Author Topic: Game Script CT: Magus Rising  (Read 5046 times)


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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2009, 02:00:29 am »
Ok, some more work done on the script and the list. Uh, will probably get around to creating a list of the items within the next couple days. Still very rough draft form. keep that in mind. I expect both the script and the list to change when this actually becomes a project for making the game. Alright, I left off in Chapter two, so I will post from the beginning of that up until where I am now, but the list will be first:

Playable Characters:

Can only equip things to Janus.

Janus spells:
as a kid:
Fire (start with)
Ice  (87 tech points)
Lightning (96 tech points - after learning Ice)
Dark Bomb (weak) (120 tech points - after learning Lightning)

::note - weak means that it is weaker than medium power which is weaker than full effectiveness::

Fire (strong) (same as kid)
Ice (Strong)  (same as kid)
Lightning (Strong) (same as kid)
Dark Bomb (Medium) (same as kid)
Magic Wall (Medium) (180 tech points after learning Dark Bomb)

::note - what I mean by same as kid is that whatever you learn as the kid carries over. Strong means that it is twice as powerful as it was before. Medium means that the spell is at medium strength::

Fire 2 (start with)
Ice 2 (start With)
Lightning 2 (start with)
Dark Bomb (Full effectiveness) (Same as teen)
Magic Wall (Full Effectiveness) (Same as Teen)
Dark Mist (250 tech points after learning Magic Wall)
Black Hole (375 tech points after learning Dark Mist)
Darkmatter (500 tech points after learning Black Hole)

::note - Full Effectiveness should be obvious.::

Rusty Scythe (start out with)
Kid's Scythe (buy)

Wheat Scythe (start as Teen with)
Sharp Sickle (buy)
Sickle of Doom (Find)

Ice Sickle (Find)
Dark Scythe (Find)

Imp Armor (Start with)
Small Plate   (Buy)

Chain Mail (start as Teen with)
Bronze Armor (buy)

Silver Mail (buy)
Raven Armor (Find)

Imp Helm (Start With)

Bronze Helm (Buy)
Iron Hat (Find)

Prophet's Hood (Find)
Doom Helm (Find)


-note- I moved the place where Chapter Two starts, just because it seemed more fitting. -end note-

Chapter 2: A Molehill out of a Mountain

Scene: Ozzy's Fort, Throne Room. Slash is on Ozzy's left and Flea is on his right.

Ozzy: congratulations on passing the first test, kid. The second is just as easy. All you have to do is climb to the top of the little hill behind the forest and retrieve my pants that I accidentally left at the hot springs on top of the mount... the hill. You may run into a few mystics out there who won't appreciate your form, so I'll be sending Slash with you to help.

Janus: many tests are there going to be?

Ozzy: Hey! just get going!

[if you passed the test the first time added script:]
Janus: what about my cookie?

Ozzy: HERE! TAKE YOUR COOKIE AND GO ALREADY!! kids these days...
scene: adds a cookie to your inventory that restores 10 hp.
[added script end]

Scene: Slash joins your party as level 5. Janus should be level 2. It is now time for the player to leave the Fort and Head north to the Mountain behind it. Once at the mountain, Slash stops for a moment to talk to Janus.

Slash: You know how to use that weapon, boy?
Janus: n-not really.
Slash: You will by the end of today, or you will be dead. Got it? Let's go.

Scene: Slash and Janus group back up and make their way up the mountain. random fights and treasures fought and found. Kid's Scythe is found somewhere in the middle of the mountain. They reach the top after all the fights and run into a boss fight, which is just Ozzy in a really fake costume.

::Note - The Scythe Janus starts with can not be sold, but instead stays in his inventory.::

Slash: have to be kidding me.
Janus: My sentiments exactly. Let's do this.
Slash: are you sure you're ready, boy?
Janus: No, but there seems to be no other way.
Slash: Then come on.
Costumed Ozzy: Will you two shut up and attack already?

Scene: Battle commences. Ozzy gives a good show but is eventually worn down and beaten. Janus and Slash dump him out of his costume. They don't look amused.

