Author Topic: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)  (Read 12369 times)


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Re: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)
« Reply #150 on: May 21, 2009, 06:50:52 pm »
Anyone watch the Dissidia videos or import the game? I looks amazing, but I really think Nomura was pretty biased on the characters, mainly Zidane and Kuja suck and their moves don't match their original games. Did anyone notice that?

chrono eric

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Re: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)
« Reply #151 on: May 21, 2009, 08:32:37 pm »
So Mass Effect is pretty cool. I'm enjoying it so far.

But I feel like I should post a brief review of Star Ocean 4 for anyone interested, now that I have had time to reflect upon the game. The RPG discussion thread is probably the best place for this (there are very minor spoilers contained within, reader beware):

So, I had high hopes for SO4: The Last Hope but I tried not to let my expectations alter my view of the game as a whole. I wanted to be as objective as possible with it. Since I have a huge hard on for the Star Ocean series, I expected the game to at the very least not suck. At this point, I wouldn't say it sucked - but I would say it was the worst in the series. And I think most Star Ocean fans would agree with me there.

STORY: Absolutely horrendous. One of the worst plots in any RPG I've ever played. Square-Enix had an uphill battle when writing and designing this game though, and I've tried to take that into account. As a prequel, taking place before the founding of the Terran Alliance and before humans had any foothold in space whatsoever, they had to make it feel like a Star Ocean game while at the same time having a vastly different plot from the previous ones. On every prior Star Ocean game you were stranded on an undeveloped planet for the majority of the game. In Star Ocean 4 you visit one planet after another. The end result is that the plot felt like it was a melting pot of different storylines haphazardly thrown together, as each world had it's own story with ZERO connection to any of the other planets that you visit. Not only that, but many plotlines are outright abandoned to further the main story and several massive plot-holes exist because of this. The entire story feels incredibly rushed as well. At one point in the game, you realize that an entire YEAR has gone by while they have been in space, but no prior mention of this is made during the course of the plot. It had me asking, "did the developers of the game even read the damned script?"

Just about the only redeeming quality of the story is the nostalgia factor you get when you visit a certain planet that a prior SO game took place upon, and the connections between that game and SO4 that become clear as a result of it.

CHARACTERS: If you thought many of the characters of SO3 were annoying and unlikeable, just wait till you see the characters in SO4. For those that have played SO3, Lymle is like Roger except that you are required to accept her into your party. Her voice acting is horribly annoying (along with several other characters) and it becomes grating on the ears about 20 minutes after you acquire her. She speaks in a monotonous voice, and ends every sentence with the word "kay?". This was no doubt an attempt to show her immaturity and the fact that she is analagous to an autistic savant - poor social skills but incredible expertise in Symbology. However it is very poorly done. There is next to zero character development in the game to boot. The end result is that you don't give a damn about the lives of the main characters.

ITEM CREATION: Perfected. Nuff' said. It is no longer tedious and much more user-friendly to create and modify items, weapons, and armor. Not only that, but many side quests actually require you to create items - thus familiarizing yourself with the system. In all prior games it was more of an optional thing to do. There was a possibility of failing during the creation of the item as well, causing you to lose the materials you used forever unless you restart the game. This has been eliminated in SO4.

GAMEPLAY: Incredibly fun. I'd say that the SO battle system has been perfected with this game. After 1,000 battles it still didn't seem tedious to me. You actually look forward to getting into fights. That's more than you can say about most RPG's, and since fighting is 8/10ths of what you will be doing in the game, it better be enjoyable I say. One major gripe I have is that later in the game you have to actually SWITCH DISKS when you want to go between planets. This isn't usually a problem, but when you are trying to farm items from certain locations that only regenerate after you leave a world and return to your ship it becomes hugely irritating.

SUMMARY: It was no doubt difficult to write a story for this game, while at the same time making it feel like a SO game. Instead of one main planet that you explore as in previous titles, there are about 5. This seems like a cool idea at first, except that the plot on each world is disconnected from the others and it makes it feel haphazardly thrown together. SE attempted to make the game epic and expansive, and in a sense they achieved this - but it was at the expense of a cohesive plot and extensive character development. Two things that I think are very, very important for a good RPG. The gameplay was at least very fun, and true to Star Ocean at that. It didn't feel tedious to play the game up until the very end.

I won't give it a "three out of five" star rating or anything like that. Instead I will simply compare it to previous Star Ocean titles and say that it is without a doubt the worst. Of the four main titles, I would rank them from greatest to least as:

SO2 > SO1 > SO3 > SO4.

If you hated Star Ocean 3, you will be sure to hate The Last Hope.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 08:38:25 pm by chrono eric »


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Re: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)
« Reply #152 on: May 21, 2009, 08:45:28 pm »
Anyone watch the Dissidia videos or import the game? I looks amazing, but I really think Nomura was pretty biased on the characters, mainly Zidane and Kuja suck and their moves don't match their original games. Did anyone notice that?

