Hi there! Its been a while, but I think I may have found another error. Possibly. I dont know. Ill be the first to say "I dont know Japanese" but as I am sure you know, I am a Flea fan. In fact the last time I wrote here it was for another possible Flea-related article error. Anyway, Here is the problem.
(マヨネー) vs (マヨネイ)
The spelling on the left is the one used by Wikipedia and the one on the right is used by the Compendium. Now while I am sure good arguments can be made for why one is more correct than the other, I tend to favor the left for 2 reasons.
First, from what I am told by a friend who speaks the language, the one on the right has an extra "I" on it that is not exactly incorrect, but its unnecessary and meant to be cutesy. While it WOULD fit with Flea's own persona, I dont think that it is the straight up interpretation of the name.
Either way, lets go ahead and excuse the last reason for this one. I use google image search to periodically screen for Flea fanart. I used both of these names in the Google Image search and only the left one produces results relating to Flea from Chrono Trigger. The other produces no Flea images (In fact, it produces no Chrono related images at all) so, at least from the cultural standpoint, the spelling on the left is the one recognized by the Japanese fan community.
See for yourselves (If you are sensitive to graphic art, I suggest you not review the links as it may contain suggestive artwork):
Chrono Compendium spelling Wikipedia Spelling This is also the case on other Japanese search engines I have used in the past.
Now I dont know if this means anything and, certainly, its your page, you can decide if its worth changing or not. I simply feel that, at least people can know that there are two possible spellings (only one of which produces hits on Japanese search engines for the character). Again, I dont presume that one is more correct than the other, only what I personally prefer for my own purposes, and I am merely providing alternative information.
If someone has a spelling that produces hits AND isn't either of these spellings, please show me!