king being put on trial jeopardize the events from the beginning of the game? I mean realistically the trial must have been going on for more than just that day, so a week or so at least, I mean it IS the trial of the millennium really, the king is about to be dethroned and the kingdom overtaken. So wouldn't the king being on trial, possibly imprisoned, erase all the fighting he did with Marle at the beginning of the game since he was too preoccupied with other matters to argue with her? I mean Marle would remember it, but again, the King would have no recollection yet in the courtroom he seems to acknowledge it all.
Also it seems the king being on trial could jeopardize the fair, since with the kingdom in jeopardy who's going to set up a fair? It wouldn't have surprised me to go from 600 AD to 1000 AD and find the fair gone, since it was never set up to begin with given the current situation of the trial.