I assume the deku nut you have to throw right at the enemy where the Gernade can effect people from a distance and some give tear gas which deku nuts cannot.
I never thought of it before but your right. Deku nuts can be hidden more easily cause they look like nuts and I don't think they will set off metal detecters.
(After the EMP attack Triforce goes to a security check-point in the Oregon/Washington Border and has his car searched)
Officer: "Anything illegal?"
Triforce: "I have the right to remain silent:"
Officer: "I'll just do a quick search of your car then. (Officer does a quick glance in the car but sees nothing wrong) Those nuts sure look yummy You can pass on thru...........NEXT!!!!!!" (V translanka's old Ford Pickup drives up)
PS: My thread to the story of Lights Out was moved and the new spot I can't get a discussion. Whoever moved it has rocks in their head or is on drugs.