the news: i have mixed a few songs together for the soundtrack/score but i really need help tying the plot together.
i'm torn between doing a closed frog/glenn game and a more expansive, altogether more confusing game, and i'm leaning toward the one character frog game, maybe adding magus as unlockable.
basically i'm thinking frog gets attacked in his home and is rescued by masa and mune, who fuse and are kidnapped, hence the stealing of the sword. then he gets a calling from the entity to fuse some dead dimensions together to create conditions where he could retain human form. in each of these dead dimensions is either flea, slash, ozzie, shadow glenn, and finally dalton, who posesses the chrono clutch, and has already kidnapped chrono and marle and attacked guardia.
he may or may not recruit magus from 2300, where magus is now a village chief, trying to balance reconstruction of society with the search for schala. he also may or may not save chrono and marle, and return them to guardia.
that's where it stands now, sprites, music, and an idea. everybody here keeps talking about c&d letters and all i'm asking is what other fans would like to see done plot and gameplay wise. does this sound playable or would you all like to see something different? please, give me input!