After experiencing the end result, would you be happy with the product in comparison to other "official" games of this type? Do you feel happy enough with the end result that you can imagine it as worthy competition "It's just as good as anything on the shelves, if not better"
Are you regretting not being able to implement something you thought might have made the game feel more complete, or felt something was missing and would add that something in now if you could to give it that "Finished" game feel? Can be a scene, character, graphic, song, subroutine, engine tweak...
Last question, what one aspect was the absolute toughest to work on, a map or event or script that drove you mad because getting this aspect to turn out like the version in your head and what you see during testing became ulcer inducing? Was it worth all the trouble once it got working as planned? Did someone point out the problem as something obvious, followed by cursing, headbanging?