Ozzy: Haha, it's a good thing I let you guys win, huh. See, I know what you're thinking... no wait... what ARE you thinking?
Janus: ...Do you think he meant for us to bring back those pants hanging from the tree? or the pair he's wearing now?
Ozzy: ...ha...ha ha... *gulp*
Slash: Ugh! let's just grab the ones from the tree. I don't want to see that.
Janus (looking crestfallen): Awww, but it would be so funny!
Slash: No.
Janus (still looking a tad disappointed): Alright...
Ozzy: W-Whew!

Scene: The three are immediately taken back to Ozzy's Fort, Throne Room.

Ozzy: Congratulations, kid. Only one more test to go before you're ready to start the real training.
Janus: But I thought this already was the real training!
Ozzy: Hah! don't you wish. Go prepare. Your next task is to spar with Flea the Magician. She won't go easy on you like I did, so make sure you're ready.
Janus: Alright. Sounds like fun.
Ozzy: FUN!? IT SOUNDS LIKE FUN!?! She's going to tear you inside out, you little brat!
Janus: You're funny when you're mad, Uncle Ozzy. Can I have some cookies, now?
Ozzy: ......fine. Here's some cookies for completing your second test. Now get out of my sight! ....come talk to me when you're ready for the fight.

Scene: Janus receives 5 Cookies.

Chapter 3: A New Friend

Scene: Stocking up for the fight with Flea. After the player is done, back to talk to Ozzy.

Janus: I'm ready.
Ozzy: Uh... well, Flea isn't.
Janus: Huh?
Ozzy: Flea is feeling under the weather today and isn't feeling up to the fight.
Janus: why?
Ozzy (mutters): Apparently I was too rough with her last night...
Janus: What?
Ozzy: err... that is... She's sick! That's why! Go play outside or something.
Janus: play?
Janus: ..ok.

Scene: at this point the only thing open is the Forest, so the player doesn't have much choice where to go to progress the story. Janus enters the forest and starts to wander around a bit, checking things out, when he hears a voice.

Voice: There he is! I told you I saw a human child with those demons, Cyrus.
Cyrus: And it turns out that you were right, Glenn. Hey, are you alright? do you need help?
Janus: No, I'm ok. Who are you guys?
Cyrus: My name is Cyrus, and this is my little brother Glenn.
Glenn: Hi!
Janus: My name is Janus.
Cyrus: Nice to meet you, Janus. Are you sure you're all right? Do you have a family that the Demons took you from?
Janus: No... I have no family. Just my Uncle Ozzy! He's funny. He says humans are inferior and that they must be put in their place.

Cyrus: ...Well, except for bad learning habits, he seems to be Ok, Glenn. And as he has no family it would be more harmful to take him from this 'Uncle Ozzy.'

Glenn: So I can't have a 'nother brother to play with when you're off training with the sword, Cyrus?
Cyrus: Haha, I'm afraid not, Glenn, but I see no harm in you two playing together for a while.
Glenn: Thanks!
Janus: You're training too?
Cyrus: Yes, yes I am. What are you training for?
Janus: I'm not quite sure yet, but it involves fighting and magic.
Cyrus: Really, do you want to test it out real quick?
Janus: Sure!
Glenn: Cool!

Scene: A battle scene begins with Cyrus and Janus.

Cyrus: make sure to hold that Scythe up a bit when you use it. ...Right there, thats it. That way you won't accidentally cut yourself when you swing it. Now, when you do swing it, sweep it around until the stick end hits you from your lower back to your upper back. This will absorb the blow on your end and you'll hardly feel any knockback at all. Got it? Alright then, come at me with your best. I shan't hold back.

Scene: after doing a certain amount of damage to Cyrus, the battle stops.

Cyrus: Very good! I have never seen this good of fighting skills in someone as young as you. You have a brilliant future ahead of you, Janus. Now, I have to go off for a bit to train. Glenn, you and Janus play nice now, ok?
Glenn: Ok. What do you want to play, Janus?
Janus: I dunno. I don't think I've ever 'played' before.
Glenn: Oh.. Hey! I have an idea! You can show me some of that stuff you were using with Cyrus!
Janus: That would be fun. Here, you can have this old Scythe and I'll use this one.
Glenn: Cool!

