"What is the best pizza parlors in your hometown? I am curious as to the features in them especally if they have arcades due to the fact we have no arcade parlor anwhere near here."
I'm Hoping to get an intelligent discussion going here about your favorite pizza parlors (YUM!) so if you are thinking about being a wise-crack on here and not really contributing this is
not the forum for you.
Please make an actual wise-crack discussion thread on your own if you want to do that and I won't bother you........I promise.
"means me speaking" (Means an edit to specify something or imply thoughts) *Means action sequence if used which I doubt I'll need*
Please use this format:
Resturant details:
"One of my favorite things to do at home or sometimes going on vacation is to try out different pizza parlors if we are going to stay in one spot for a while."
My Hometown:
United States of America "Or it wouldn't be a state otherwise which I am sure you know that or something is very wrong with the picture and God needs to evaluate himself."
Pizza Parlor:
The Home Place.
http://www.homeplacerestaurant.com/ (Remodeled in 2003 due to a fire overnight in the summer sometime)
"Features a resturant serving a full line of traditional food on one side with a real stone fireplace. Pizza/games on the left. Includes Breakfest,Lunch and Dinner:
The bar is upstairs with a group room where you can reserve it for a group setting or a party.
Video poker is downstairs by the door for you to lose your wages.
http://www.homeplacerestaurant.com/Rest_Photos.htm PROS: Large place with friendly staff. Very family friendly, Full restruant menu, Games tend to change hands.
CONS: Games have been stupid lately and the games in the photos are
long gone. Half of it I believe is crane games.
Since it's the only pizza place in a growing town it's almost always crowded so I just do drive thru most of the time. They really need to add a second in-door pizza resturant. They should've done it when they had the fire outbreak.
Games: The last I looked which was in the late fall they had Rush 2049: (Fun game, hard to control though) Some pineball game I can't remember and Deer Hunter: They used to have Pacman/Astroids combo but it was taken out.
Before the fire they had lots more but now it's junky crane/prize games.
While you are waiting for your food you can make yourself hungrier by shooting cyber deer.
I'll check back every few days to see if this baby is actually walking anywhere.