Author Topic: Confusion with The Dead Sea  (Read 2573 times)


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Confusion with The Dead Sea
« on: April 12, 2005, 11:15:07 am »
I read the Article "Salt for the Dead Sea" but I am still a bit confused.

Starx quoted on GameFAQS:
My quote:
However, to say Crono, Marle, and Lucca is dead at that time is to imply that Crono, Marle, and Lucca lost the battle to Lavos, an impossibility.

Your quote:
How so? If they defeated Lavos and then were killed afterwards that wouldn't prevent Lavos from being defeated.

You completely missed the point yet again.
The future that is about to become is the future in which Lavos rules the world, or the original future if you want to put it that way.
In order for that to happen Crono, Marle, and Lucca MUST lose or has already died or does not exist.
An impossibility or paradox, because Chrono Cross cannot happen if that were the case.

Which is why the Dead Sea represents the future which will happen, but has not yet happen.

If Lavos has to exist for the Dead Sea to be there, then why is it there if Lavos was defeated in both dimensions. Since the dimensional split occured in 1004AD? That means that Lavos was still defeated, causing the Time Devourer to still exist and CC to exit. And how is this future yet to happen because Lavos was destroyed. I would think that the Dead Sea would reflect nothing if the Time Devourer would have destroyed it...

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Also I still don't understand. Why does FATE want to preserve the Dead Sea if it's a future where it doesn't even exist. Also if everything in the Dead Sea is real, then doesn't that mean that it was exchanged inplace of Chronopolis and was merly sent back to it's normal future instead of going to the DBT? If it did go to the DBT, wouldn't that mean automatically that Serge would win one day?


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Confusion with The Dead Sea
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2005, 12:00:31 pm »
The dimensional split occurred in 1004 A.D. Lavos goes undefeated simply because there weren't two dimensions at all when Crono and the gang originally took him out. While historically, time traveling that predates the split might be preserved somehow, it isn't in the future, since Crono is still departing from Another World to the future of Another World; he cannot cross dimensions with his time traveling. This is the background for the Armageddon Branch Theory. Suffice it to say if you subscribe to that theory or not, Crono is defeated this time around, or prevented from finishing his mission in Home World. It is unique to Home, and Home is the anomaly.

The Time Devourer hasn't matured, and if he had, the game would have ended, as all space time continua would be immediately consumed. He's out of this really.

FATE keeps the Dead Sea around because the Home World version of the Frozen Flame is still there. To explain this and the other stuff, know that the entire Sea of Eden exists ten thousand years in the future, and entering it is like using a Gate. When the dimensions split, the future became ruin in Home World, and instead of a nice little Chronopolis in it, we have destruction. It exists, it just hasn't "happened yet" and won't until 1999 A.D., most likely. The talk that it is a future that isn't supposed to exist, I believe, it symbolical; Crono was supposed to save the future, but in Home World his efforts are nullified and that future comes back into existence.


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Confusion with The Dead Sea
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2005, 12:22:27 pm »
If I understand the question correctly, the survival of Lavos in the future of Home Dimension will not undo the events of the Time Crash because Chronopolis is still constructed in the future of Another Dimension.  Home is an offshoot dimension, so it does not affect the causality of Another.


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Confusion with The Dead Sea
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2005, 02:31:57 pm »
i try to argue over there on GameFAQs, but starx sometimes, and constant varible because hes a crackpot, really make things more confusing than they need be.


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Confusion with The Dead Sea
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2005, 04:20:28 pm »
I don't see any reason to take part in such an unproductive dialogue.


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Confusion with The Dead Sea
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2005, 05:15:43 am »
I have a theory. Make that 2.

1) It's not Lavos that destroys Chronopolis and the world in 11,010AD It's the Time Devourer. It's still part lavos, so it would need to reproduce, Launching parts of itself into the sky is part of its reproductive process. this brings me to theory 2.

2) The Frozen Flame, being a part of lavos, grows and matures in Home World in the infinite loop of chronopolis's time crash, until it eventually burrows into the earth, stopping the loop, and emerges in 11,010AD to do what lavos does best.

Of course, for 2 to work, Lavos would have to reproduce asexually via Mitosis, much like a starfish can. Not entirely implausible, since lavos can obviously use DNA of other species to perfect itself. what better way to provide  abackup plan then being able to split off a part of yourself and just leave it and let it grow into a brand new you?

what do you think?


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Confusion with The Dead Sea
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2005, 06:47:41 pm »
#1:  The TD would not destroy the world like how Lavos did.  It would consume all space time, ending the universe, past, present, and future.  There would be nothing left but the TD.

#2: Possible.