GreenMemoryI don't think we have any control over the Layer 3 effect colors yet (that's the blue expanding ground circle), and I can't find a green palette for the Sprite Layer graphics (the little stars surrounding Robo) if I staked my life on it. The best I can do for GreenMemory is probably to make use of Magus' green "Magic Wall" effect. It might be a geometry function seeing as the palette used for sprite-layer graphics in Magic Wall isn't producing actual green colors for me. What we'd have for GreenMemory, essentially, is Magus' "Magic Wall" applied to the target character. Far less flashy, but we could keep the green screen flash and it gets the job done. Plus, Magus' OmniShield uses a gold palette now so it's still unique. If we're really concerned with making GreenMemory true to its name, the "Magic Wall" effects are the best way to go.
IncineratorGiven how awesome the current animation looks, I'm more inclined to call this a Shadow tech and rename it "Dark Gear." Queen Zeal had it in CT. It's far more impressive than Poyozo Dance's Layer 3 effect animation, which can be seen here by itself:, keeping it a Fire tech would still fit for the "DoublevBomb" double tech with Lucca. On balance, I'm not really much concerned with the double and single tech relationships making sense anymore because they're all screwed up by this point anyway.
Reactor: We could totally make this a fire tech. A simple Element swap and Layer 3 effect swap are all we need.
Thor Hammer: I'd suggest keeping this "Robo Tackle" (thus restoring Rocket Punch) and going with 99's suggestion of Shadow Bolt using the large lightning bolt but for the fact that I'm using Rocket Punch's space for Thor Hammer and Ayla's "Earth Song." I'll observe that it would be useful for Robo to have an early Lightning tech since he's facing dinosaur enemies with Lucca.
See what you think of the following options:
Option 1: There's a real need for a Robo lightning tech...
*Steel Crash
*Cure Beam
*Reactor (modified as a fire tech)
*Thor Hammer (lightning)
*Heal Beam
*Uzzi Punch
*Dark Gear (shadow)
*GreenMemory (modified for more greenery)
Option 2: There is no real need for a Robo lightning tech...
*Rocket Punch
*Cure Beam
*Reactor (modified as a fire tech)
*Steel Crash (keeping the line effect, giving someone a mid-level line effect tech)
*Heal Beam
*Uzzi Punch
*Dark Gear (shadow)
*GreenMemory (modified for more greenery)
In the latter case, I'd try to fit Ayla's "Earth Song" into space freed up by converting Robo's "Area Bomb" into "GreenMemory." The positions on the tech list would remain the same, to keep the trend that the last tech is the one that consumes the greatest amount of HP. Thus GreenMemory should always be last even if it uses Area Bomb's code space.
EDIT: Hah, sorry to keep throwing options out at you guys, but after doing some thinking on gameplay balance after considering '99's suggestions further, I've got the following tech set in mind. See if you agree:
*Steel Crash: Same as in the video, a physical line-targeting attack.
*Cure Beam
*Dark Gear: Weak all-targeting shadow tech using that very cool Layer 3 effect. Even though it seems like it's too flashy for such a low-level tech, I just can't condone passing that effect up. It's pretty short, so it still lacks the massive impressiveness of Dark Matter or Luminaire or Flare.
*Strong Arm: A resurrection of an idea Oswego had way back when, but it's so strong that it "paraylzes" a foe, having a chance of inflicting "Stop." The double tech "Boogie" with Ayla would make great sense if Robo actually did have a Stop technique. Uzzi Punch animations would be used.
*Heal Beam
*Thor Hammer: A powerful single-target lightning tech as seen in the video. This is something Crono lacks.
*Incinerator: A powerful single-target fire tech. This is something Lucca lacks. I've got my mind set on a neat Layer 3 graphics effect - a bunch of Antipode 3 fire bursts to one foe - for this, just a matter of figuring out proper animations and not making it some sort of "Pyro Hammer."
*GreenMemory: As suggested above, Magus' "Magic Wall" would have to be replicated here because it's literally the only source of green spell effects I can think of.
EDIT: Backing up a patch that has Frog and Ayla techs working perfectly, and is prepped with Thor Hammer data but has everything else reverted in prep for a revised Robo tech set.