Well, I have great faith in just micromanaging the Encyclopedia from here on out. In the future, I'm just going to assign it by category, such as taking a volunteer to go down every entry in something like CC Armor and adding a couple, easy-to-find stats. Then I'll get someone else to find every picture possible, or add biographical information, etc. because in my experiences, the hardest part about doing the Encyclopedia is trying to finish things entry-by-entry. It's much easier to finalize a list, then go down everything adding images and music first, basic stats second, then cool information.
Crimson Echoes just needs volunteers for it period. Ideally, after the Encyclopedia's finished, I'm going to poll around for people. What they'll be doing is simple; each person might get a certain odd job like
-Design a Porre square
-Add NPCs to a certain area; make two of them give decision speeches
-Script out movement for this important character
-Bug Test
And the hard part about doing this as one person is that everything needs to be tweaked to perfection, including NPCs. It's a bit time consuming for me to make even a few basic actions, since I don't have mastery over the Event Code. The great rom hackers out there also can't do everything for us, though they can provide expert advice and notes. Really, it just has to be and should be a group effort. I'm going to handle most of the important dialogue; when CE gets made, it'll be a step-by-step thread.
The reason I'm holding off is just because with the Encyclopedia and Analysis engines still running strong, it'd be spreading everyone too thin to ask them to all come together and collaborate. Plus, Temporal Flux 2.0 hasn't been released yet, and it'd be better to wait for it, as we wouldn't have to backtrack to previous changes and fix them with TF2's new capabilities.
Claado, if anything I just need bench pictures from the back and sides. Like this:
Of course, in the CT world, things from the sides are seen not from a top down view, like chairs, for example. So some of the actual side of the bench should be present, and the back of it should go higher and above the actual seat. Try to use the same colors. This will be for clearing out Leene's Square; the place looks crazy empty without those tents in it.