Dimension 1, Time X-600: Time Traveller stops the terrible event from happening in Dimension 1, altering it's future in the process.
Dimension 1 (new future timeline), Time X: Dimensional Traveller crosses over to Dimension 2 and travels back in time 600 years - 1 minute.
Dimension 2 (new future timeline), Time X-600-1 minute: Dimensional Traveller appears and awaits Time Travellers arrival by TTI. When he arrives, he kills Time Traveller. Does this action alter the future in Dimension 1, or not?
Well, if DTI does not exist then the future of Dimension 1 will be altered. Dimensional Traveller may still appear in X-600-1 minute because of TTI (DTI may not be required even though he appears in another dimension). If DTI does exist then the future in Dimension 1 is preserved and the only way to change it would be to kill Time Traveller in Dimension 1. So what's the answer?
This is a very interesting situation. I can't find a reason why DTI would have to exist at all because TTI accounts for the appearance of time travellers in other dimensions regardless of their original crossing of that dimension. It's the act of appearance that is preserved. Hell, if time travellers can appear out of nowhere from dead timelines as is the case with TTI, then I see no reason why DTI would be required in this case.
The only thing I could think of is that the Conservation of Energy rationale applies here too, and that DTI would have to exist on those grounds. But since dimensional travel doesn't seem to create paradoxes by itself, I see no reason why it DTI would have to exist in that light.
Well, TTI needs to exist because if it didn't, one could go back in time and change the past so that the time travel event would never occur. Dimensional travel wouldn't work the same way in these examples because you are only changing where you are located in terms of space and not time. However...
lets see:
I will call Time Traveller "A" and Dimensional Traveller "B".
A travels back from D2: Time X to D2: Time X-600
A's appearance there is locked and will always happen no matter what.
A then travels from D2: Time X-600 to D1: Time X-600.
A's appearance there is NOT locked and can be overwritten.
In D1: Time X, Time Error Y+1 , B goes back to D1: Time X-600-1min,
B's appearance there is locked and will always happen no matter what.
B kills A.
D1's future will change back to how it was before A's original intervention.
Why? No DTI involved. A appears in his own dimension 600 years in the past no matter what. With the same intentions he always had, he crosses dimensions to prevent the tragedy. In Time Error Y+1, B will kill A before A can change the future (again), thus sending the bright future to the DBT. So from Time Error Y+1 and onward, the bright future of Dimension 1 will never exist because B will always emerge from the gate to kill A and A will always emerge from the 600AD gate in Dimension 2 with conviction to enter Dimension 1. Even if a third party was involved - say to go to Dimension 2: X-600 to stop A from traversing Dimensions, B (under TTI) would still always appear and would simply wait for someone who would never show.
I've thought about a few examples, and I can't find one that creates a paradox, mostly because dimensional travel only leads to the same Time X, so no paradox can ever be created - and any time travel issue is countered by TTI.
We need an example where time travel + dimensional travel creates a situation where even TTI would not avoid a paradox.
EDIT: Alright I think I've got it.Professor A invents a Time Travel "gate key" and can open time gates anywhere.
Then, 10 minutes later, he invents a machine that creates a Dimensional Vortex that exists in all time periods (like CTDS) and is fixed in place, and can only exist if the machine is operational.
Professor A can lay time gates perfectly on top of the Dimensional Vortex to use both simultaneously.
Professor A indeed uses his devices simultaneously, immediately after both are invented.
From Dimension 1, Time X, Professor A travels to Dimension 2, Time X-10.
There, he tells a resident, Person B, to traverse dimensions to Dimension 1 and kill Professor A before all means of extra/other spatial travel were invented.
Person B at D2: Time X-10 travels to D1: Time X-10 and kills Professor A just seconds after Time Travel is invented. Dimensional Travel is never invented.
Now lets add "1" to Time Error and play this through again.
A (time) gate will open in Time X-10 no matter what. But where? Time portals will always open no matter what because of TTI. So if no dimensional travel can exist, the
second time things happen, the will portal open in Dimension 1, instead of Dimension 2. Which means Professor A (who, by TTI, will always remember inventing dimensional travel as well) will appear 10 minutes into the past, meet the counterpart of Person B and tell him to cross dimensions to kill Professor A. Professor A will be shocked to see that the dimensional vortex no longer exists. (If the machine is rendered inoperable, the vortex ceases to exist in all time periods. like how the CTDS portals only exist in all time periods for Time Error Y+1 after they are created at Time Error Y.)
That means that no version of Person B crosses dimensions (NOT time) to kill Professor A. If DTI did not exist this would create a loop because if Person B can't kill Professor A, then dimensional travel will exist -- but then Person B would now be able to kill Professor A, negating the existence of dimensional travel - and so on.
Good call chrono eric, Dimensional Traveller Immunity exists.