Watch this:
-- Using TTI/TB/TE in the original, Compendium form --
Crono dies
>>End of Time<<
All playable characters are here (this matters)
Lucca, Marle, Frog have Time Egg and Doppel
These three take Epoch to 2300AD at Time X
Epoch appears in air
Lucca, Marle, Frog, Doppel climb Death Peak and enter gate to 12000BC
Lucca, Marle, Frog, Crono emerge from gate
Past has now been altered in 12000BC, timeline resets
Lucca, Marle, Frog, Doppel appear but are not visible to others who are frozen
Doppel replaces Crono
Lucca, Marle, Frog, Crono enter gate to 2300AD
Doppel is destroyed by Lavos
>>End of Time<<
All playable characters are here
Lucca, Marle,
Ayla have Time Egg and Doppel
These three take Epoch to 2300AD at Time X
Frog is TB'ed at Time X (everyone at EoT is like 'wtf!?')
{{In the Chronoverse, there is no predestiny -- different choices can always be made in the present when the past is altered in any way as seen in-game}}
Epoch appears in air -
Frog (protected by TTI) appears in the exact same spot he did before - Travel from the EoT will always take you to the same location on the planet.
Frog and Ayla literally appear inside eachother.Despite this, Lucca, Marle, Frog/Ayla combo (alive somehow) climb Death Peak and enter the gate to 12000BC.
Lucca, Marle, Frog are TB'ed -- Ayla is not.Lucca, Marle, Frog, Ayla, Crono emerge from gate
The past has changed, timeline resets
The original Lucca, Marle, and Frog, Doppel appear - with Ayla now.
Whether or not Ayla's body is restored is up in the air.
Doppel replaces Crono
All 5 of them return to 2300AD - Lucca, Marle, Frog, Crono are TB'ed
^^ You have to feel bad for Ayla - not only was she fused with Frog for some time, but every time they enter a gate, her companions on the other side will be shocked and confused to see her because the party she is with keeps getting TB'ed. And with her cavewoman knowledge, she could never figure it out much less explain it =)
All I did was switch out a party member. Not the most significant or complicated change - yet it produces terrible results.
But it gets worse than freaky fusions:
Conservation in the Chronoverse works nicely because it counts everything in the ENTIRE timeline rather than just a specific point. So as long as things balance out in the end, Conservation is not considered violated. Time Bastard is also helpful here because it eliminates doubles in such a way that if
Person A's counterpart does not time travel at Time X like he should - he vanishes.
This works out so that you can trace a person's existence on a timeline back and forth with your finger without lifting your finger off of the page. There is no discontinuity. Yay....
So, you can repeat this process, eventually making all of the team vanish from the End of Time - fuse into eachother, become confused as to why their friends don't know how someone got there - despite having had a conversation 5 seconds before entering a gate, etc.
This is a possibility predicted by the Compendium's theories. Of course, with some luck, the same party members will always go to Death Peak and always perform every action at the exact same time, that way TTI/TB don't mess things up.
What if the party, in another runthrough, for whatever reason, needed an extra 2 seconds to set up the Doppel to replace Crono?
TB will destroy them before they have the chance - along with Crono. The Doppel will just be lying on the ground so that when time unfreezes in 12000BC everyone will see Crono missing and a doll just laying on the ground a few feet away.
TTI/TB work in that they help preserve events that need to exist to avoid a paradox while preserving Conservation.
They do, but they create some other effect - like timeline entropy or something.
TTI and TB protect events that have occurred, but random variables allow for other events to arise that will also be protected by TTI. This can continually reproduce itself until you have the ultimate result:
Micro continuity sacrificed for Macro continuity. To an outside observer (like the player), things won't even make sense anymore. Events on a live timeline will be completely disconnected in favor of events that existed on dead timelines.
It's not so bad though right? Actually it is devastating - With gates, things may not get too out of hand - but every instance of Epoch use has to be perfectly replicated or else fusions will occur as I mentioned earlier.
But, I do believe this entropy can be applied to every time travel event. So take the above and complicate it with small changes made for another, if not several time travel events that are not repeated. I think things will get out of hand really quickly.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: took out the line "or characters will fall to their deaths" because it is incorrect.