I can't progress any further when Zeal comes up from the Lavos Crater area. Ayla attacks him, gets stuck on his head and that's it. Everything just freezes pretty much.
Edit: Also, the monsters like the Avion Rex and Megasaur are horribly tough. Lightning at max on Avion Rex does 60 damage and physical can get to 100 when critical hit, and that's with my team around level 12-15. You'll either have to use A LOT of tonics or just run away from almost every battle with 2 or more of those things mixed with something else.
Edit 2: The 2305 AD or what one Chronopolis is when you go down to the land is really screwy when you do the select map. Same thing when you're Marle alone on the place with Cedric. It says 1999 AD on the little corner icon when you're idle, but says 1 AD on select map.
Edit 3: The monsters in 2301 AD I think it is, (I'm getting lost with all these years X_X) are horrendously overpowered. Lucca's level 16 and Robo's 17 and they can't even break 90 damage on any of the monsters. 1 hit takes about 100-200 life off me every time when my defenses are around 80-110
Edit 4: The boss battle with the reptites that talk about the Maverick Virus, you can run away from it.
Edit 5: The Vision Serpent attacks once with the laser, then it randomly loses it's bottom half. It's palette also doens't flow like the Mother Brain's did.
Edit 6: That was interesting seeing Crono freak out. IN any case, you can run away from the battle with all the reptties at the top of Dinopolis
Edut 7: There's a random Krawlie stuck in a wall

Edit 8: the spacing on the chapter "The Gray Forgotten" is really strange. It's pushed too far over to the right.