I did a quick search on this subject but couldn't find anything recent, so I apologize if I am bring back a dead subject in advance.
So I finally was able to beat Chrono Cross this passing weekend "great game btw", after beating the CT:DS release, and thought to myself how impressive, that just one Guru was able to pull all that off.
I then remember the ending cutsence in Trigger where Melchior is happily attending a wedding with a bottle of wine in hand.
This provoked two thoughts in me, where is Melchior during 1005-1020? Would Melchior help in Guardia affairs? Would that extend to its reconstruction "if it wasn't out right destroyed in 1005?" I assume it still is around in some form what General Kid said.
First we can assume two things.
1. Melchior was on very friendly terms with Crono and Marle, why else would he show up their wedding?

Not to mention Crono and Co saving him.
2. He probably didn't really care for Dalton. If this scene has any merit

, because being hit by a fireball is never fun.
So, if we can assume that Melchior didn't die of old age immediately after trigger "how old is he anyway", and if Guardia wasn't sacked to nothing "Which I think it is implied in Cross that it was still around" He would probably be more then willing to help them. I remember Melchior stating something about giving up the weapons business because of how peaceful the world is now. "Or something along those lines, I don't recall 100%" Obviously that wouldn't last for every long.
So if he is still around, that would have Melchior and Lucca, "atleast until 1015AD" perhaps two of the greatest minds in all of the Chrono series on the side of Guardia. Even though Melchior lives near Medina. If the Masamune quest from trigger was any indication, they could easily work together.
On a side note, if Schala really wanted to make Kid happy, she probably did something about Lucca's problem. "The being dead/missing problem." So We could even assume Lucca is probably even still around by the time 1020 hits. That is, if we are assuming she didn't change the events of 1005 AD as well.
Also, even though this might be reading too much into things, Melchior probably would help Magus if he was to ever see Magus, and if he knew about the Magus and Janus connection.
If Belthasar collaborated with Lucca in some way for the events of cross, would it be safe to assume that Melchior probably helped as well?
So, what ever did happen to Melchior?