Bet you five bucks that's what Shadow looks like in real life...
There was this one time when I was little and still with my whole family. I was in a cute little poofy dress and cute little tights and cute little Mary Janes... essentially the image of the perfect little girl. Because I was then. When I wasn't stealing my dad's Pepsi. But anyway, I was skipping merrily down the steps to our front yard where the swing set and such were. At the time, my mother and father kept a whole lot of Shar-pei, cute little wrinkly dogs. I think it was Sunny (an amazing dog who would've made a good show dog, if not for her temperment [she liked hiding under beds]) and definitely Betty (nasty little bitch... literally) down there. They were fighting and I walked right in between them. Betty was going for a bite to Betty, but hit my leg instead. It hurt so much... I still have the scar.