I have a sword! A sword posted onto to a picture of me in MS paint!
That's pretty cool. I would buy a sword like that if I had enough money. Anyways, my really Nerdy friend has a Master Sword Replica. And speaking of Cosplay, I'm going to do something at comic-con this year...
It's not THAT expensive.
But it's little more than a mere replica. It is of enough quality for stage fighting. The blade is spring-steel, so it bends and reflexes quite a bit (they say you can bend it like 30 degrees or more without permanently bending it, but I've never gone quite that far.) It has enough strength not to break when one strikes wood with it. It's not sharp, though. I actually went cheap. There was a more expensive sword that was the same in overall look, but rather nicer, and had damasked steel (very, very nice look) and that one was sharpened to a surgical edge... they told me at the store one could easily cut wood with such a weapon. But it was a tad too expensive for me at the time. So I settled on this one. Not sharp. Not quite as good quality. But it's looked nice, all the same.
It's actually a replica in look of an actual viking sword from the 8th century, down to the copper inlay. But, as I say, it's not just a replica like if you had a replica Master Sword, or one of those blased Kit Rae abominations. I'm certain I could do light fighting with it and it wouldn't break. It's got a nice weight to it, somewhere around 2lb, and I'm pretty fast with the flourishes.
Now, add such sword weilding with my studies in arcane languages, and hey, you've got yourself a sword mage. Not sure what you'd call such a thing in Latin, mind you. I don't think there's a word for 'mage'. I suppose the closes thing you could get is this really archaic word for prophet, which is vates. It has something to do with chanting/wailing. Anyway, yeah, but I'm not sure how to build a name in Latin, come to think of it. Greek compounds words and allows the creation of words/names with far more ease. Sword, in Greek, is, well, xiphos, for one, but also kopis, makhaira, etc. I suppose if you want, instead of 'mage', something like 'prophet' (though I think Greek does have a better word for sorcerer, but it has more to do with poisons and what not... pharmakos, or something like that...) I might be a Xiphomantis. In Latin, assuming one can just construct a name like that in the same way, maybe... Ferrovates? That doesn't mix right. I'm not sure how to form them. This is most intriguing. Well, there are compounding ways of constructing it, like 'sorcerer of the sword' might be vates ferri. Or maybe 'sorcerous swordsman'... hm... swordsman... I don't know that one off hand. Oh, wait, never mind. Gladiator, of course. But this wouldn't be a gladius. Oh, here we go! I love my dictionary. As a name for Orion, ensifer, 'sword bearing'. I suppose one could make that substantive into 'a sword bearer.' Then I just need wizard... well, magus does come to mind, of course. But since it's just borrowed from Persian, I'm loath to use it. Here I've also go venificus as 'magical' (poisoner, essentially), so it could be Veneficus Ensifer. Heh. But I'm still hung up on the vates word. See, it implies both soothsayer and poet. Heh. So, the adjective... vaticinus. So it would be Vaticinus Ensifer. The prophetic swordsman.
Eh... I have languages running through my mind at the moment. I keep pining to write me some more Latin poetry, but it takes so much bloody time. I wish it was the old days where you actually learned to speak the bloody language.
And Kebrel...
Funny, you're right, he does a bit. But there's only one Daniel Krispin. I doubt he's as tall and scrawny as I am. And my hat is darker. As is my hair.