Author Topic: Sick! As in Illness!  (Read 4774 times)


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2009, 09:12:24 pm »
Shadow, are you trying to do PK Thunder? I am sick in the mind currently. I'm like the depressed Robot, Marvin. Despite my sickness, I am still very depressed.

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #46 on: February 06, 2009, 09:15:13 pm »
Dammit, stop postin' pictures hea! You stahted a thread just fo that puhpose!

... I think I slipped into a Bostonian accent.

Um... nothing other than... female issues...

Temporal Knight

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #47 on: February 06, 2009, 09:18:08 pm »
I have alot of scars, most of which have healed over the ages and vanished with time.

Once, I missed a whole semester of schooling due to a sickness. SATs and everything. Luckily, they said I did not have to make anything up because my grades were so high at the time. I was bed-ridden the entire summer. I was sick with the same thing for the next two years, but at least able to move out and about.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #48 on: February 06, 2009, 09:27:29 pm »
... shit. What was it? And I thought surgery was bad... although it is.

My siblings and I got the chicken pox all at the same time. I don't remember much of it, but...

Temporal Knight

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #49 on: February 06, 2009, 09:29:42 pm »
Dunno. Not even the doctors knew what it was. I was a baffling case.

chrono eric

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2009, 03:34:07 pm »
I own a pink belt... does that make me a douchebag?

I think it is when you have at least two of the defining characteristics. Though not all of them should be weighed equally I think to judge ones douchebaggery. Asian tattoos I would say instantly qualify one as a douchebag if they aren't asian.

@ Shadow: I always pegged you for a super scrawny, skinny nerd type. Now that I know what you look like (assuming that's really you) it is a total mindfuck.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2009, 03:50:56 pm »
@ Shadow: I always pegged you for a super scrawny, skinny nerd type. Now that I know what you look like (assuming that's really you) it is a total mindfuck.

That's either him, or some poor sap he forced into his room to stand in for a picture. Wall has the same dreamcatcher and poster that was in the Drac picture in some other thread.

What is the best medicine for a head cold? Kirkland brand Daytime Cold medicine doesn't help, and I can hardly hear. And today's D&D day! :(


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #52 on: February 07, 2009, 03:54:51 pm »
Get some Tylenol or something. Drink lots of tea. Keep yourself hydrated (no caffeine, little to no salt, and by hydrated I don't mean Gatorade, I mean water). That's all I can think of.

Um... headaches and neckaches are the worst. Thankfully, I've never had a migraine, but sometimes my head just hurts so much I want to tear it off. My neck can be an iffy thing because I often put my head down for naps. On my desk.

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #53 on: February 07, 2009, 11:38:12 pm »
Don't worry, Zeph. It's me.

chrono eric

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2009, 04:21:39 am »
What is the best medicine for a head cold? Kirkland brand Daytime Cold medicine doesn't help, and I can hardly hear. And today's D&D day! :(

The best medicine for a cold IMO is pseudoephedrine to alleviate the classic cold symptoms. You have to show your drivers liscense when you buy it now because any redneck with a trailer can easily make meth from it, so you can't stockpile up on it anymore unfortunately. But you shouldn't have to - a weeks supply should be enough. You'll be feeling better almost immediately.


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #55 on: February 08, 2009, 04:23:57 am »
What is the best medicine for a head cold? Kirkland brand Daytime Cold medicine doesn't help, and I can hardly hear. And today's D&D day! :(

The best medicine for a cold IMO is pseudoephedrine to alleviate the classic cold symptoms. You have to show your drivers liscense when you buy it now because any redneck with a trailer can easily make meth from it, so you can't stockpile up on it anymore unfortunately. But you shouldn't have to - a weeks supply should be enough. You'll be feeling better almost immediately.

I'm from redneck land and I don't run a meth lab :(

chrono eric

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #56 on: February 08, 2009, 04:26:49 am »
I'm from redneck land too  :D. I was just referencing the fact that they make you present an ID because pseudoephedrine is beta-hydroxy methamphetamine. Methamphetamine can be made from it in an easy two step synthesis that can be done on any kitchen stove.

Which, like it or not, is a very prevalent practice by that particular group of individuals.

As much as I make fun of this state I live in (Texas), I actually prefer it to the state I used to live in (Mass).

Kara Kazeneko

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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #57 on: February 08, 2009, 07:24:40 am »
Here's my lovely list of unpleasantries...

At the age of 7, I tripped real bad down a hill from jump-roping down it (got my foot caught on a rock); hit my head on the cement and the wound started to bleed horribly. I was with a neighbor and her kids, and she immediately had one of them give over their t-shirt (it was summer) and wetted it in a fountain. Applying the wet shirt to my head, we walked home to go deal with it. Some guy stopped his car when he spotted us and asked if I was a gunshot victim! Had no idea how bad it was, until I got home and saw in the mirror that I had blood on me from my head all the way down to my legs. Oddly enough, it didn't hurt and had been bleeding like that from a piece of gravel getting stuck in the wound. Yuck.

