Author Topic: A "cookbook" for creating a gate that leads to the DBT?  (Read 3726 times)


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Re: A "cookbook" for creating a gate that leads to the DBT?
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2008, 10:49:52 am »
BROJ, thanks for the illustration. Now that I understand, I totally agree (though I might disagree with terming a single child dimensional split a "dimensional split," but mostly for reasons of semantics).

I think I read in the Compendium Encyc that Belthasar specially treated the gate on Opassa Beach in some way. Anyone remember what he did exactly? And why is it that the gate only opens up after Serge & co. defeat the Dragon God? It might go a long way toward explaining the necessary ingredients.

In game I don't recall Belthasar doing anything to the gate. I'm fairly sure he just gave Serge & Squad a Time Egg. And to note, if I am recalling correctly, in game, the gate to the DBT only appears in one dimension. While it only appears after one defeats the dragon god, I'm not sure how much of that is significant. In a New Game+ it is always present, so it might have always been present (sort of like in CT, did the Telepod create the Gate at the fair or was the gate always there, but merely unseen?).

On the topic of Dinopolis, I can't remember if I suggested this before (and if so, if anyone agreed or if it was concluded to be bunk), but do we know for sure that the Dragonian Dimension exists? That is, might it have been pulled out of the DBT by the Entity, rather than from another living dimension? It has always been a bit vague to me as to how the Dragon God was absorbed by the TD, but if it had already been sent to the DBT before Dinopolis was introduced to the world, that would have provided the opportunity for it to have been corrupted.

Acacia Sgt

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Re: A "cookbook" for creating a gate that leads to the DBT?
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2008, 11:42:09 am »
And to note, if I am recalling correctly, in game, the gate to the DBT only appears in one dimension.

It's in both, the only difference between both beaches is that in Home there are the ghost-like beings.


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Re: A "cookbook" for creating a gate that leads to the DBT?
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2008, 12:04:42 pm »
The Dimensional distortion is in both, and i think in a new game plus it might be in both, but are you sure in the first playthrough both dimensions have a portal to the DBT?


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Re: A "cookbook" for creating a gate that leads to the DBT?
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2008, 02:18:34 pm »
This may dip into fanon, but I'll say it anyways.

The Reptite dimension is the original timeline/dimension. 

Lavos may search for viable feeding grounds in a manner that it is not consistent with our normal idea space(time) travel.  This meaning that Lavos doesn't just drift through space searching for places to crash, but it travels in another dimension (would this be 5-D?) "looking down" through time and space, searching.  It then eventually comes across the Reptite timeline, determines that it is a good place to feed and "crashes" through at a chosen point, in the dimension/timeline to set up shop with its little life sucking PD.  This crash happens in our relative past and is such a disturbance that the dimension splits.

Of course I just made all of that up...but it could happen!

chrono eric

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Re: A "cookbook" for creating a gate that leads to the DBT?
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2008, 05:59:14 pm »
The Dimensional distortion is in both, and i think in a new game plus it might be in both, but are you sure in the first playthrough both dimensions have a portal to the DBT?

I am pretty much 100% positive that in the first play through the gate to the DBT is only in  Home World. The reasoning for this may not be significant though, as the game developers probably just wanted you to see the ghost children and talk to them before going to the DBT.


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Re: A "cookbook" for creating a gate that leads to the DBT?
« Reply #20 on: December 17, 2008, 07:17:29 pm »
If the gate to the DBT is only in Home World where the Dream Children are, then we have an added complexity -- only after encountering clones of Crono, Lucca, and Marle does a DBT gate open up in either CT:DS or Chrono Cross.

chrono eric

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Re: A "cookbook" for creating a gate that leads to the DBT?
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2008, 07:27:30 pm »
If the gate to the DBT is only in Home World where the Dream Children are, then we have an added complexity -- only after encountering clones of Crono, Lucca, and Marle does a DBT gate open up in either CT:DS or Chrono Cross.

Not necessarily. You first encountered them in the Dead Sea and the Gate didn't "appear" until you encounter them last at the end of the game. I think what is more likely is that it was always there, but just inaccessible until you had the Time Egg from Belthesar.

And as far as the signficance of it being in both worlds in New Game +, I think that is just to access certain non-canon endings and should not be read into too much.

So you're left with the following evidence: The Gate is only in Home World and probably was there all along since the time of the dimensional split. In CTDS the Gate only appears after going through the 3 dimensional vortexes, and the gate appears in the Bucket to 1999 AD which just so happens to be the time period that the entire future was sent to the DBT.

So I think: A Gate to the DBT appears whenever a severe alteration to the timeline occurs, and in the location that catalyzed that alteration. Now, what if dimensional travel is a pre-requisite for actually accessing the Gate to the DBT?

That would have very interesting implications for Chrono Cross, as it would imply that only Serge and co. could go to the DBT and defeat the Time Devourer since they met the prerequisite of being dimensional travellers, and would also perhaps explain the need to split the dimension in two in the first place, further elucidating Belthesar's plan.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 07:29:04 pm by chrono eric »