Author Topic: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread  (Read 13656 times)


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Alright boys and girls!  Here we are again!  I know not everyone has 1.08, but with 1.1 coming out in a week, I'll post this here now.  If the demo testers could be so kind as to post bugs and glitches here, that would be great!  Hold in there the rest of you!  You'll get 1.1 soon! :D

Also, to avoid double postings of bugs, I will try and keep every bug posted listed here.. Wish me luck!~

Bugs for 1.08:
-There's a typo with the beginning.  It should be "Negative" not "Negetive"
-The chests in Truce Canyon don't work.
-The exits in Melchior's house are broken.  You won't be able to progress any further at all unless you fix them in TF yourself for now.
-The Vortex Jump in Heckran Cave is busted.  You take it, and the game freezes with black screen of death

-"Intangible" is spelled wrong when the Carnie is giving you the silver point card.
-No music in the new area of the fair, not sure it that is on purpose though. New area also has black along the bottom.
-Gargoyle who gives you your treasure hunter rank gives not only YOUR rank, but goes through ALL the ranks.
-No "?" at the end of the young women's sentence when asking Crono about Lucca "making ANOTHER crazy invention"
-In the circus tent to the right of Gato, there is an Atom Edge in a "chest" and an exit to the Tyranno Lair.
-During the trial, the Chancellor tells Crono to "Step forwards"
-When rescuing Fritz, he says to "Stop anytime you are in the area." Sounds kinda awkward, maybe put "Stop by anytime you are in the area."
-In Trann Dome, when Marle and Lucca are speaking, second to last textbox has It's and another word squished together (no space between).
-In Trann Dome, third man from right to left says "The mutants there don't react to very well to weapons such as guns or blades."
-Melchior's stairs trap you when going into his workshop from his kitchen. A solidarity issue I guess?
-When Melchior is telling you about the passage to Truce, he uses "to" twice, one of the times being unnecessary (if you look at the text you will see what I mean)
-The sentries at the entrance to Castle Guardia have dialogue issues: first sentry has the comma misplaced, should be after cornered, not Hero; second sentry's ending period has a space between it and the last word.
-The soldier at the stairs going down to the barracks has no title, such as Soldier or Sentry, just his text box.
-When you get the jerky rations, there is a huge space between Jerky and rations.
-Robo says to Aquire the Masamune. Should be Acquire.
-Frog, after you get the Masamune hilt, says "No one can reforge tha Masamune". Should be the.

-Crono's House - Treasure chest (Got one Ether!) Exclamation is too far out.
-Truce Mayor's Manor - just like #1, but with a Got One Tonic    !  Message
-Norstein Bekkler says "Welcome to my labratory!" Should be spelled, "laboratory."
-Boy did I appreciate that Atom Edge! However, the game will freeze if you go all the way in that tent due to Ayla's absence during the Azala scene, presumably.
-Recurrent problems with exclamation point distance in item acquisition messages.
-In Guardia Castle, 600AD, in one of the early events there, somebody says "Becareful..." Not sure which NPC it was now, but presumably someone encountered prior to speaking with disguised Marle.
-In Guardia Castle, 600AD, disguised Marle uses the words "atlast"; and "servents." Should be at last and servants.
-In Guardia Castle, 600AD, Lucca says "We don'tdon't want..."
-Manoria Cathedral, 600AD: One of the nuns uses the phrase "...tear eachother apart..." The words "each" and "other" need to be separated.
-I think when you step out of the Millennial Fair gate after the Manoria Cathedral quest Lucca says "I'd love too..." It should be I'd love to...
-Just after getting to 2300AD (In Bangor dome IIRC) Lucca says "We definately..." Should be "we definitely"
-In 2300AD, Ragged Old Woman in Arris Dome uses the phrase: "Death Peak.   There needs to be a closing quotation mark. I.e., she should say "Death Peak."
-In 2300AD, the Guardian says after defeat: "Security Mode 7 deativated."  It should be deactivated.
-In 2300AD, upon meeting Robo, Lucca says: "It's a bipedled humanoid robot!" That should be "bipedal".
-In 1000AD, when you visit Melchior's hut prior to the Heckran Cave quest, he reports that "There's also a passage to back to Truce..." ; delete the extra "to." Also, the word "deity" may be misspelled in his text.
-In 600AD, after Zombor, the Knight Captain says "We would certainly not survived" -- should read "We would certainly not have survived," though I might recommend "We certainly would not have survived."
-In 600AD, after Zombor, Robo says: "Please to meet you" to the Knight Captain. Should be "Pleased to meet you."
-In 600AD, a Young Woman in Dorino Inn says: A sword called "Masmune" was made ages ago. -- should be Masamune.
-In 600AD, a Young woman in (I think San Dorino's) Elder's House: Only the hero can wield it's power -- should be its.
-The Naga Ette bromide room battle in Manoria Cathedral could use some pre-battle party repositioning if that's possible. My characters got stacked in very close proximity, but maybe the game always did that anyway.
-Lucca's Zonker-38 attack effect gfx may be messed up. She seems to shoot arrows with it.
-In Heckran Cave, the Djinn/Octoblush battle plays boss battle music -- is that intended?
-In Heckran Cave, I was able to actually bypass the Heckran battle by hugging a wall as I walked up to Heckran IIRC. Heckran gave his defeat dialogue and self-destructed on the spot. However, I fought Heckran normally after loading up a savegame, so I'm not sure whether it's random or if it's the way I walked up to him the first time around.
-You-know-who guarding the Magic Cave doesn't seem to have any dialogue...though maybe he's not supposed to be there at all when you're first able to access the Magic Cave.
-The Broken Hilt doesn't disappear graphically from Frog's floor when you acquire it, though it does get put into inventory correctly.
-Finally, there doesn't seem to be any battle music in Guardia Forest. However, I actually really, really liked fighting enemies and still having the peaceful forest theme going on for some reason.