Scene: Janus and Glenn begin to 'play' fighting, but it isn't long before Glenn has an accident and uses the scythe the wrong way, gashing his leg open.

Janus: Shut up! it's just a scratch! Shhh!

Scene: Cyrus comes running in.

Cyrus: What happened here? You! What were you thinking playing with fighting? Glenn has no experience whatsoever with a weapon, let alone a weapon like this! Get out of here!
Janus: I'm sorry!
Cyrus: Go!

Scene: Janus runs off back to Ozzy's Fort. Cyrus scoops Glenn up and carries him out of the forest to a boat, Janus watches them sail off in the direction of Choras, though he doesn't know that that's where they're headed.

I will be working on Chapter 4 possibly tomorrow or the next day. I'm beginning to hit my stride as far as the story goes, but if I do to much at once, I fear that I will lose interest in it, so I'm going to take my time. I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3. I know I did.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 02:02:53 am by idioticidioms »

Prince Janus

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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2009, 02:51:52 am »
 Sending Janus into the middle ages and starting the whole disaster itself might be moving a little too fast. Why not take that like it were Crono and Marle at the fair? Give the players a little control over Janus, in Zeal, and send him on an easy course through the Ocean Palace, up to Schala? This whole incident shouldn't take very long at all (again, about as much time as you'd normally spend showing Marle around the fair and losing her in the gate.)


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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2009, 03:55:05 am »
Do you mean something like.... this?:


Scene: Black screen

Janus: Mother, No!!
Zeal: Janus? what are you doing here? Go back to bed!
Janus' Father: Ja..nus..., go... g-get.. h..e..l..p..
Janus: Father!? FATHER!!!!

Scene: Zeal Palace, Prince's Quarters. Janus wakes up in his bed, covered in a cold sweat. Schala is beside him.

Schala: Calm down, Janus. You were having that nightmare again.
Janus: It happened, you know. She killed him... with the Black Wind howling beside her... she killed him.
Schala: Everythings going to be Ok, Janus.
Janus: How can you say that?
Schala: As long as you keep hope, anything is possible.

Scene: Schala gives Janus a hug and then leaves. Scene fades out. Janus is woken up by Schala the next morning.

Schala: Hey, do you want to go visit the Earthbound today?
Janus: Why would we do that? Mother says that they're inferior, and their caves stink.
Schala: They're just like you and I, Janus. They just don't have magic, and they stink because we won't let them up here to bathe and look presentable.
Janus: If you say so...
Schala: Oh, come on, please?
Janus: Ok.

Scene: Janus and Schala go to leave, but are stopped by Gespar, the Guru of Time.

Gespar: Schala, the Queen knows you go to visit the Earthbound, and she allows it. But if both her children were to do it, she would take offense. She allows you to go insofar as it keeps you happy.
Schala: What are you suggesting?
Gespar: Let Janus come with me while you go down to visit them. I will keep him out of harms way, and you stay below the Queen's immediate concern. Trust me, you do not wish to be one of her immediate concerns, my dear.
Janus: Please, Schala! I'll behave, I promise!
Schala: ...Ok.
Gespar: And Schala, if it is a boy you are seeing... Well, it should go without saying what would happen if...
Schala: I understand Guru, and that is none of your concern.
Gespar: Very well, Schala. Let it not be said that you were not warned. Come on Janus, today we're going to visit Kajar.
Janus: Yay!

Scene: Janus & Gespar and Schala split ways and the scene fades out. Comes back in on the Guru's Private room in Kajar.

