Z had a week as the estimate, but a few more problems then originally expected were found. Mainly Azure and I don't want anyone to be expecting the release in a week for SURE, just that a week is possible; it is more reasonable to expect a few weeks, seeing as how Z has a life, and Azure and I can't read the code well enough to fix the issues (minus the Masamune, but that was luck more then anything
Anyway, here are the bugs I found in 600 AF during the Masamune/Hero's Medal quest:
-The sentries at the entrance to Castle Guardia have dialogue issues: first sentry has the comma misplaced, should be after cornered, not Hero; second sentry's ending period has a space between it and the last word.
-The soldier at the stairs going down to the barracks has no title, such as Soldier or Sentry, just his text box.
-When you get the jerky rations, there is a huge space between Jerky and rations.
-Robo says to
Aquire the Masamune. Should be Acquire.
-Frog, after you get the Masamune hilt, says "No one can reforge
tha Masamune". Should be the.