Author Topic: Sick! As in Illness!  (Read 4780 times)


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2009, 08:38:50 pm »
Damn, kid.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2009, 12:25:46 pm »

Pummelgranite? never heard of it, but it sounds sort of like how some lactose intolerant people get when they drink too much milk. There might have been something in there that your body can't properly metabolize.

It lasted for a long time, and there was NO way to stop it. Aloe? No. Made it worse. Showers? no. Hurt like hell. Sleep? Impossible. Water? No, same as aloe.

You might want to try white vinegar next time. While it doesn’t help as much once a sunburn has already started hurting, if you put it on the same day as you got the sunburn it seems to help prevent it from being painful. Also, tea supposedly helps in a similar manner. Like a bad commercial, you apply it directly to where it burned.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2009, 12:43:34 pm »
Not sure if this really counts, but one time I got an incredibly severe sunburn ALL over my body. Legs, face, neck, arms, back, stomach... Well, I couldn't sleep for 2 weeks, and EVERY night, my body had these Horrible, HORRIBLE spasms of pain that occasionally lasted for hours. It felt like I was being stabbed everywhere I had a sunburn. It lasted for a long time, and there was NO way to stop it. Aloe? No. Made it worse. Showers? no. Hurt like hell. Sleep? Impossible. Water? No, same as aloe. one night my father was forced to drive me to E.R. as I was screaming like a madman in the middle of the night from the incrdible pain. It's happened TWICE. Thus, to this day, I will NOT go to the beach, and Always wear sunscreen. ALWAYS.
I know exactly what you're talking about.  I've gotten my share of severe sunburns.  The pain is a near constant prickling on the skin, like it's being jabbed with needles all over the surface constantly, flaring up at times.

Strangely there was one thing that sort of worked for me...  Television and video games.  Literally totally immersing my mind in something else to ignore the pain.

Worst one I ever had the skin literally turned purple on my shoulders.  Doctors said I literally had 2nd degree burns from sun.  My skin broke out in dozens of water blisters and hurt like nothing most people can imagine for weeks.

My parents also tried the aloe thing with me.  To this day the smell of that damned stuff only reminds me of the pain endured.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2009, 02:45:09 pm »
Sunburns suck.
Went to Hawaii once, took surfing lessons. The water washed all the sunscreen away and the wetsuit apparently didn't block the sun at all. I couldn't walk for days afterward, and my nose looked like a burnt hot dog.
Not as bad a horror story as those above, but let the lesson be learned for everyone else: The sun is painful! Stay away!

Strangely there was one thing that sort of worked for me...  Television and video games.  Literally totally immersing my mind in something else to ignore the pain.

In my experience, video games are the best way to forget any pain. That (along with hard rock music) is what helped me get around those pesky childhood migraines :D

Sorta fun, in a sick way, what an unhealthy lot we are. I suppose that's what the internet is for.

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2009, 02:50:33 pm »
Got sunburned a lot when I went on Summer Camp with my Boy Scout Troop in 2002. I refused to go again after that. Stiff joints are the worst for me, since they hurt so much when you turn them so far.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2009, 02:58:00 pm »

Pummelgranite? never heard of it, but it sounds sort of like how some lactose intolerant people get when they drink too much milk. There might have been something in there that your body can't properly metabolize.

I can vouch for that, as lactose intolerance would be my contribution to this thread. Last year it hit out of no where after having a bowl of cereal for breakfast everyday for about a year...and lasted for half a year while we (wife, me, doctor) tried to figure out what the hell was going on.  I stopped drinking milk as that is high in lactose but that didn't stop it. Turns out I am or was at the time extremely sensitive to any dairy other than butter, so the breakfast wrap that I was eating in the morning with cheese in it was the culprit or so it seemed anyway...It must have been some kind of build up of lactose in my body or something because I can eat pizza and other things without problem now...but I did have a small glass of milk the other day and ...bah that was a crappy day. But yea, that would have to be my worst "illness"...6 months of all of the things you mentioned Laith.

As for sunburn, I went to a tanning both...went in for about 15 minutes or so (first time mind you :/) and I went completely naked...oh god...dumb idea... burnt everywhere. Luckily the job that I had at the time had me standing up and in one place for the whole time. So I didn't notice it as much, but even slightly moving was rough.

chrono eric

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2009, 03:02:47 pm »
One time I was in Miami and I decided to go for a swim. I put on spf 45 lotion even though it was a very cloudy day. The sun wasn't shining at all. I ended up getting the worst sunburn of my entire life. I couldn't even lay down and sleep because it hurt so bad. On a cloudy day, with sun tan lotion.

I've never had a tan in my entire life, I always burn. I believe I am almost incapable of tanning. My skin obviously produces melanin, but it doesn't seem to do it in response to UV light. Even with lotion on I burn badly, so I try to avoid staying out in the bright sun too long during the summer. But I thought a cloudy day would be okay. Wrong.

I literally am too white for my own good.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2009, 03:10:25 pm »
UV rays don't give a hoot about clouds. 

chrono eric

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2009, 03:14:44 pm »
Well, I've been told that a really cloudy day can actually block about 70-80% of UV-B rays, but sometimes something called a "broken cloud-effect" can come into play in which a cloudy day can cause a higher concentration of UV rays than a clear day somehow. I imagine it involves broken clouds or something. I don't know if that is correct or not as I didn't go to school for meteorology and crazy sky-science, but I would believe it because I got insanely burned.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2009, 03:17:16 pm by chrono eric »


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2009, 07:00:39 pm »
Fou captain, you're the only one other than me who has had the same experience. And as for the video games, I couldn't do ANYTHING at all. Well, I could watch TV. If I played video Games, I'd die and go into rage. And more pain. I'm sick in the stomach, literally, right now. I had the day from hell today.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2009, 07:19:37 pm »
I woke up at 5:00 this morning with stomach cramps. Had diarrhea. Damn, I think I'm getting something from this sick thread.

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #26 on: February 05, 2009, 08:37:26 pm »
Hey, Eric, while you were in Miami, did you happen to see it's Metropolitan Moron anywhere?


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #27 on: February 05, 2009, 08:49:42 pm »
There was this one time I jumped into a little kiddy pool before I got sunblock put on me. My back burnt so bad... you could actually see where my swimsuit began.I couldn't sleep because it hurt so much.

Again, things you have since birth suck ass, man. Beta thalassemia (or however you spell it) runs in my family, and I have it in its minor form (as revealed by chrono eric). What it does is it gives you anemia, or iron deficiency, which makes you tired. All the time. I also have serious eye issues and have had surgery on both eyes. Twice. One surgery was almost ten years ago, the second one was December 2007. My glasses are really really thick, and I have yet to find anyone with a similar prescription. And don't get me started on the mental/emotional problems I suffer from...

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #28 on: February 05, 2009, 08:52:55 pm »
All I can say is what I say below.

That's gotta suck.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #29 on: February 05, 2009, 09:07:06 pm »
I can pass off as COMPLETELY silent at school. Thus, everyone who's Not in Band or the Broadcasting Club or the Academic bowl thinks I'm Emo, since I almost Never act out in regular class. All my friends in Band and such know I'm just a Hyperactive Nerd.