Gespar: Do you understand what a secret is, Janus?
Janus: Yeah, it's something that you hear that you never tell. Schala told me!
Gespar: Very good. This room is a secret, Janus. A secret between you and I. You must not tell anybody.
Janus: Not even Schala?
Gespar: I'm afraid not, Janus. Your mother, th-
Janus: She is not Mother.
Gespar: You are perceptive. She is your Mother, but she is not the same as she used to be. She has grown...
Janus: ...monstrous
Gespar: Indeed. Which is why we Guru's have need of secret rooms like this. We are wary of this beast 'Lavos' that she communes with. It has a very powerful energy but-
Janus: But it feels so bad.
Gespar: Right you are. It has been corrupting the peaceful aura of Zeal since your Mother built that Mammon Machine. I don't know if you knew, but your father... he could feel the evil energy just like we feel it. He went to stop her..
Janus: ...I know...I...I was there.
Gespar: ! That is terrible! I am truly sorry that one your age would have to witness something like that. But you can see why we do not openly resist her.
Janus: Yes.
Gespar: Come though, enough talk about these things, I want to show you something.
Janus: What is it?
Gespar: This is something I've been working on. It is a 'Time Egg', a Chrono Trigger.
Janus: What does it do?
Gespar: It has... well, it WILL have, the ability to repair lost strands, lives, if they're important enough in the grand scheme of things.
Janus: Could it... could it bring back...Father?
Gespar: I don't know, Janus. It is still unfinished. There are a lot of tests to run and a lot of errors to fix before it is finished. I showed it to your Mother once, in it's earliest phases, but she was not interested in bringing the dead back to life. No, she was more interested in keeping the alive... Alive. Forever. But enough about that. It's been a long day and I think your Sister should be back about now. Let's go meet her at the gate, and we can go in together for some cookies.
Janus: Yay! Cookies!
Gespar: Haha, energy seems to be wasted on the young. No matter, let's go.

Scene: Scene fades out. Comes back in on the Prince's Quarters, next day. Schala wakes Janus up again.

Schala: Janus, Janus! Mother says that the Ocean Palace is finished. She wants my presence down there.
Janus: Can I go, too?
Schala: No, it would be too dangerous, you must stay here.
Janus: Awwww... come on.
Schala: I'm sorry, Janus, but you can't come with me this time. Here, this will keep you safe.
Janus: Your amulet?
Schala: It will protect you when I'm not around.

Scene: Schala gives Janus a hug and leaves. Player is now free to move Janus around, but only in Zeal Palace. activation for the next scene is in the Throne room, where Crono and Crew made their way down to the Ocean Palace. There, Janus walks in just in time to see the three Guru's go through the portal to the Ocean Palace and follows. Player still keeps control of Janus through the Ocean Palace. No fights, just simple walk through, up until the last room, where Zeal, Schala, and the Three Guru's are located.

Zeal: Janus! what are you doing here, you bad little child! You're just as bad as these Guru's, sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. All of you, get OUT of my SIGHT!

Scene: Lavos chooses this time to become active and sucks the three Gurus and Janus into Time Gates, sending them each to different era's: Belthazar to the far reaches of 2300 A.D., Melchior to peaceful 1000 A.D., and Gespar to the mysterious End of Time. Janus ends up in rural 600 A.D. surrounded by imps and a curious Ozzy. The Imps attack Janus, beating him nearly to death, when suddenly a power inside reacts and vanquishes them all. Ozzy scoops the child up and takes it back to his Fort.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 07:49:10 am by idioticidioms »

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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2009, 11:48:30 am »
Quote from: Zeal
Janus! what are you doing here, you bad little child! You're just as bad as these Guru's, sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. All of you, get OUT of my SIGHT!

I lawled. Hard. Like, RickRolled hard.

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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2009, 01:49:52 pm »
The introduction is a little chunky, but that should do fine. I'm a little concerned over how old Gaspar treats Janus though. Doesn't he seem old enough to know what a secret is?


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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2009, 02:30:05 pm »
Might be a little too much talking for an intro, but I do like how it's written. Yay cookies!

One little edit: In the line "No, she was more interested in keeping the alive... Alive. Forever", change the first "alive" to "living". Too repetitive otherwise.
nice job so far, keep it up!


