Fantastic work, ShikiGami and Lorenz! I'm happy to see more translators around. ^^ If you don't mind, you should add me to MSN or AIM ( or GlitterBerri), perhaps we could help each other out or collaborate on a project. It seems like the Chrono Compendium has lots of material.
Isn't it a good idea to have multiple translators go over the same material?
Yes and no... translation isn't so much of a mathematical science (x = y) as a creative art. While having multiple people go over the same material might catch some inadvertent errors or raise new points for discussion, the differences in the way things can be translated might only serve to create confusion.
Literal translations between Japanese and English don't often make sense due to cultural and linguistic differences. This means the trick is to translate the meaning and not the words. Translators have to use their creative license and writing ability to make things flow well in the other language. Because everyone interprets things a little differently due to ambiguity in the original text or an aim towards literalism or localization, discrepancies in translations naturally arise which may give way to disputes. Plus, it's good to be consistent!
I can provide scans if anyone would like to apply the translation to the scans, or we could wait for that because the translations are just a bit rough at this point.
Why don't you provide them anyway? Then they'll be there when we need them!
We're taking everything we can get for now. Glitter has many other projects (she's very much in the springtime of youth), so we shouldn't become used to service availability.
Unfortunately, yes. I'll be back to work on Chrono things in a little bit, I just have to take care of some other promises first.
anyone who wants to use the translation I did to rework the scans is more than welcome. You are also more than welcome to tighten up the writing and fix any minor naming/grammatical errors -- in fact, please do so! I would however request that you give credit where credit is due, don't post that stuff anywhere else without permission, and don't change anything major without without asking. Thanks and best of luck.
Sounds good, Lorenz! I might check some over if I have the chance, but from reading the English version it seems like you've done a good job.