Author Topic: The cyclic time theory: a possible answer to the gates, the Nu and misc stuff.  (Read 4805 times)


  • Guardian (+100)
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Well, we are talking about a game in which the chief villain (for 95% of the game) is basically nothing more than a computer program Belthasar created.  Think about it - Belthasar knows that FATE is going to go crazy trying to kill Serge when he "resurrects" him, and he's cool with that.  Not to mention the 40-some other people that are recruited by Serge and thus in harms way of FATE/Lynx.  He probably knows that Wazuki is basically screwed for life because of his plan, and Miguel might as well be dead.  Plus, the apparitions are all ticked off at Serge, but it isn't his fault he's alive - it's Belthasar's. 

I dont know - I just get the feeling that the guy's actually an a-hole. 


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  • Zurvan Surfer (+2500)
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    • The Chrono Compendium
Meh, I  dislike that for artistic reasons; it really makes Belthasar out to be the villain of the game, but he isn't defeated, leaving the plot unresolved.

Having succeeded in freeing Schala, what villainy is left for Belthasar to carry out?


  • Temporal Warrior (+900)
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Well the reason he did all of this to show Schala is true feelings towards her.  Being an old man, Schala does not return his advances.  He becomes enraged and begins his path of destruction across dimensions. 

something like that I presume.


  • Earthbound (+15)
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That assumes though that the TD matures over time.  We're not even sure of that, are we?

Over what? The darkness beyond time is where the discarded timelines/rings are supposed to be deposited when they're void but the darkness beyond time can also be implied as a place that surrounds all time rings in existence and that the TD eats time rings or parallel universes (mmmm parallel universes... *drool*) like massive doughnuts.

Now, the TD cannot al least mature over time because time as we know it simply does not exist outside the time rings, so some other form of time must exist for the TD to be able to feed or just move at all. But since the TD is supposed to be more powerful than its previous incarnation (Lavos), it could have made some sort of pocket-y dimension-y thingy that is blocked from Spekkio's and that other guy at the EoT whose name I just forgot's view


  • Guardian (+100)
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Yeah, I don't know how it could mature over time, as time isn't even supposed to exist there.  That suggests to me that it needs something else to fully mature, and my guess is Serge.

Man, Belthasar is a jackass....