Well I joined a few weeks ago, but just now found the welcome forum. Oh well!
So I guess an introduction is in order... I'm eighteen and going to college for animation and game design, and I live in the wonderfully wet Washington.
Chrono Trigger is the first rpg that I can actually remember playing, back when WebTV was a big thing.
I draw and I paint, but I've never done any good CT art. I like to write as well, especially anything dealing with imagery. I'm also pretty fast at picking up new programs, so I'm teaching myself Temporal Flux (bit hard without any good tutorials, but oh well.) Give it a few months and I'll be able to contribute some fun nonsense mods!
Seeing as how the school quarter just started, I probably won't post too terribly much, but I'll try to stick around. Anyway, nice to meet you all, great to see such an active community for such a great game!