i agree with you on most of those, with some minor differences.
AY luh (like say or hey or pay)
may-jus (mage + jus[t])
MAH gus (like bag fuss)
this one's actually the same, but i thought more recently that maybe it could be MEL quar or MELK yar.
this would more closely resemble the other two gurus pronunciations:
ep-uck (I'm pretty sure that's how it's intended; uck as in yuck)
EP ock (like clock or sock)
gaw-toe (as in the Spanish word for cat)
GAY toe or GAY doe (like plato or playdough)
KAD jar (like bad czar)
poor RAY (like a moray eel?)
it always fascinates me how different everybody hears these names. it's one of the most fundamental aspects of the game, what to call everything.