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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2009, 05:38:05 pm »
@Captain B - Well, the older you get the more you forget what it was like to be a child. So it would be safe to assume that Gespar, being old, would probably not realize that Janus would know what a secret is. Besides, the game doesn't state how old Janus is at this time. He could be 5 or 6 which is about the time that some kids DO learn what a secret is. Also, I couldn't do any less with it, honestly. You can't just say start in Zeal, and just pick a place to start. You have to include certain things. Trust me, I thought hard about it before beginning to write it. One of my first thoughts was 'cool, I can throw in some stuff, like how kid Janus see's the prophet or Crono & crew, and then have the Adult Janus see kid Janus and Crono & Crew when he comes back to Zeal as the prophet.' But I had to discard that because in CT, it alludes to the fact that Janus' childhood in Zeal was not the same as when Crono & Crew went back and entered it. So, at that point I had to basically create a story for his youth. I mean I couldn't just plop him anywhere in Zeal like you suggested, especially if I intend to still get permission from the Prophet's Guile team to append their script on the end of mine. Some things had to be explained. So, as I said, it couldn't have been any shorter, otherwise it would have been lacking.

@Zephira - Thanks for the advice. I'll look into it. I've been playing some other games recently that have way more talking during the intro. I believe that this will keep fans interested though, whereas some of the games I've played recently are just over-the-top with it. The bad part about these other games is that their overly long intro is usually just words by itself. These will actually be scenes in the game and provide much needed information that is integral to the game. I mean, how DOES Janus know about the Guru's secret room's in Prophet's Guile? How DOES Janus know that Gespar has a device capable of returning lost strands to life? These are things that the players of the games are going to wonder and be interested in seeing answers to. To say that I did this without thought, would be a lie.

For both of you, I did deliberate on the points you brought up before, during, and after I wrote the new prologue. The pros far out-weighed the cons so I went with it. I honestly could do no less and still call myself a fan.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 05:42:32 pm by idioticidioms »


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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #22 on: February 26, 2009, 10:43:20 am »
sorry for the lack of anything new in a while. I've been busy in other aspects and trying to balance relaxation time into the mix. Made some changes to the script. Nothing Major, just bits and pieces. For one, I decided to split it into sections, so it is now labeled as such on the script. Fairly straightforward.

Changed this part of Chapter 1 from what it was (this is the part directly leading into Chapter 2:

Scene: Ozzy's Fort, find your way to Ozzy. This is the player's time to explore his Fort. New rooms and hallways should be added for items and weapons, etc. Also, the mystics in the fort should be programmed to attack Janus, due to him being human. Ozzy is in the throne room. When the player is done, that is where they will find him. Also, this should also be the time where the player is first able to open their menu.

I figured that during the programming of the game, it would probably get boring without having fights everywhere to run into, and given the Mystic's hatred of humans and Janus' human form at the time, I figured that they should attack him. All other changes are minor and don't need to be mentioned at the moment.

I will post the script again in it's entirety when it is completely finished. Until then, I will post the chapters as I crank them out. Here's Chapter 4, the end of his childhood. Next, I will be working on the Teenage Years.

Chapter 4: The Magic Flea

Scene: blackness, and then a voice.

"get up, you little brat."

"I said.. GET UP!!"

scene: blackness fades away revealing Janus's room, namely his bed, with him in it, and Ozzy standing over him.

Janus: wha-what's going on, Uncle Ozzy? -yawn-

Ozzy: Flea is over her little cold. Get up and get ready for her training.

Janus: Right now? Can't I sleep in a little later?

Ozzy: NO! GET UP NOW! spoiled little brat... When you're ready, Flea will be in her room waiting.

Scene: Ozzy floats off as Janus hops out of bed. Player has run of the Fort, to stock up on items, level up, etc. Flea will be in her room when the player is ready.

Scene: Flea's room.

Flea: Are you ready for this, my little brat-prince? Are you ready to feel real power?

Janus: Whatever. Let's just get this over so I can have my nap.

Flea: You're a confident little runt, that's for sure.

Janus: -yawn-

Flea: By the time I'm done with you, you're going to wish you had trained more.

Janus: I thought this was training. Does this mean you want me to go all out?

Flea: Shut up and just fight!

Janus: Okay, if you say so.

Scene: Fight ensues. If player loses, they wake up in Janus' bed the next day and are told to try again. If they win, the story continues.

