Hmm yeah indeed I think Dalton is certainly capable enough, as I've stated numerous times. If he could defeat Chrono and Marle, doubtful, but possible I think. Yes they are strong, but so is Dalton.
Capable enough? I don't know about that. Even Once-King Dalton, while pretty powerful, falls to his knees pretty fast against my party of Crono, Glenn, and Janus. (Which is pretty much identical to a party of Crono, Marle, and Lucca, when you think about it...) And in all honesty, if Crono can defeat Lavos
by himself, (talking about getting the Developer's Ending in the beginning of the game here) then I certainly think he can beat Dalton one-on-one. Plus, he likely has Marle with him, if not Lucca as well...
Also, Plasma is Lightning II lookalike, not Luminaire.
Let me just sum up what I think are his strong points, just so it's clear:
- He has influence and is competent
When Chrono & Co arrived in Zeal it was clear that Dalton had been in charge of the militia there for a long time. That must mean he does his job well and knows how to hold influence and intimidation on people. Also strongly seen when he takes Schala. I thought that was a very cool moment with Dalton. Furthermore, in the construction of the Ocean Palace, he was the one that kept all the Earthbound slaves in a row.
He has influence yes, but likely because Zeal decided to put him there as a general... The guy's a hot-headed jerk, I doubt people would enjoy serving under him. Even with his magic, he'd have a hard time rising in the ranks of Porre thanks to his temper. Also... Dalton, competent? I beg to differ. The guy got sucked into his own gate. I mean, seriously. And he likely kept the Earthbound slaves in line through fear rather than competence.
- He has knowledge
He watches over the Blackbird when Chrono arrives, and it's also said he was the man that oversaw the construction of the Ocean Palace. In addition, he recognized the Epoch immediately as Belthasar's creation and engineered wings and lasers on it, and he could control it quite well.
He watches over the Blackbird yes, but he did not design it. Also, I think you would recognize someone's work if you saw their design blueprints and
it matched perfectly... >.> Doesn't take a genius to figure it out if they've already seen the blueprints. And no, he did
not engineer the new stuff onto the Epoch, random Daltonites did that. Oh, he probably
told them what to add, yes, but when do we ever seeing him actually working on the Epoch? That's right, never. We just see Daltonites crowded around the Epoch, presumably working on it, while Dalton just sits in the back, laughs maniacally, and snaps at them to hurry up. So no, it does not seem like he can be credited for having "engineering prowess".
- He is strong
Dalton has many strengths in combat as well. He can summon at least two Golems at once, and probably more. Imagine what Guardia soldiers could do when he just summons five Golems at a time. They would be outmatched already. He can also summon a Golem Overlord and knows strong magic spells, like Luminaire.
"He is strong" -- Haha, no. Let me see him go one-on-one with Lavos and win, then I'll admit he's strong. Like I said, Once-King Dalton was far easier than Lavos. I had no trouble with him whatsoever. Also, he can cast decently powerful magic yes, but no, he cannot cast Luminaire, like I said earlier in this post. The trio can cast way more powerful magic. And since when is being able to summon golems a measure of strength? Crono can annihilate anything in his path with holy light. Dalton can hide behind piles of rocks with clown faces. To the average soldier they'd be tough yes, but if it ever came to that the trio could just step in, blast the golems to pieces, and the soldiers could continue their defense.
Crono/The Trio >>>>> Dalton.
The only way he could even have a chance of overthrowing Guardia is if he suddenly got a whole lot smarter and decided to distract Crono and Marle (and possibly Lucca) so they would be absent while the Porre army comes in and ransacks the place. Dalton would likely be killed in the process, of course, because of my above statement, but there isn't really any other way... Guardia simply cannot fall if Crono and Marle are there. With Luminaire, Crono is basically his own tank with twice as much firepower, durability, and mobility, and Marle could simply be spamming Cures everywhere, not to mention Haste and Arise...
I don't see why you think Dalton is so amazing, Dark Serge. The guy got sucked into his own gate, was defeated at the hands of Crono and co. no less than three times, and his a complete hothead. Like earlier Compendium theorists have said, Dalton lacks the cunning, intelligence, and finesse to take down the Kingdom of Guardia.
And I'm pretty sure Lynx offed Lucca, didn't he? That's what I got... Though we never see her body, so maybe she fled...? It doesn't seem like Lucca to abandon a burning orphanage full of kids, though. Not to mention that Lynx (while pretending to be Serge) talks about "avenging" Lucca... I'm pretty sure she's dead. :( Hopefully that's somehow fixed in the Ideal timeline, but that's likely just wishful thinking...
Now Crono and Marle, that's still anyone's guess. :/
Also, Crono's Color would be White, not Yellow... >.>
@ Justin: I don't think it was 100% confirmed that Dalton would be the one responsible for the Fall by the time Cross was made. *shrug* No one can really say for sure. Maybe if SE remakes CC, there might be a reference to Dalton somewhere...