I have recently began CC again to fill in my Spring Break until I have to go back to the University in a couple weeks.
For the first time, I rejected Kid on every occasion and was able to get Leena, Glenn, and Macha (plus more frames I missed on my playthroughs many years ago)!! Since I am using New Game+, enemies are no problem - Serge has a Spectral Swallow and I gave Pierre the Slasher (these are my heavy hitters) from my previous playthroughs. NOW... I finished clearing the fog and Ghost Ship from the Sea to get to Mount Pyre, but do I have to go back to Guldove to get Kid and Doc? OR can I advance up Mount Pyre and keep healing the lava HP drain to face the Devas and enter Fort Dragonia (without also getting aide from the Water Dragon)...? I know I'll have to get Kid eventually, but when do I have to make that pit-stop?
*phew*!!!! Once answered, I'll remove this topic, but I am just dying to know... as I have never played these particular paths before and I am hitting the hay now to pick it up sometime in the new day (I had a hard time rejecting Kid... LOL!!!!).