-Two weapons called "Platinum" inthe future in the first lab. (Lab 16 I think)  One a bow and ones a sword for Crono.
-Chest at end of sewer does not work.  Looked with TF and I think you may have put the chest location off, maybe the "Thunder" is supposed to be there?
-If wrong password is inputed in the factory ruins the game will lock up.  To clarify, the first time it asks for XABY, the second time works fine.
-Game freezes after Heckran Cave on Snes9x and Zsnes.
-Gate opening is off when going from end of time to guardia forest 1000 AF
-Slot machine says I have no silver points once I hit 512.
-Bosses sprite at Magic Cave there early and non responsive.  By early I mean, there before it should be.
-Broken Masamune blade cannot be obtained at the top of the mountain after Masa Mune fight.
-Tata cannot be found to retrieve the Heroes medal after Masa Mune fight.
-Solidity issue with Mechloirs downstairs stairs.
-Magic Cave Boss Glitch still there.  (Where if you fight him, then leave the cave, he reappears and you're unable to fight him or re-enter the cave.)
-Exits for Enhasa are broken, don't enter without editing the entrances or you'll be stuck.  Also~!  The secret room is broken.  When the Nu's die, glitched flower pots appear, and the room has a solidity issue, and, when you leave the room, you get stuck in a wall.
-A chest in Kajar doesn't have an open sprite once the chest is open.
-In the upper room in Kajara the right most stairs lead to a broken exit.  As well as in the main room, the right exit leads to the same screen.
-The top corner of Scahala's room some how teleports you to just after the first Lavos battle where Crono dies.
-The new room in Algetty has some issues with layers as well as some solidity issues.
-On Mt. Woe, the new effect limits visibility in battle, maybe finding a way to have it fade in battle would be good?
-There's an empty cheset under one of the Rubbles.
-Cannot open game menu in last village hut (the one your group wakes up in.)
-Crono Clone unobtainable, the scene between the party and Crono's mom happens, but you can't get the clone.  Only obtainable if you leave Crono's room, then go back up the stairs and press "a" on the clone.
-Solidity issue in Labura ruins after rescuing Crono.
-Slash sprite stays in the fight after he's been defeated in Ozzie's castle.
-The boss in the Azure Pyramid Maze is avoidable.
-Description for OzziePants is "The're soiled..."  Should be "They're soiled..."
-In 600 AF, Truce market merchant says "If the Hero is triumhant", should be triumphant.
-During Ioka Village party, Robo tells Lucca "That depends on what you definition of love is." Should be your.
-During Masamune repair scene, Melchior says "Then, a spell must be cast to seal the weild." Did you mean wield? Or weld? I would just use bond or fusion.
(I'm going to go ahead and assume that the reason Zeal is messed up is because you were planning to expand it, but reverted the maps for this release without fixing everything.)
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 11:45:23 am by Azure »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2009, 07:44:19 pm »
There's a typo with the beginning.  It should be "Negative" not "Negetive"

The chests in Truce Canyon don't work.