Scene: Ozzy's Fort, Throne Room. Ozzy brooding and then finally coming to a decision.

Ozzy: You passed all the tests... Impossible! You really are something else, kid.

Janus: It was fun!

Ozzy: Yes, well... Now, you are one of us. But, to be one of us, you have to look like one of us.

Janus: I hope it's not Flea... I don't want to look like her. She's a girl.

Ozzy: Silence! Let me finish. I didn't mean that you would like any one of us exactly. You will still look like you, but with changes enough so you fit in with us without being attacked everywhere you go.

Janus: Cool! when can we do it?

Ozzy: Right now!

Scene: Ozzy shoots a bolt of energy at Janus. Janus is wracked by pain, but unable to scream out, at first.

Janus: .....aaaa...Aaaaaa....AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Scene: Janus blacks out, causing the scene to go black.

"Wake up, my little Magus. I said WAKE UP!"

Scene: blackness recedes, showing Ozzy's Throne Room. Ozzy, Slash and Flea are surrounding Janus as he wakes. Janus is stil very much in pain, but it's quickly receding, leaving his muscles feeling stiff and sore.

Janus: AHH! What did you do to me?!

Scene: Slash and Flea move away from Janus rvealing him now to be of pale complexion and pointed ears. His hair is now darker. Flea conjures a mirror for him to look into.

Janus: .....

Scene: Janus smiles into the mirror and steps back in shock.

Janus: !!What did you do?!

Ozzy: I made you one of us, you idiot! I told you that before I did it.

Janus: I didn't think you meant like this...

Ozzy: It's too late now! It's irreversible! Deal with it.

Janus: ....what did you call me when you woke me up?

Ozzy: ?? I called you my little Magus. Why?

Janus: That is my name now. It suits this form. You will call me it from now on.

Ozzy: Are you ordering me?

Janus: What if I am?

Ozzy: ....You little Brat! ...Fine! If that's what you want to be called, then so be it.

Scene fades out.

On a side note: only the instances I've named will be instances where a game over does not occur. Simply because they relate to the storyline and are not outside of it. All other fights, if lost, will end in a game over if I have my way.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 10:46:19 am by idioticidioms »


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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2009, 04:52:27 pm »
the next scene will be when Magus is a teenager, but I'm having trouble with figuring out where to go with it. I am still thinking on this and it could take a while. Writer's Block is a bitch.


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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2009, 07:25:34 am »
Sorry for the delay. More should be coming soon.

Section 3: Teenage Years

Chapter 5: More Training?

Scene: Mountains Northeast of Guardia Castle. Glenn, now a teenager, helps Cyrus, now a young adult, train to become a Knight of Guardia. Enter the scene as Cyrus and Glenn's swords meet one last time and Cyrus puts his to rest in his sheathe.

Cyrus: Good match, old friend. I really think you should become a Knight, too, Glenn. It would be good for you.

Glenn: Good for me? Pray tell, what do you mean by that?

Cyrus: Nothing bad. I mean, you're soft, Glenn. You roll over too easily for other people.

Glenn: ...There is nothing wrong with being kind.

Cyrus: There is when people use your kindness as a weakness and walk all over you. You need to learn when to stand up for yourself.

Glenn: Exactly, and the position of a Knight is that of protecting the Kingdom as well as the King and Queen and royal heirs. Who am I to protect them when I can not even protect myself?

Cyrus: But Glenn! You far outmatch anyone else with the blade who is signing up. Who better to protect the kingdom than you and I? If we are the best, then we are needed.

Glenn: Nay, I can not bring myself to be put in that situation. I... I am not worthy.

Cyrus: That's Bull-

Glenn: Enough! Just... enough already. Let us have this conversation another time, if we must.

Cyrus: ...Ok, Glenn. Hey, you want to go to the new pub in Choras that opened up?

Glenn: A new pub has been built? We've been away for too long, Cyrus, hahaha.

Cyrus: I know what you mean. They're breaking out their best bottles for the occasion, too.

Glenn: mmmmmm, That is just the break I have been looking for from training.

Cyrus: I still need to get together a few things, so we'll meet later at the boat to Choras.