I like what they did with Zidane's moves, especially say, Stellar Circle 5, which is just crazy awesome and unbelievably easy to draw the CPU into. Grand Lethal should've been his EX Burst rather than a weird torpedo attack, although I will admit it's really cool and fun to use. My main complaint would lie in the character derailment (e.g. most of the characters' personalities are exaggerated versions of themselves). I'm not sure how to describe it, but for starters it feels like mindless Kingdom Hearts banter (basically, switch out all the "darkness" talk with "puppet" and you have Dissidia Sephiroth). Terra got made ridiculously timid, and Golbez's role and dialogue are just retarded.

Gotta say it's a really fun game though, surprisingly full of depth and replayability.


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Re: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)
« Reply #153 on: May 21, 2009, 10:42:00 pm »
I like what they did with Zidane's moves, especially say, Stellar Circle 5, which is just crazy awesome and unbelievably easy to draw the CPU into. Grand Lethal should've been his EX Burst rather than a weird torpedo attack, although I will admit it's really cool and fun to use. My main complaint would lie in the character derailment (e.g. most of the characters' personalities are exaggerated versions of themselves). I'm not sure how to describe it, but for starters it feels like mindless Kingdom Hearts banter (basically, switch out all the "darkness" talk with "puppet" and you have Dissidia Sephiroth). Terra got made ridiculously timid, and Golbez's role and dialogue are just retarded.

Gotta say it's a really fun game though, surprisingly full of depth and replayability.

I disagree, Zidane's Stellar Circle is great because they didn't change it. He is not an air fighter and he is surprisingly weak, maybe the weakest character in the game. Scoop art is too weak to be useful at all. Tidal Flame is very slow, by the time it gets speed the enemy is out of the way. all of his brave attacks are way too weak they don't amount to anything Cloud or Tidus could do. Meo Twister and Free Energy are really dependent moves although great ones. Tidus and Cloud can get their their ExBursts up to break 5000, his can barely break 2000. And the speech is suppose to like that, it suppose to allude to their really games as much as possible.

And I'm really looking forward SO4, I want it so bad. And you are only poking the wound.

chrono eric

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Re: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)
« Reply #154 on: May 21, 2009, 10:59:49 pm »
And I'm really looking forward SO4, I want it so bad. And you are only poking the wound.

Have you played the other Star Oceans? Like I said, don't expect too much from the story or character developments as both are lacking. The game is very fun, and if you've played the other games then there is that nostalgia factor and it's interesting seeing how the Federation got its start, but they could have done so much more with it.

On a somewhat related note, Mass Effect just got about 10 times more badass. Granted it is a Western RPG and SO is a JRPG, but if SO had done the whole planet exploration thing more on these lines instead of trying to flesh out complete storylines for each one the game would have been better I think.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 11:01:25 pm by chrono eric »


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Re: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)
« Reply #155 on: May 22, 2009, 03:06:23 pm »
Star Ocean 4 hits the UK next week, I happen to be buying a 360 soon so I'll buy it too. I liked the earlier games, although I totally agree on the "bad plot/characters, awesome gameplay" view.

chrono eric

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Re: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)
« Reply #156 on: May 22, 2009, 09:02:33 pm »
Well, SO1 and 2's plots were fine. 2's was great actually, I loved that game. I didn't even mind the plot twist in SO3 that everyone hates. I can play that game and just not pick up Roger and Peppita and it makes it a much more enjoyable experience. But you are forced to accept the annoying characters in SO4. But I'll let you play it and see what you think.


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Re: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)
« Reply #157 on: May 23, 2009, 12:23:10 am »
Well, SO1 and 2's plots were fine. 2's was great actually, I loved that game. I didn't even mind the plot twist in SO3 that everyone hates. I can play that game and just not pick up Roger and Peppita and it makes it a much more enjoyable experience. But you are forced to accept the annoying characters in SO4. But I'll let you play it and see what you think.
I loved Star Ocean 2 as well. (Chisato was my fav which is why I never got the anime version.) I didn't like 3 and wasn't planning to get 4 anyway. I never did get to play the first game. Maybe I should get it for the PSP?

I'm not sure if I want Dissida...the one character's I'd buy it for are Terra and Kefka (maybe Squall and Ultimica) but that's about it....and I haven't liked what I've read about Terra's story.


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Re: The RPG discussion thread (formerly Final Fantasy XIII)
« Reply #158 on: July 27, 2009, 10:41:10 pm »
Well I didn't know where to post this and I don't want to make a new topic. (I know a lot of my topics are stupid and unnecessary) so I'll post it here.

SE will be in Sony's Keynote address at TokyoGameShow 09.

Read this:

Pretty interesting. Will it center FF or other games too? I suspect that it will have lots of FFXIV seeing it's release is next year. Also I see the last characters of XIII being shown. The only other big stuff I see in from SE is another Chrono Game, Crystal Bearers isn't that big, Other FNC stuff, Dragon Quest, KH3, or perhaps everyone will finally get the Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy V remake for DS or PSP.