Got hit by a car while riding a bike when I was 12 (the street was totally clear, dammit!). I was just a bit aways from the sidewalk when this old guy in a minivan came whizzing down the street, smacked into the front tire of my bike, and sent me flying back onto the sidewalk. OH MUTHAFU--- it really hurt. No real damage (except to my bike, sadly), but it made my hips feel really weird for a week (kinda worries me). At least the guy got out of his car right away to ask me if I was allright, and apologized.

A week after Christmas that same year, I got chicken pox... what a nasty nightmarish time that was. X_X

At age 13, a cat bit me in the skin between my thumb and forefinger, so I had to take antibiotics for it (my dumbass neighbor was abusing her cat, and I'd been taking care of it on my backporch; I was cuddling her cat in my arms when she'd showed up and the cat seriously freaked out... hence why I got bit).

2005 - Fell off sideways off the edge of a sidewalk while rollerblading, and slammed the right side of my ribs really hard onto the curb. GAH... that hurt seriously worse than that bike accident. The pain lingered for several months (esp. if I bumped my side), and I think it meant that my ribs had been bruised.

2006 - Got the Flu big time, with a high fever. I was hallucinating, and when my mom came to help me out, I freaked out kind of like someone on a very bad drug trip. Glad I don't remember any of it. (though that's rather awful; that means some of my brain cells died that day... ugh...)

Scars: Have one below the left side of my lower lip, which looks like a capital L lying on its back; this was acquired when I was 2 years old and jumped off a chair at my grandma's house - bit completely through my lip. Got a big long one on the back of my left hand - played too rough with my cat that day. Have a little claw-shaped one on my right thumb, from being stupid while opening a can of soup (the lid slipped and sliced into my hand; gross and bloody). And I have one big one shaped kind of like a dragon claw, on my right wrist... this was acquired from spilling a pot of boiling water on the front of myself by accident (I tripped while transferring it to another burner; oddly, I have no scar from that), and putting my wrist on the red-hot burner in a stupid instinctive reaction to keep myself from falling.

Gastro-enteritis: The stomach flu FROM HELL. Which I've been unfortunate to have had more than once. Defintely something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy (well, maybe...heh heh). Makes you throw up AND go diarrhea, and one time I had it so bad that I crapped all over myself at the same time when I had to barf... I was so freaked out and embarassed that I was literally crying in misery. T_T


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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #58 on: February 08, 2009, 11:31:43 am »
As much as I make fun of this state I live in (Texas), I actually prefer it to the state I used to live in (Mass).
Mass isn't all that bad, once you get used to it. I'd rather deal with Nor'eastas (you have to say it like that) than rednecks. And Bush. God I hate Bush.

@Kazeneko: ... ouch. Cat wounds hurt like hell, but they hurt more when you don't treat them. Like me. Dog bites are worse, though, as they tend to go deeper.

I think the worst I've gotten hurt (physically anyway) was... actually, there are two of them. One was when I was in... 2nd? 3rd grade maybe? I dunno. But we had a bunch of dogs and I had taken to sitting out on our porch when they fought. The dogs got into a fight, so I opened the door to go to the porch, right? The door snagged on my toenail and TORE IT OFF. Not the little white part, but the whole thing. It hurt so bad, my dad had to carry me to the car and into the hospital. I had the choice of walking around on crutches or in a big shoe. I took the shoe because going up stairs with crutches sounded not fun.

The second time was probably my own fault. It was eighth grade and I needed to do a project for social studies. But I didn't have it done. So I stayed up all night to work on it. I melted my brain with Avril Lavigne (only decent CD we had in the house at the time), drew Charlemagne, and did work for the project. The next morning, I was totally out of it. I swear that I saw a white cat poking its head from around a corner in my own house (at that time, we had only had a... god, what was it? ... a Lassie dog. Let's go with that. We had only had a Lassie dog in the house, and that hadn't even happened yet). I went to school and passed in my project. In gym, we were doing some sort of stepping thing, and because I was so damn tired I slipped and fell and sprained my ankle.



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Re: Sick! As in Illness!
« Reply #59 on: February 08, 2009, 01:40:29 pm »
Oh tea, that toe is nothing. I dropped a freaking table on my foot in fourth grade, completely shattering the toenail, and almost breaking the bone. I had to go to the doctors to get them to remove the rest of my toenail. Years later, last year, I had a really bad ingrown toenail. Hmm... In 6th grade, I was walking, tripped, and fell onto a sewer grate that scratched the hell out of my face and broke one of my permanent teeth completely. I mean completely. There was only a stub of the tooth left. I now have a replacement tooth.