Glenn: Assuredly. I will see you then.

Scene: Cyrus walks off, leaving Glenn to finish gathering his stuff. Fades out to pick up on Ozzy's Fort, The Throne Room. Ozzy sits in his Throne with Flea and Slash to his left and right respectively, standing. Janus enters now, a teenager with a pasty-white countenance, beginners Widows Peak, and piercing eyes that hold just the hint of sadness and alienation within them, and a set of pointed ears. Will be labeled as Magus from now on.

Ozzy: About time you get here. I sent the order out for you to be here an hour ago!

Magus: Oh... are you talking now?


Scene: Janus pierces Ozzy with a stare and Ozzy freezes mid sentence

Magus: Not so little anymore, 'Uncle' Ozzy. We both know why I am here today. I am ready for my inheritance, now. You will give it to me and then step down.

Ozzy: -grumbles- no good little brat... Of course I will. But first! another test.

Magus: Enough with your tests. I grow weary of them and they only serve to prove one thing and one thing only: That I far exceed anything you could ever throw at me.

Ozzy: HAHA, you're right, of course, so far. But... You do have to do this test, or your 'inheritance' is null and void, dear child.

Magus: Fine. Might as well get it out of the way early and have the rest of the night for other things. What is it that I must do?

Ozzy: Nothing major. Just an incidental report from Choras Village asking for help against a rogue beast that has been attacking lately, ruining harvests and food stocks. Nothing that you, the great prince of demons, can't accomplish.

Magus: Huh, I think you might be setting me up. No matter, though. After this night is done, the throne will be mine, and you will be back to where you should be in the chain of command.

Ozzy: ....

Magus: Well, I'll leave you with that thought until after I dispense with the beast. Enjoy your hope that I'll fall beneath it's fury. It shall be short-lived. I am curious, though. Choras is a settlement of humans. Why should they ask for us to dispose of a beast for them?

Ozzy: They are weak, but smart. They talk of peace, but it will be another instance of Mystics doing the dirty work of Humans. We'll take care of them at our leisure, though. Now stop asking questions and go. Your insolence is trying my patience.

Magus: You're going to enjoy all the tedious and minor little assignments I'll be giving you when I assume your position at the head of the Mystic army.

Ozzy: ....

Scene: Magus exits the throne room, leaving Ozzy in a fury. Fades out and picks up on Janus outside of the Throne room doors in Ozzy's Fort where the player will control Magus through the Fort, collecting any new items, checking the shops for new goodies, etc. Eventual goal is the dock, for departure to the Choras area. Boat ride is uneventful. Upon arrival to the new continent, Player may move Magus around and check out the surroundings, but the main goal is the town and the mayor within the town.

Mayor: Thank Goodness you've come. I didn't think that anyone would help us, let alone the Mystics, but we had to try, and here you are. Thank you.

Magus: ...Your welcome. Now, about this beast of yours...

Mayor: Oh yes, the beast is in the mountains to the north, past the ruins. It comes down during the night to feed on our livestock, tear apart our food supplies and grain, torment any people caught outside, alwa-

Magus: That should be enough. Consider the beast taken care of.

Mayor: But.. you haven't even seen the beast yet... how can... when... no, how...

Magus: Enough. I'll be back when the job is done.

Mayor: but...

Scene: Magus walks out, leaving behind a very puzzled Mayor. Player is now able to visit the mountains north of Choras. Beast is at the top, of course. Magus fights the beast, showing off (for the first time?) his new Teen magic, which is just upgraded forms of his childhood magic, which do more damage. Once the fight is done, with the outcome in favor of Magus, the game proceeds.


  • Guest
Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2009, 10:08:30 pm »
Work on this project is being halted until such a time as I have permission from Square-Enix to continue my work on it. Thanks to those of you who have been loyal readers thus far. Hopefully, we'll see a time where this project continues.


  • Guest
Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2009, 07:04:10 pm »
Sadly, this project must be discontinued. I had hoped to continue work on it, but Squeenix has given their final word on the matter and it was a big fat negatory.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 07:35:10 pm by idioticidioms »