The exits in Melchior's house are broken.  You won't be able to progress any further at all unless you fix them in TF yourself for now.

The Vortex Jump in Heckran Cave is busted.  You take it, and the game freezes with black screen of death.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 08:47:46 pm by justin3009 »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2009, 10:03:42 pm »
-"Intangible" is spelled wrong when the Carnie is giving you the silver point card.
-No music in the new area of the fair, not sure it that is on purpose though. New area also has black along the bottom.
-Gargoyle who gives you your treasure hunter rank gives not only YOUR rank, but goes through ALL the ranks.
-No "?" at the end of the young women's sentence when asking Crono about Lucca "making ANOTHER crazy invention"

will post more as I find them

Well, due to Justin3009's discovery of a game freezing bug, I am putting my test play on hold until it is resolved.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 10:09:26 pm by DK_Donutlicious »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2009, 12:24:00 pm »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2009, 01:19:16 pm »
Out of curiosity, which emulator is everyone playing on? I'm only just starting today, but the Heckran Cave whirlpool glitch sounds reminiscent of the Prophet's Guile Ocean Palace glitch that happened in SNES9x.

It would probably be best if at least one person tried this out on SNES9x just to see if game-stopping glitches happen in both emulators. I'll do that if nobody else has tried on SNES9x yet.


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Re: Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2009, 01:28:27 pm »
Out of curiosity, which emulator is everyone playing on? I'm only just starting today, but the Heckran Cave whirlpool glitch sounds reminiscent of the Prophet's Guile Ocean Palace glitch that happened in SNES9x.

It would probably be best if at least one person tried this out on SNES9x just to see if game-stopping glitches happen in both emulators. I'll do that if nobody else has tried on SNES9x yet.

I'm currently running on ZSNES, but if you would like to run SNES9x that'd be great.


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Re: Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2009, 03:50:54 pm »

It freezes on Snes9x as well, just not at the black screen, it allows you to see a lovely view of the world map, accompanied by a vortex that you should pop out of, but don't...  Sorry beta testers out there, stay tuned for Z's fix.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 03:57:49 pm by Azure »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2009, 04:57:04 pm »
Sorry eveyone for the tripple post.  To the beta testers:  If you want to continue, use TF to make a new exit from heckran cave to the over world.

If you are unsure of how to do this, let me know and I'll see what I can do for ya.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 05:03:29 pm by Azure »


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Re: Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2009, 06:49:09 pm »
Assuming there are no triggers activated by the vortex, that should work fine. Thanks for thinking of that Azure :) I will continue my play through for now.

-In the circus tent to the right of Gato, there is an Atom Edge in a "chest" and an exit to the Tyranno Lair.
-During the trial, the Chancellor tells Crono to "Step forwards" .
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 07:46:18 pm by DK_Donutlicious »


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2009, 12:02:26 am »
I don't think these have been mentioned yet:

#1. Crono's House - Treasure chest (Got one Ether!) Exclamation is too far out.
#2. Truce Mayor's Manor - just like #1, but with a Got One Tonic    !  Message
#3. Norstein Bekkler says "Welcome to my labratory!" Should be spelled, "laboratory."

Boy did I appreciate that Atom Edge! :D
However, the game will freeze if you go all the way in that tent due to Ayla's absence during the Azala scene, presumably.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2009, 12:42:37 am »
To be honest, I've seen a lot of places where the ! is too far over, especially after battles.  Thanks for the bugs :)


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2009, 12:44:55 am »
I'm not sure what causes it, but it's on every single item.  The longer item names don't show it as much because..well it's taking up most of the space.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2009, 01:24:06 am »
Man, just wanted to pop in and say that CT+ is sharp! I just love the second battle music used for ambushes.


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2009, 02:50:30 am »
More sad news for beta testers;

-Broken Masamune blade cannot be obtained at the top of the mountain after Masa Mune fight.
-Tata cannot be found to retrieve the Heroes medal after Masa Mune fight.

(It may also be that I'm just missing something in order to continue the story, but I'm pretty sure its bad coding somewhere)


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Re: (Please read first post!) Chrono Trigger + 1.08/1.1 Bug report thread
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2009, 02:54:45 am »
This is comparatively minor, but there's a bit of a glitch with Fritz still appearing and running away after you try to return to 1000AD after getting to 2300AD via the Bangor Dome gate.